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To make things simple for me i plan to write my own code in XML using Arne Bartels Traffic radar DLL. So i have downloaded Doug Dawson’s re-packaging of it for FSX.

But the zip file has great instructions but all the variables don't seem to work with the new FSX version.
Where is a list of all the FSX variables for this new version?

I also have been reading FSMAP_GUIDEBOOK_v.2.0.1 PDF and it says i must have this DLL as well. But the sample xml is in images and not sure if they are ready to work. There is a update and a mouse section. Does this work how it's written?

Can someone even paste a simple code that will get me started showing the overlay and trackup = 1.
To make things simple, I'd highly suggest you use Doug's repackage of Arne Bartels TCAS for FSX. Documentation of variables and installation instructions are included in the zip file. It's all there.
But the zip file has great instructions but all the variables don't seem to work with the new FSX version.
AFAIK, this works well with all versions of FSX and probably P3D as well.

I also have been reading FSMAP_GUIDEBOOK_v.2.0.1 PDF and it says i must have this DLL as well. But the sample xml is in images and not sure if they are ready to work. There is a update and a mouse section. Does this work how it's written?

Can someone even paste a simple code that will get me started showing the overlay and trackup = 1.

Regarding the TCAS overlay described in FSMAP Guidebook, a few points:

1. It's completely different than Bartels' TCAS and you do not need Doug/Arne's module for this TCAS rendition

2. You do need XMLTools by Tom Aguilo, however, as I make use of the XMLVARS feature. In the avoidance of confusion, note that Doug/Arne's Traffic Radar module and Tom's XMLTools are different and separate modules. Depending on which TCAS route you go, you need one or the other, but not both modules.

3. Does it work how it's written? Yes, of course.

4. The sample xml is in images. I'm not sure what you're looking at. The TCAS chapter in the Guidebook doesn't show any XML script at all. I guess you downloaded the Example XML Map Gauges.zip file also? The link is below the one used to download the Guidebook. That file contains a complete XML gauge, but not just the TCAS overlay stuff. It also demonstrates other things covered in the guidebook such as TAWS, stationary vs. moving map, and overlay/mouse click calibration, so if you're interested in going this TCAS route, you'll need to focus on just the TCAS parts of the gauge.


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Resource contributor
This is what I'm using in an A32x MFD with Doug's recompiled TCAS gauge. The code is courtesy of Lzamm, who used it in the mod EHSI for the Metroliner.

<!-- TCAS Macros -->
<!-- TCAS code bits courtesy of LZamm -->
<Macro Name="TCASOn"><MacroValue>(A:CIRCUIT GENERAL PANEL ON,bool) (L:Inertial Sys OnOff,number) 0 == and (L:tempo_adirs,number) 1 == and</MacroValue></Macro>
<Macro Name="TCASRange"><MacroValue>320 160 80 40 20 10 6 (L:Display Scale, number) case</MacroValue></Macro>
<Macro Name="TAColor"><MacroValue>%('0x0000FF' '0x00FFFF' (L:A32x TCAS STATE,enum) 2 == ? )</MacroValue></Macro>
<Macro Name="TCASMinAlt"><MacroValue>50</MacroValue></Macro>
<Macro Name="TAMaxRange"><MacroValue>5</MacroValue></Macro>
<Macro Name="TAMaxNum"><MacroValue>5</MacroValue></Macro>
<Macro Name="TARange"><MacroValue>2.5</MacroValue></Macro>
<Macro Name="RARange"><MacroValue>1.5</MacroValue></Macro>
<Macro Name="TAAlt"><MacroValue>1200</MacroValue></Macro>
if{ (C:fs9traffic:brightness) 0 &gt; d (>L:TrafficRadarAvail,bool)
if{ (C:fs9traffic:advisory,number) (>L:A32x TCAS STATE,enum) }
els{ (P:ABSOLUTE TIME,seconds) (L:A32x TCAS NEXTSET,seconds) &gt;
if{ (P:ABSOLUTE TIME,seconds) 1 + (>L:A32x TCAS NEXTSET,seconds)
(A:PLANE LONGITUDE, radians) (>C:ITrafficInfo:Longitude, radians)
@TAMaxNum (>C:ItrafficInfo:MaxVehicles)
@TAMaxRange (>C:ItrafficInfo:Radius, nmiles)
0x51 (>C:ItrafficInfo:Filter) }
(C:ITrafficInfo:ListSize) 0 &gt;
if{ 0 (>C:ITrafficInfo:CurrentVehicle)
(A:PLANE LONGITUDE,degrees) (>C:fs9gps:GeoCalcLongitude1,degrees)
(A:PLANE LATITUDE,degrees) (>C:fs9gps:GeoCalcLatitude1,degrees)
(C:ITrafficInfo:C:PLANE LONGITUDE,degrees) (>C:fs9gps:GeoCalcLongitude2,degrees)
(C:ITrafficInfo:C:PLANE LATITUDE,degrees) (>C:fs9gps:GeoCalcLatitude2,degrees)
(C:fs9gps:GeoCalcDistance,nmiles) (>L:A32x TCAS RANGE,nmiles)
(C:fs9gps:GeoCalcBearing,degrees) (A:GPS GROUND TRUE HEADING, degrees) - (>L:A32x TCAS BRG,degrees) }
(C:ITrafficInfo:ListSize) 0 &gt; (L:A32x TCAS RANGE,nmiles) @TARange &lt; and (L:A32x TCAS RANGE,nmiles) 0 &gt; and
(C:ITrafficInfo:C:PLANE ALTITUDE,feet) (A:INDICATED ALTITUDE,feet) - abs @TAAlt &lt; and
if{ 2 1 (L:A32x TCAS RANGE,nmiles) @RARange &lt; ? (>L:A32x TCAS STATE,enum) }
els{ 0 (>L:A32x TCAS STATE,enum) } }

(A:RADIO HEIGHT,feet) @TCASMinAlt &gt;
if{ (L:A32x TCAS STATE,enum) (L:A32x TCAS NEWSTATE,enum) &gt; if{ 1 (>L:A32x TCAS ALERT SOUND,bool) }
(L:A32x TCAS STATE,enum) (>L:A32x TCAS NEWSTATE,enum) }
els{ 0 (>L:A32x TCAS NEWSTATE,enum) }

<!-- TCAS -->
<Visibility>@TCASOn (L:TrafficRadarAvail,bool) and</Visibility>
<MaskImage id="mfd_expanded_map_mask.bmp" Name="mfd_expanded_map_mask.bmp">
<CustomDraw id="CustomDraw" Name="fs9traffic:tcas">
<CustomDrawParam id="CustomDrawParam" Name="FixedResolution">
<CustomDrawParam id="CustomDrawParam" Name="Heading">
<Value>(A:GPS GROUND TRUE HEADING, degrees)</Value>
<CustomDrawParam id="CustomDrawParam" Name="Range">
<Value>@TCASRange 0.715 *</Value>
<CustomDrawParam id="CustomDrawParam" Name="MaxRange">
<CustomDrawParam id="CustomDrawParam" Name="SymbolSize">
<CustomDrawParam id="CustomDrawParam" Name="ProximityColour">
<CustomDrawParam id="CustomDrawParam" Name="OtherDetail">
<Value>10 0 (L:A32x TCAS XPDR Selector,number) 3 &gt;= ?</Value>
<CustomDrawParam id="CustomDrawParam" Name="ProximityDetail">
<Value>14 0 (L:A32x TCAS XPDR Selector,number) 3 &gt;= ?</Value>
<CustomDrawParam id="CustomDrawParam" Name="TADetail">
<Value>14 0 (L:A32x TCAS XPDR Selector,number) 3 &gt;= ?</Value>
<CustomDrawParam id="CustomDrawParam" Name="RADetail">
<Value>14 0 (L:A32x TCAS XPDR Selector,number) 3 &gt;= ?</Value>
<CustomDrawParam id="CustomDrawParam" Name="OtherAboveAlt">
<Value>500 9900 2700 3 (L:A32x TCAS Above Below Switch,number) case</Value>
<CustomDrawParam id="CustomDrawParam" Name="OtherBelowAlt">
<Value>9900 500 2700 3 (L:A32x TCAS Above Below Switch,number) case</Value>

While not perfect by any means (needs better scaling to match the distance to the range rings on the MFD) and tailored to the A32x, this can get you started.
Both reply's have great info. I want to use the Doug/Arne's Traffic Radar module as this should make the coding lighter.
So thanks for posting a sample code to get me started. I usually just need a kick start!
I will post back once i have some progress.
Is it normal to get invalid variable name errors as i use a panel or gauge error checker. because this is what happened when i tried using the instructions the other day for Doug/Arne's Traffic Radar module.

Nothing is showing up. Should i use a 1.0 gauge type or a SimBase type format.
Can the module be in the panel folder or does it have to be in the main fsx module folder?
Why is there a folder called TrafficRadar with C++ files? If i am using the module i do not need anything else?

Can you suggest a few instructions what i need to do to get this code to show up. Like the gauge format where to put the DLL. Any tips on what may need to be changed to fit a 1024, 1024 gauge size. Also do i need any other scripts or DLL's as i am also reading the XML traffic radar 2.0 PDF instructions.
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Resource contributor
Traffic Radar needs to have a dll.xml entry. Mine looks like this:
    <Name>Traffic Radar</Name>
    <Path>E:\FSX Modules\TrafficRadar.dll</Path>

You obviously can put it anywhere you like as long as you adapt the path accordingly.

There's a "Float position" and "size" parameter for the overlay element, so you can scale the gauge as you see fit.


Resource contributor
Here is the TCAS scripts for Arne's module as used in my GNS530 gauge. Note that the actual TCAS script is part of the entire <CustomDraw...> section towards the bottom:

           <CustomDraw Name="fs9gps:1:map" X="266" Y="228" LayerTerrain="Yes" LayerBorders="Yes" LayerFlightPlan="Yes" FlightPlanLineWidth="1.5" ActiveColorLayerFlightPlan="0x7010B0" PastColorLayerFlightPlan="0xF0F0F0" ColorLayerFlightPlan="0xF0F0F0" Bright="Yes">
               <CenterX>(L:GNS530_1_DataFields,enum) 0 == (@g:currentPageNAV) @kNAVPageMap and and if{ 110 } els{ 137 }</CenterX>
               <CenterY>(@g:currentPageNAV) @kNAVPageDflt == if{ 180 } els{ 108 }</CenterY>
               <Zoom>(@g:map_ZoomFactor) 1852.0 *</Zoom>
               <Latitude>(A:GPS POSITION LAT, Radians)</Latitude>
               <Longitude>(A:GPS POSITION LON, Radians)</Longitude>
               <Heading>(A:GPS GROUND TRUE TRACK, Radians)</Heading>
               <DetailLayerTerrain>(@g:setup_ColorTerrain) 0 == if{ 1 } els{ 2 }</DetailLayerTerrain>
               <LayerAirports>(@g:map_ZoomFactor) 500 &lt; 3 (@g:currentPageNAV) @kNAVPageDflt == if{ (@g:navPage0DetailLevel) } els{ (@g:navPage1DetailLevel) } &gt; and</LayerAirports>
               <LayerVORs>(@g:map_ZoomFactor) 200 &lt; 2 (@g:currentPageNAV) @kNAVPageDflt == if{ (@g:navPage0DetailLevel) } els{ (@g:navPage1DetailLevel) } &gt; and</LayerVORs>
               <LayerILSs>(@g:map_ZoomFactor) 50 &lt; 2 (@g:currentPageNAV) @kNAVPageDflt == if{ (@g:navPage0DetailLevel) } els{ (@g:navPage1DetailLevel) } &gt; and</LayerILSs>
               <LayerNDBs>(@g:map_ZoomFactor) 100 &lt; 2 (@g:currentPageNAV) @kNAVPageDflt == if{ (@g:navPage0DetailLevel) } els{ (@g:navPage1DetailLevel) } &gt; and</LayerNDBs>
               <LayerIntersections>(@g:map_ZoomFactor) 100 &lt; 2 (@g:currentPageNAV) @kNAVPageDflt == if{ (@g:navPage0DetailLevel) } els{ (@g:navPage1DetailLevel) } &gt; and</LayerIntersections>
               <ObjectDetailLayerAirspaces>(@g:currentPageNAV) @kNAVPageDflt == if{ (@g:navPage0DetailLevel) } els{ (@g:navPage1DetailLevel) } 1 &gt;= if{ @kAlwaysDisplayedAirspaces } els{ @kAlwaysDisplayedAirspaces }</ObjectDetailLayerAirspaces>
               <ColorLayerAirspaces>(@g:setup_ColorTerrain) 0 == if{ 0x808080 } els{ 0xFFFFFF }</ColorLayerAirspaces>
               <ObjectDetailLayerAirports>0 0 0 0 0 0 0x5 0x5 0x7 0x7 0x1F 0x1F 0x1F 0x1F 0x4F 0x4F 0x4F 0x4F 0x4F 0x4F 0x4F 0x4F 0x4F 0x4F 24 (@g:map_ZoomStep) case</ObjectDetailLayerAirports>
               <TextDetailLayerAirports>0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 (@g:map_ZoomStep) case</TextDetailLayerAirports>
               <TextDetailLayerVORs>0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 (@g:map_ZoomStep) case</TextDetailLayerVORs>
               <TextDetailLayerILSs>0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 (@g:map_ZoomStep) case</TextDetailLayerILSs>
               <TextDetailLayerNDBs>0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 (@g:map_ZoomStep) case</TextDetailLayerNDBs>
               <TextDetailLayerIntersections>0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 (@g:map_ZoomStep) case</TextDetailLayerIntersections>
               <ObjectDetailLayerFlightPlan>0xE 0xF (@c:FlightPlanIsActiveApproach) ?</ObjectDetailLayerFlightPlan>
               <TrackUp>(@g:currentPageNAV) @kNAVPageDflt ==</TrackUp>
               <!-- TerrainShadow>True</TerrainShadow> -->
              <!-- =============FSX TCAS ============== -->
              <ColorLayerVehicles>(@g:setup_ColorTerrain) 1 == if{ 0x006666 } els{ 0x44ffff }</ColorLayerVehicles>
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I am use to Bill's and Doug's other DLL's and they do not need a APPDATA entry. But just like FUIPC i can see why it needs one. So thanks Heretic as info is now showing up.:laughing::laughing:

And Bill will try this code and others and see what suits me best for a VSI TCAS gauge.
Everything is going great and using Arne's DLL makes the coding light. But i found a small issue. The mask that came with the example works and shows the traffic. But i seem to not know how to make this mask because i try an alpha and save 24 bit and it does not work. How do i create a mask for a gauge? I made one such a long time ago i forgot.

I also am having trouble finding documentation for a Collins TVI-900 or a TVI-900B.
Or any manual may help so i know what the mode or A/B button does.
I have 2 more questions. Reading the PDF with the list of variables how can i write a variable for AI above my aircraft and below so i can show 2 images when this occurs?

And the biggest question i have is the TCAS option only seems to show traffic at 2nm out. You can zoom from 2nm to 40nm but this does not show more AI further out it only increases the scale on the screen for 2nm. This is odd. Do i have to choose Radar rather than TCAS to get more distance? Because 2NM on a TCAS is for the very area where the symbols should be red. Which i also found that i am getting no red.

Here is my code so far.
    <Update  Hidden="No">
        35 (&gt;C:fs9traffic:timeSeparationTA,number)
        0 (&gt;C:fs9traffic:timeSeparationRA,number)
        1 (&gt;C:fs9traffic:distSeparationTA,number)
        0 (&gt;C:fs9traffic:distSeparationRA,number)
        1200 (&gt;C:fs9traffic:altSeparationTA,number)
        0 (&gt;C:fs9traffic:altSeparationRA,number)

        <Visible>(A:ELECTRICAL AVIONICS BUS VOLTAGE,Volts) 3.0 &gt;</Visible>
            <Position X="0" Y="0"/>
            <MaskImage Name="TCAS_MASK.bmp" ImageSizes="1024,1024"/>
            <CustomDraw Name="fs9traffic:tcas" X="1024" Y="1024" SymbolSize="12.0"
               OtherColour="0xF0F0F0" ProximityColour="0xF0F0F0" TAColour="0xFFFF00" RAColour="0xFF0000"
                MaxDispNumAct="15" MaxNumAct="15" MaxRange="40" ProximityRange="40" >
                <Heading>(A:GPS GROUND TRUE HEADING, degrees)</Heading>
                <Range>(C:fs9traffic:range,number) 2 max 40 min d (&gt;C:fs9traffic:range,number)</Range>
                <Brightness> (C:fs9traffic:Brightness,number) 255 max 255 min  d (&gt;C:fs9traffic:brightness,number)</Brightness>
            <Position X="400" Y="200"/>
            <Visible>(C:fs9traffic:Advisory,number) 0 > </Visible>
            <Text X="540" Y="80" Length="7" Font="QUARTZ" FontSize="80" Adjust="Left" VerticalAdjust="Center" Color="%('0x0000ff' '0x00ffff' '0xffff7f' 3 (C:fs9traffic:advisory,number) case)" Multiline="No" >
            <Position X="846" Y="48"/>
            <Text X="180" Y="90" Length="2" Font="QUARTZ" FontSize="90" Adjust="Left" VerticalAdjust="Center" Color="0xFFFFFF" Multiline="No" >
                <String>%((C:fs9traffic:range,number) )%!2d!%</String>

      <Position X="0" Y="0"/>
          <Value>(C:OtherAboveAlt, Feet) 500 &lt; </Value>
         <Case Value="1">
              <Image Name="DECEND.bmp" ImageSizes="1024,1024"/>


        <Position X="520" Y="512" />
        <Image Name="VSI_POINTER.bmp">
            <Axis X="0" Y="30" PointsTo="East" />
            <Value Minimum="-60" Maximum="60">(A:Vertical speed,feet per minute) 100 /</Value>
                <Item Value="-60" X="914" Y="617" />
                <Item Value="-50" X="894" Y="684" />
                <Item Value="-40" X="855" Y="743" />
                <Item Value="-30" X="760" Y="845" />
                <Item Value="-20" X="630" Y="900" />
                <Item Value="-10" X="324" Y="857" />
                <Item Value="-5" X="181" Y="714" />
                <Item Value="0" X="127" Y="509" />
                <Item Value="5" X="181" Y="311" />
                <Item Value="10" X="329" Y="164" />
                <Item Value="20" X="630" Y="128" />
                <Item Value="30" X="760" Y="183" />
                <Item Value="40" X="855" Y="282" />
                <Item Value="50" X="894" Y="342" />
                <Item Value="60" X="914" Y="406" />
            <Delay DegreesPerSecond="40" />
                <GAUGE_VERTICAL_SPEED Action="Freeze" />

        <Area Left="800" Top="0" Width="80" Height="80">
            <Area Left="0" Right="40">
                <Cursor Type="DownArrow" Repeat="Yes" />
                <Click Repeat="Yes" >(C:fs9traffic:range,number) 2 /  (&gt;C:fs9traffic:range,number)</Click>
            <Area Left="40" Right="80">
                <Cursor Type="UpArrow" Repeat="Yes" />
                <Click Repeat="Yes" >(C:fs9traffic:range,number) 2 *  (&gt;C:fs9traffic:range,number)</Click>

P.S. I still need help on how to make a mask texture as i borrowed one from the G1000 and re scaled it. So that works but i still want to remind myself how to make one. Since i make alpha textures all the time.
P.S. I still need help on how to make a mask texture ........

I use colour " 010101 " for the mask area that I want the radar/map display to show up in .

Same radar , 2 different modes , each display has it's own mask .
Green area is mask colour 010101

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Resource contributor
<Area Left="800" Top="0" Width="80" Height="80">
<Area Left="0" Right="40">
<Cursor Type="DownArrow" Repeat="Yes" />
<Click Repeat="Yes" >(C:fs9traffic:range,number) 2 / (&gt;C:fs9traffic:range,number)</Click>

</Area> <Area Left="40" Right="80">
<Cursor Type="UpArrow" Repeat="Yes" />
<Click Repeat="Yes" >(C:fs9traffic:range,number) 2 * (&gt;C:fs9traffic:range,number)</Click> </Area> </Area>

Your mouse actions aren't set up correctly. Perhaps it should be 2 - and 2 + instead?
Your mouse actions aren't set up correctly. Perhaps it should be 2 - and 2 + instead?

I won't be using any mouse click because the TVI-900 has no knobs.

P.S. Today i got everything working. Sound for TA and RA. Images to show for RA.
And 3 different colors for symbols based on 3 modes.
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Resource contributor
Yes, I watched your Facebook video link. Looks nice so far! :wave:


Resource contributor
Did you have to do anything to the gauge code to get the distance scaling for TCAS targets right, DG?
Because that's something I've been struggling with on the A32x MFD. distance in sim and on the TCAS never matched the range rings on the MFD.
Yes, I watched your Facebook video link. Looks nice so far! :wave:

Ok learned a lot today from sharing my video which i figured would help. So now i work on improving the gauge today. I also will be using new sounds.

Now i got to figure out how to detect the AI vertical so i can make more complex rules when the pilot should stay level climb or descend.
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Did you have to do anything to the gauge code to get the distance scaling for TCAS targets right, DG?
Because that's something I've been struggling with on the A32x MFD. distance in sim and on the TCAS never matched the range rings on the MFD.

Traffic range is 15NM miles by default for the TCAS and for Radar it says present range.

I simply put the range to 10NM with no way to change it. See this code in my earlier post to be able to scale with mouse clicks.
<Range>(C:fs9traffic:range,number) 10 max 10 min d (&gt;C:fs9traffic:range,number)</Range>

I also found when i was testing at KSFO traffic would only start at 2.1 NM When i moved over to another airport then it would read to what ever the max range was set for. So that is why i had a issue at first. There is a bug near that area.


Also the PDF said that all the RA's were not working because he had the code set to zero. Now this is working with range and all 3 modes come to life with 3 colors.
       35 (&gt;C:fs9traffic:timeSeparationTA,number)
       25 (&gt;C:fs9traffic:timeSeparationRA,number)
        2.0 (&gt;C:fs9traffic:distSeparationTA,number)
        0.8 (&gt;C:fs9traffic:distSeparationRA,number)
        850 (&gt;C:fs9traffic:altSeparationTA,number)
        600 (&gt;C:fs9traffic:altSeparationRA,number)


Resource contributor
The range code seems a bit excessive to me. Shouldn't "10 (&gt;C:fs9traffic:range,number)" work as well?

But thanks for the input. Maybe I'll try your implementation method as it seems a bit more compact.
Did you have to do anything to the gauge code to get the distance scaling for TCAS targets right, DG?
Because that's something I've been struggling with on the A32x MFD. distance in sim and on the TCAS never matched the range rings on the MFD.

How are the range rings on your MFD drawn?
