AI Flight Planner is a fully-integrated, TTools format-compatible AI flight planning tool for Microsoft Flight Simulator, both FS9 and FSX versions and Prepar3D. Introduced in May 2008 and continually upgraded since then, AI Flight Planner has become the tool of choice for preparing and editing AI flight plans. Many of its features including, in particular, the recently-developed universal repaint installer were developed in cooperation with AIG (Alpha-India Group). While intended to meet AIG's specific requirements, AI Flight Planner remains a general purpose tool that may be used to install anyone's flight plans and repaint packages.
AI Flight Planner Version 3 is, for the most part, a "facelift" for its predecessor. Gone are the separate opening screens for the flight plan/repaint installer and the flight plan editor. The flight plan editing controls have been moved to a separate dialog. A new, single Main Panel serves both the installer and editing functions. Most of the controls on the old installer panel remain on the new Main Panel. Functions related to those buttons that have been removed are now accessed via the main menu bar. All dialogs than can benefit from it, including the Main Panel, are now resizable. Location and size of most dialogs is now saved, both intra- and inter-session. So they will re-open as they were when last closed. You should also find more consistency in operation across all dialogs. For example, a double-click on any Flight Plan, Airport or Aircraft List item opens a suitable editor. Hovering the mouse over any such list item displays a tool tip including more information on the item. A right-click on any such item selects that item and presents a context menu of common operations for that item. The full compliment of operations is, of course, always available from the main menu bar. Nothing has been removed.
Version 3 also includes a few minor enhancements, particularly in the handling of bulk traffic files and its user manual has been extensively reorganized and revised, combining the two earlier manuals and also adding illustrations of most dialogs and lots of "how to" text.
AI Flight Planner Version 3 is, for the most part, a "facelift" for its predecessor. Gone are the separate opening screens for the flight plan/repaint installer and the flight plan editor. The flight plan editing controls have been moved to a separate dialog. A new, single Main Panel serves both the installer and editing functions. Most of the controls on the old installer panel remain on the new Main Panel. Functions related to those buttons that have been removed are now accessed via the main menu bar. All dialogs than can benefit from it, including the Main Panel, are now resizable. Location and size of most dialogs is now saved, both intra- and inter-session. So they will re-open as they were when last closed. You should also find more consistency in operation across all dialogs. For example, a double-click on any Flight Plan, Airport or Aircraft List item opens a suitable editor. Hovering the mouse over any such list item displays a tool tip including more information on the item. A right-click on any such item selects that item and presents a context menu of common operations for that item. The full compliment of operations is, of course, always available from the main menu bar. Nothing has been removed.
Version 3 also includes a few minor enhancements, particularly in the handling of bulk traffic files and its user manual has been extensively reorganized and revised, combining the two earlier manuals and also adding illustrations of most dialogs and lots of "how to" text.