• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Search results

  1. jgarnold

    Is it possible to add a 'crash box' for a scenery object

    Hi Arno Yes it is for MSFS and I should have added MSFS to the subject. I usually post to MSFS forums and so forgot. Yes I have created a collision box in Blender and made it invisible and positioned it over the (MSFS) stiff legged crane but deliberately (test) crashing a helicopter into it...
  2. jgarnold

    Is it possible to add a 'crash box' for a scenery object

    Thanks Guenter Yes in MSFS there is a setting which basically doesn't prevent a crash but allows the user to continue or not ie realism. After posting the same question in the Blender forum I am now of the opinion that either a 'crash' box doesn't exist of that a 'collision' box is the same...
  3. jgarnold

    Is it possible to create a 'crash box' for a scenery object

    Thanks Chris. That's what I have (see images below). A long rectangular object with invisible MSFS material and collision checked (which I named 'collsion_81m') and I move that over the horizontal part of the stock MSFS stiff leg crane then duplicate and using the gizmo 'spin' it using the...
  4. jgarnold

    Is it possible to create a 'crash box' for a scenery object

    I am starting to wonder if crash boxes are only applicable to aircraft and not scenery objects. Looking at MCX I can only find 'display crash box' anyway.
  5. jgarnold

    Is it possible to add a 'crash box' for a scenery object

    I want to have my scenery object cause a crash if say a helicopter collides with it. I understand that an existing crash box can be disabled using MCX but could not find in the (pdf) manual if and how it can be added. Is it possible to add a crash 'box'? In Blender it is only possible to add a...
  6. jgarnold

    Is it possible to create a 'crash box' for a scenery object

    Thanks Guenter. I have just found out that it doesn't seem to be possible using Blender (MSFS) and I couldn't find how to add it with MCX in the documentation and so will ask if it can be added in the MCX forum.
  7. jgarnold

    How do I get rid of grass

    Yes that worked perfectly thanks.
  8. jgarnold

    Is it possible to create a 'crash box' for a scenery object

    I have added 'collision boxes' for scenery object in the past which work well but only result in (say) aircraft bumping away from the object when they contact it. I would like to add a 'crash box' to an scenery object so that if an aircraft contacts the object is results in a crash. How can I...
  9. jgarnold

    How do I get rid of grass

    Thanks Jay. No the helipad object doesn't have those two flags. I will add an apron and set ExcludeVegetationInside to true and check the result.
  10. jgarnold

    How do I get rid of grass

    I have created a helipad using an texture image material in Blender and with a Terrain polygon (to flatten an almost flat terrain) with vegetation selected and 'everything turned down to 0' an exclude buildings polygon (to remove automatically generated MSFS building) with vegetation...
  11. jgarnold

    What is the maximum/preferred image resolution for using images as materials

    Now better. My package has reduced in size by around 30Mb and the .DDS file is now only 537Kb instead of 31.7Mb and still 'looks' ok in MSFS.
  12. jgarnold

    What is the maximum/preferred image resolution for using images as materials

    Thanks Dick I have now turned off alpha however even reducing resolution even slightly appears (in my image editor) to greatly affect detail. Remember the image I have is from an area of about 60 meters (wide) x 40 meters. I have just reduced the resolution to 2048 and didn't much difference to...
  13. jgarnold

    What is the maximum/preferred image resolution for using images as materials

    Thanks for your detailed response. No not using as a projected mesh. Wow that seems complicated for my ageing brain. Thanks for the tip re .png preferred. Since posting I have tried a few things and noticed that if I reduce the number of colors then the output .png file reduces quite a lot...
  14. jgarnold

    What is the maximum/preferred image resolution for using images as materials

    I recently created a helipad and because the ground markings at the real helipad are quite unique, I created an image from Google Earth downloading it at the maximum resolution thinking that it would result it the best image displayed in MSFS. I applied that image as the material for a plane in...
  15. jgarnold

    Can't get scenery object lower to enable helicopter skids to display - fixed

    The problem described below has fixed itself in that the problem was repeatable many times and then - . I then looked up the SDK documentation on the helipad object, started MSFS and loaded the project. Mysteriously the skids of the helicopter were totally on/above ground level. I quickly...
  16. jgarnold

    How to make a (spot) light work with a plane and material in alpha blend

    Thanks Dick. That is great and something for me to put in my 'help document' for the future if a similar problem occurs.
  17. jgarnold

    How to make a (spot) light work with a plane and material in alpha blend

    Thanks Dick. I am not placing the 'helipad' as a projected mesh and place it as a scenery object (as well as a terraform polygon to flatten the almost flat terrain) as I was having problems with 'jagged edges' when placed as a projected mesh. Any way I will try your suggestion. Another method...
  18. jgarnold

    How to make a (spot) light work with a plane and material in alpha blend

    Thanks Never used the Mask modifier before so looked up a tutorial in youtube and got completely confused. All they seemed to use was vertex groups and there are only 4 vertices in my model. My blender file is too large too attach but can be downloaded at...
  19. jgarnold

    How to make a (spot) light work with a plane and material in alpha blend

    I have created a scenery model using a plane and a satellite image as it's material and added a 'spot' light. When I build and place the scenery object and change the 'time' to night time the model is not illuminated. I have determined that the problem is caused by the fact that I have the blend...