• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Search results

  1. T

    MSFS24 Simplygon for Blender

    AutoGeneration works for me this morning, hopefully it'll keep working. I have been using it for simpler models, it does work in that it gives me something visible when it needs to be. Whether it's well-optimised is a different story, but with simple models it shouldn't matter much.
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    MSFS24 Simplygon for Blender

    My take from that SDK page was that they're letting us use Simplygon simply (dammit) to use 'autoGenerate', which works out of the box. If we can actually install a licensed version for use in Blender, then that's great. I certainly hope that they don't realise they've made a mistake, and pull...
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    Here's a quote from the Flyaway site:
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    Microsoft Download Simulator

    they did make it clear that in order to effectively stream everything to everyone, there can't be more than one version of the sim online. At least with 2024 it's easier that 2020, completely automatic. This morning when the update started, I popped in the shower. Luckily 15 minutes earlier I'd...
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    Can a MSFS ModelLib have more then one model in it?

    You can certainly put them all together, I only ever have one folder per project. I don't know why this was a 'thing' in early tutorials, I suspect some people don't like big folders with lots of files.
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    MSFS20 Moving from 3DS Max to Blender

    Since I retired, I've been budgeting to continue my 3DS Max subscription, which is a lot more reasonable now that they offer the indie license, but now that it's up for renewal I've decided to move to blender. I'll miss Max, it was a logical upgrade from GMAX all those years ago, but now I'm on...
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    Where To Save Gmax Files

    I don't think there's any wrong place, it really just depends on how organised you want to be. So pick a place/folder layout and stick with it.
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    Gmax Is Not exporting My Textures

    I fired up GMAX on my old PC, but it won't run under Windows11, so I'm unable to have a look at the export options. But here's the process I used to use with GMAX for FSX: Apply a material to your object, in this case we are talking about a texture which exists somewhere accessible by GMAX in a...
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    Gmax Is Not exporting My Textures

    As far as I'm aware GMAX doesn't export textures.
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    Arno's Gmax Tutorial - How to Make a Simple Building

    I think this is the difference between a complex geometry and a simple object, the simple object will already have a UVW map applied.
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    MSFS20 How do I get rid of this fence?

    Unfortunately I'd already set that, with no effect.
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    MSFS20 How do I get rid of this fence?

    Ok, I've been doing this a long time, and don't often run into roadblocks (literally, in this case), but this one has me beat. I know how to exclude things, via rects and polys, and I know how to remove airport boundaries etc.
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    Is history Reapeating once again?

    We already know that MSFS2024 will have more 'game' features, but I would hope that we also get more sim. Both game and sim have their supporters, and so far Asobo have done a great job keeping both happy. Yes, I know some people grizzle about every little thing, and always will, but I just tune...
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    MSFS Partner Program

    It is possible that your application was not received -- that's what I see now that I've cancelled my application. Maybe go through the application process again. Of course someone else may have more up to date information on the process, I applied in 2021. Whatever happens, don't hold your...
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    MSFS Partner Program

    I think you should get at least an 'application received' email, if not check your application details. Your application should show as 'in review', but I can't say how long it'll take after that -- I cancelled my application after waiting almost three years.
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    P3D v4 How to create different layers for ground polygons.

    Not sure of the limit, but normally I'd have a base layer, texture layer, 2x markings and dirt, so that's 5. I would imagine that you could use a lot more if needed. From a quick check of my projects, though, the more recent ones just increment the z-bias by one (still negative), and I seem to...
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    P3D v4 How to create different layers for ground polygons.

    Z-bias gives you control over the draw order, or layering, so all your layers can be on the ground, you just use the z-bias to separate them. Yes, values are negative, and multiples of 4. From memory, I use -4 for the bottom layer, then just add -4 for each stacked layer.
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    MSFS20 Hangar is Not Resting Evenly on the Ground

    Falloff distance is how far the flatten extends to blend with the mesh, in metres, I assume. I'm not sure what causes your issue shown above, but it may be that having lots of small flattens with large falloffs would be problematic. Try small flattens (yes, just a polygon with 'terraforming'...
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    MSFS20 Hangar is Not Resting Evenly on the Ground

    I normally pop a localised flatten under groups of buildings, keeping them small prevents major issues while making sure everything is sitting on the ground.
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    Looking for Advices - Website to Sell Addons

    The main issue is going to be bandwidth -- even if you get a cheap or free host with plenty of disc space and bandwidth, you may find that customer downloads are going to be slow enough to cause problems. Cheap hosting tends to be shared servers, so your customers will just have to wait their...