• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Search results

  1. P

    How to delete a bridge Sbuilder? Help

    What type should I use polygons in Sbuilder to remove a jumper on FSX. I fail OF ANY way. Help me please. Thanks
  2. P

    problems with "AIRPORT DESING EDITOR X"

    I'm desperate, I removed the scenery created, I deleted the files containing APX45160.bgl and OBX45160.bgl the scenery of LECO. I reviewed folders so that nothing remains rare. As yet, keep getting damn LECO platform.
  3. P

    problems with "AIRPORT DESING EDITOR X"

    The BGL file created with Airport Design Editor put it in the scenery folder of a scenario I'm creating this discharged in FSX, if there are buildings that the stage is being discharged. I do not understand because it is not changing the platform, rwy etc ... if this in the same folder scenery...
  4. P

    problems with "AIRPORT DESING EDITOR X"

    Negative, the scenario if they are, buildings, effects, ... if they appear
  5. P

    problems with "AIRPORT DESING EDITOR X"

    Hi, I have compiled an airport with "AIRPORT DESING EDITOR X" stored in the scenario created. When I start FSX still receive the default FSX scenery instead of that I modified myself. I can help? Thanks
  6. P

    Smoke for a Chimney

    Hi, I have a problem. 1 .- I open whisplacer, File / New 2 .- Connect to Flight Simulator X 3 .- Add effects / fx_smoke_Sml 4 .- Do not know if I have to click File / Manual compile or click Save As Anyway, I parked the effect when you run FSX. Only once I got to saw the effect, but...
  7. P

    Smoke for a Chimney

    Thanks, I have been very helpful :)
  8. P

    Smoke for a Chimney

    Hi, I understand that you put in whisplacer with a coordinate effect as if it were an object?
  9. P

    Smoke for a Chimney

    I would not know how to do that. You can create only smoke in Gmax?
  10. P

    Smoke for a Chimney

    Hello How can I create smoke for a chimney. If there is a library for best xD EZ-Scenery PD: for FSX Thanks
  11. P

    Problems compiling with CAT

    hi, when compiling with CAT I get the error: Starting compilation ... Microsoft (R) Flight Simulator BGL Compiler Version 8.00 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1981-2002. All rights reserved. Assembling: C: \ gmax \ gamepacks \ fs2004 \ finger_cat.azm C: \ gmax \ gamepacks \ fs2004 \...
  12. P

    Help to eliminate area - Scenario photorreal

    Thanks for everything, I've got
  13. P

    Help to eliminate area - Scenario photorreal

    Thanks Scott, I have been very helpful and problem solved as you can see in the picture. What solucine with sbuild. Now I want to delete the coastline you see in the image and not that type of site I have to use the sbuild, you can show me?. Thanks .- Francisco .- By polirom
  14. P

    Help to eliminate area - Scenario photorreal

    Hello, I need your help. Create photorrealista stage of my city and the water area is the original scenario and FSX do not know how to delete the zone. To give you an image. The red zone is what I have to remove and is part of the original scene is below. As is done to mark that area and...
  15. P

    Few trees with Autogen

    Thanks, I tried this and I get well. What happened was that for large areas is a bit slow, but if it works.
  16. P

    Few trees with Autogen

    Autogen density I got the maximum, so do not understand what's happening.
  17. P

    Few trees with Autogen

    I want to make a dense forest, and always I get this. By polirom
  18. P

    Few trees with Autogen

    Hi, When I use the FSX Autogen in creating large areas of trees, it happens that it shows only a few trees scattered around the area you select. Is there any way to create forests with many trees, or I'm doing something wrong. I use poligon Region, but I always appear a few trees. Thanks
  19. P

    Remove portions terrain

    Hi, That option should I choose to create a polygon with SbuilderX, to remove portions of terrain that appear below the texture photorrealistic
  20. P

    Calibrate image

    I can say that part of the image are exactly the points North, South, East and West in the captured image of SbuilderX with Option Add Map from Background. Capture a fairly large area of my city, because if I do it in small pieces, joining them to appear black lines on the edges of the...