• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

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    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
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  • Hello Arno

    I am glad you are still alive. I still remember, '18' years ago, you answered my questions importing scenery in FSX. But I have a simple question about MSFS2024. I want to get into improving, developing again, but wich path should I take? Importing or 'tweaking' or...whatever? For now I dont even know how to download the scenery to improve performance(I guess) I know I have a RTFM syndrom.Kurt
    As always I guess the first question is what kind of improvements you want to make. Depending on that you can choose the best approach.

    Did you have a look at the SDK and the dev mode already? It has samples on how to place an extra object and such.
    Hello Arno,

    On MAIW I have seen mention of a license file to make full use of Model Converter X. Would it be possible for me to obtain that file? I am using the development release.

    I am fully aware of the copyright implications, having worked for years in the U. S. on software support, amongst other things.

    Thaks in advance -

    Jorgen, please send me a private message. It is provided to people who use it to convert their own work to MSFS. Some people in the MAIW team have access to it indeed.
    Hi Arno,
    Is there a dll in ModelConverterX that I could use for a call such as GUID GetModelGuid(string NameOfModel,string BGLFileName) ?

    Let me check if the stats reader actually works with MSFS, not sure if I tested that before.
    MSFS files were not yet supported, that will be fixed in the next development release.
    Thanks Arno. That's great.
    Hello Arno, I hope you're doing well. I really appreciate your tools.

    When it comes to batch work, I always rely on ScenProc and MCX. I was wondering about the possibility of adding the new features of Prepar3D V6 to MCX.

    Basically, now you can add precipitation to the material. I'm still discovering features, but I'm sending you an .x file for you to take a look at if you could.


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    Thanks for providing the X file. There has been a request in the community for a while already to provide some examples of the new X file commands, so that I can add them to MCX. Hopefully this information is enough. I'll have a look.
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    I have started to implement it now. Do you know if there is documentation of what the parameters mean? Before that was often documented with the X file format in the SDK, but it seems they removed that section.
    Hey Arno.
    Wanting to do an FSX MSFS conversion of an object (FSX Bgl), I used ModelConverterX using the Import > Export Scenery > MSFS scenery package manipulation. This gave me a package (project.xml, PackageSources, PackageDefinitions) that I was curious to run by fspackagetool.exe.
    This gave me a working Packages!

    I wanted to thank you for all the work you do

    Hey Arno, I was wondering what SDK other than FSX and P3D V1.4 I can use to convert an aircraft to MSFS. Can't find the P3D V1 or V2 downloads anywhere, and don't own FSX. When trying to download V1.4.4747.0 I get a "404 - Not Found".


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    It seems LM removed or changed the P3D v1 link. If you don't own FSX that would be the only option. Let me check if the file is still hosted elsewhere.
    Hi Arno,
    I just started using your ModelConverterX, and I'm facing a problem. I have purchased some scenes for MFS, and I noticed that a .BGL file in the program contains around 400 building models. However, when I import the model file, I can only see one model at a time. I'm wondering if there's a way to import the file and view it as a complete scene? I tried using the Build Scene Wizard, but no luck.
    Most like you have loaded a modellib bgl file, that only contains the objects, but not their placement. The scenery probably also has a second bgl file that places all objects. If you load both these files in the build scene wizard you would get the complete scene as one object.
    Hi there,

    I followed your instructions, but unfortunately, the program doesn't display anything. I even tried with a smaller file, but the result remains the same - nothing is shown.


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    Or is there any way to export the model into .fbx while preserving the positions they were set in when they are shown in MFS?
    Hi ARNO

    I have a problem that I cannot extract a FS2004 VC to P3DV4.4 or even FSX. Its an ALROT plane it looks like
    Outside model works seemless

    Thank you Roland

    Zip of Plane would be here


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    Worked Thank you DANKE
    Please, are there some in this forum who nows something about XML panel, and how to change gauges .
    I would suggest you post the specific questions you have in the panel and gauge design sub forum.
    Hi arno Im still having a problem getting parking ramps to show up.


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    Hi, you better ask this on the forum (which I think you did already as well). I am not an expert in using ADE.
    ok thanks
    Hi arno,
    I was wondering if you could add (Expand/Collapse-Down/Up) menu in hierarchy editor ! it will be useful.


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    Yes i can already collapse or expand the different nodes but one by one !
    i mean Hide or collapse all nodes down that node, all in one click.
    I don't think that hiding nodes is a good idea, that would be confusing (and where to unhide them?).

    I can see a use for collapsing all nodes with one click. That is sometimes useful.
    Hidding or collapsing, whatever you could do would be great.
    Thank you prof.
    hi arno, im a guy from spain, having few problems to convert fsx ai model planes to gITF. i have used MCX and make the conversion. after that i can see it generates 3 files: xml, bin, 3dobjcts.
    sorry, could you help me just a little bit? i really appreciate your help. its 15 years updating traffic airliners (6000 repaints), and now they dont work or rash MSFS. it only accepts 13.
    (fsxpai mdl works better)

    A model for MSFS contains for multiple files. Each level of detail consists of a separate glTF model. And each glTF file has a .BIN and a .GLTF file (these two together form the glTF model). The XML files defines that all these different models belong to the same model and can also specify other details like animations and such.
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    than you very much. you are very kind! im going to try stpe by step, but it makes me happy understanding it as you have explained!:)
    thanks from spain
    Hi Arno,
    I'm trying to bring old FSX AI models to the new MSFS environment and tried to convert them using the good tool ModelConverX.
    Unfortunately I found that by importing an MDL and exporting it to GLTF the animations are not exported and resulted model imported in FS2020 is not showed.
    Is there any other way that can allow you to transform old MDLs into GLTF without violating authors' rights?
    something is missing and i dont know why: i can hear the turbines taxiing in front of me of my converted model a359, but i cant see it.

    what could i be missing?
    thanks again!
    I have no idea, I am not an aircraft developer myself. Maybe you better ask it in the forum where you will find more developers who might be able to help you.
    oh, ok, thank you very much!:)
    Am I able to add you on some sort of im? possibly facebook messenger?
    or if you could just help me with this..

    So the model is mostly converted, I am having a hard time getting the engine fans to work properly, also, I have no lights, didnt notice that until right now. Are you able to help me with this?
    Were you able to look at this?
    I doubt I can help with specific aircraft modelling bits, I am not an aircraft modeller myself, I mainly understand the MDL file format :)
    Please could you change my year of birth to 1941. The day and month are correct.
    OK, I have changed it.
    Was wondering if I could get a user id for the Wiki, would like to update the Blender2MSFS, per vitus.

    I just downloaded the "latest version of ModelconverterX, but it crashes on certain model files.
    Fw190D9m1.MDL crashes (Classics_Hangar_Fw190D-9)

    pby5_mil_Vingtor_ext.MDL crashed both in FSX-se and P3Dv5.1, latest hotfix (Aerosoft_PBY-5_Mil)

    default FSX Airbus_A321.MDL is OK

    Am I doing something wrong or..




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    Dit is een stap in de goede richting, maar de objectrenderer genereert nog erg veel fouten, zie screenshot.


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    Dit gebeurt ook bij de payware (fs190d) die nu dus niet meer crashed
    Die melding is wat vaag, maar ik denk dat er teveel bones zijn in het model. Ik zal kijken of dat aantal met de recente aanpassingen is veranderd.
    I have been at this a couple of years now. I would love to make it work. I am an IT guy and I get so pissed off at it I just walk away from the flight sim altogether.
    My grandson is 8 who I only see 2 times a year will be home for Christmas this year. and now he is into flight sim big time. I was hoping I could get two models on the FSX box.
    Just our house and barn. He would think that was so cool.
    My grandson is 8 and lives in London, while I live in Australia. He is into flight sim since MFS2020 came out. Every weekend, he an I, multiplayer together some where in the world for a few hours...Great way to stay in touch...especially in these covid times.
    I have nine different models all doing the same thing. I did a basic box store, as simple as it gets. It did runs until it completes the mdl and stops. It shows it wrote the file but it does not.
    of course, it does attempt to write the bgl on the box store model.
    I had a look with the BGL file you attached, but I can process it through the convert and place object wizard without any issue. I both tried the stable 1.4 release and the latest development release.

    Which build are you using?
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