• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Search results

  1. Leo2789

    FS2004 PORTUGAL VFR - The ultimate complete scenery for Portugal! (Cancelled)

    Hello FS2004ers! I unfortunately bring bad news to you all... I haven't worked on this project in almost 2 years now, and ever since I got a fully new custom built PC 18 months ago, all of my flight simming time has been spent in MSFS2020 😅 I still love FS2004, especially for the plethora of...
  2. Leo2789

    Time to Retire

    This is one of those threads in General Chat I had to reply to: Thank you for everything you have contributed with over the years here on FSDev Jon! Be it all the scenery dev help and tips, or the amazing tools and wiki you've made for all of us to use which made our dev life so much easier...
  3. Leo2789

    FS2004 PORTUGAL VFR - The ultimate complete scenery for Portugal! (Cancelled)

    Hello everyone! Good news for the few FS2004'ers out there! This project still lives! This past year I've dedicated myself more to both other hobbies + actually flying my sim vs developing scenery for it, so that's what explains the 10 month silence since my last post. Scenery-wise there's...
  4. Leo2789

    FS2004 PORTUGAL VFR - The ultimate complete scenery for Portugal! (Cancelled)

    Hey folks! New update after a long while! Yes this project still isn't dead haha :D Not much has been done since last time, or at least not much worth showcasing I'm afraid; I've mostly done project cleanup and changes to stuff that was already done, as I've come to learn new techniques for 3D...
  5. Leo2789

    FS2004 PORTUGAL VFR - The ultimate complete scenery for Portugal! (Cancelled)

    Hello everyone! YES! This project is still very much alive and well! Just progressing at a snail-ish pace unfortunately! Nevertheless I have a few things to show you all today. There's still a lots of stuff left to complete, the main reason I haven't updated anything in a while is because I've...
  6. Leo2789

    ADE Can't add or create thumbnails on LOM (Library Object Manager)

    It appears that I have fixed it!! I re-installed my whole Windows 7 system about a month ago, and so I started thinking if anything was different from what it used to be, and although I couldn't think of anything (as I had copied most if not all settings and preferences files from all my FS...
  7. Leo2789

    ADE Can't add or create thumbnails on LOM (Library Object Manager)

    Hey Jon! My bad I should have specified, I’m using 1.78 for FS9
  8. Leo2789

    ADE Can't add or create thumbnails on LOM (Library Object Manager)

    Anyone got any idea how to help me? I'm still having this issue despite reviewing all permissions properties in the ADE folder and I have every permission set for my user :/
  9. Leo2789

    ADE Can't add or create thumbnails on LOM (Library Object Manager)

    Hello Tom! It is not, I installed it on my Desktop, and I suspected that as well so I un-ticked the option which said "Read only" in the folder's properties but the issue persists! Although it wasn't exactly ticked, but a filled blue square which I think means a mix of read only and read &...
  10. Leo2789

    ADE Can't add or create thumbnails on LOM (Library Object Manager)

    Hello! I jus came across this weird situation which I've never encountered before, where ADE won't let me add a thumbnail to a new library object be it via 'Find' or 'Capture'. If I try to 'find' and select one from my thumbs folder I get an error saying it wasn't able to load the image (that...
  11. Leo2789

    FS2004 Map & GPS Airfield/Seaplane base symbols question

    Ok very weird... I wanted to give it a go at this again and opened the airfield in question's project in ADE and to my surprise, the fuel was all selected as 'NO' in services, which I'm 100% sure I had changed to YES, I even took the previously posted snapshot of it :eek: It appears I've been a...
  12. Leo2789

    FS2004 Map & GPS Airfield/Seaplane base symbols question

    Hey Paul! Thanks for chiming in! Indeed it has quite a few objects added! I also checked the airfield in question's xml file and there is no services section.. :scratchch Which I did find on the xml of other airfields I had assigned fuel to; the weirdest part is that as you can see in my...
  13. Leo2789

    FS2004 Map & GPS Airfield/Seaplane base symbols question

    Hello! I am reviving this thread because I have now come across a sort of 'opposite' problem :rotfl: I've been assigning Fuel availability in the Services tab of Airport properties in my ADE projects and so far have gotten the results I wanted, except in a particular airfield, where despite...
  14. Leo2789

    ADE's PArking not visible

    Hello! This is most likely due to having the parking link (green apron link) to the parking spot with no center line! I assume you are working for FSX, and although I only work with FS9 the process should be similar enough: Check the green links connected to each of the parking spots you added...
  15. Leo2789

    FS2004 Library Object Manager AED 170 for FS2004

    Did you copy the textures too? the tree library should have a BGL file (which contains the tree models) and texture files (usually bmp or dds files). You should also copy those textures to FS/Addon/airportname/texture folder
  16. Leo2789

    Adding artificial islands

    No problem! If you do want to make a mountainous island then that involves creating mesh from scratch (which I know nothing about); although a complex process indeed don't give up! :) And do learn how to use Sbuilder! ADE can do a few things terrain wise, but I'd stick to using it to make...
  17. Leo2789

    Adding artificial islands

    Hello again @AirplaneNiner As Rick mentioned, to create islands your best bet is using SbuilderX (in my opinion/experience as I have never used TerrainSculptorPro). To better help you what kind of island were you looking to make? #1 Just a flat sea-level/same altitude all around piece of land...
  18. Leo2789

    Adding artificial islands

    Hello @AirplaneNiner First of all, what Sim are you using? It's important to note that to let others know how to help you best! Second, what tools/how are you trying to create said island? Thridly, did you try searching the forum for similar threads? I'm sure that this is something that has...
  19. Leo2789

    FS2004 Library Object Manager AED 170 for FS2004

    Did you copy the tree library to your Addon Scenery folder or any other active scenery folders? If not you need to do that or the trees won't show in the sim even if you add them to the airport using ADE. The tree library should've come with instructions on how to add it to your sim no?
  20. Leo2789

    FS2004 Library Object Manager AED 170 for FS2004

    Hello! Did you by any chance confirm that the tree library and its respective textures are in an active scenery folder? That's the most common reason for you to have added various objects to an airport through ADE, and them not appearing in the sim afterwards!