• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Search results

  1. solid

    MSFS20 Latest Version of ADE for MSFS 2020

    Hi, can someone tell me where can I download the latest version of ADE for MSFS2020 the links here send me to an Alpha
  2. solid

    MSFS20 can ADE2020 be used in MSFS2024

    ADE is the most wonderful airport program and I would like to use it with MSFS 2024, is it possible to do so and what is the setup.
  3. solid

    They wanted our Money Before Christmas---Your Community BUGGO!!!!

    I just spent 20 minutes for this Junk to take my plane to an airport and still waiting !!!!!!===They Sure Scewed US!!!!!!!!! Oh and the so called compatibility with 2020 pure BS
  4. solid

    MSFS24 MSFS 2024 post release bugs

    This "Thing" us pure Junk!!!!! it updated to something yesterday. Now it takes Ages to Load!!!!!! when it was doing it quite fast!!!!! We got Screwed once again, wheter you like it or not!!!! I havce been waiting to go to an airport for over 15 minutes listening to the "Mortuary Music" some...
  5. solid

    They wanted our Money Before Christmas---Your Community BUGGO!!!!

    I have been battling with 2020 since I loaded 2024, It starts to load after days in the battle and then it crashes. I have tried all the suggestions, ideas, commands, I have read and it keeps doing it.....have deleted it four times, blanked the Community folder, etc, etc, etc,,,Can you suggest...
  6. solid

    They wanted our Money Before Christmas---Your Community BUGGO!!!!

    Hi Lagaffe.....First of all let me say I have two loves--Paris and My wonderful wife who has accompanied me for 60 years always agreeing with my hobbies which are scracth aircraf model building and Flight simmulation. For 43 years I ran my software development company doing all kinds of software...
  7. solid

    They wanted our Money Before Christmas---Your Community BUGGO!!!!

    In this Corrupt world, its no news that MSFS 2024 is half done but MS/ASOBO wanted Monet Money Money NOW!!!!!! so we all followed the Piper and rolled out or hard to get money and delivered it to the wolf. Its a shame that Asobo/MS foolled everyone with their pretty Publicity videos, great...
  8. solid

    MSFS20 After MSFS 2024 I get constantly this error in MSFS 2020 it will not load

    After I downloaded MSFS2024, I am getting this erro with MSFS 2020---I deleted it and re-installed but it continues to give error... None of the indicated situations are Real!!! Driver is the latest, what bug?, Graphic card is Not overheating, and I am not overclocking/
  9. solid

    Getting this after Update 15

    Hi Dean M. Thank you for your comment. I have Never done that! I just downloaded the app you mention. Do I just run the enclosed .Exe to do its thing?
  10. solid

    Getting this after Update 15

    Hi Dick, Thank you-- The texture is 1024x1024 and it is located within the folder. When Blender generated the object it appears ok in its floder.
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    Getting this after Update 15

    Hi Guys. All my custom objects are coming out like this--pink/white-instead of the orininal texture. I have been making my custom objects for months with no issues, now after trying so many times after the Update nothing works!!! is it Blender not gerenating the texture? I find myself at a...
  12. solid

    SDK New SDK with new update

    I am finding that some of the "editors" have changfed. New titles have been added and the Inspector changed a lot. Is this true? or am I seeing things!! have had a lot of problems setting up the windows and up to this moment I have not been able to set up the package with a bew object I wanted...
  13. solid

    MSFS20 Ideas on how to convert FSX aircraft to MSFS

    I have tried one or two apps that are around to do this but trhey are really bad. Does anyone have a good method to do this? I would like to convert a C-46
  14. solid

    Is history Reapeating once again?

    With this "Dune flying Stuff"" is Microsoft going to reapeat its failed "Flight"? Gamy flying trough Hoops???? how ridiculous can you get with this stuff??? Maybe they want 8 and 9 year olds to come and play!!!!
  15. solid


    Thank you, as you pointed ou I now have been making and exporting many objects to MSFS. After the first try it has become so easy!!!
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    MSFS20 Multiple objects to be Exported to MSFS--is it possible???

    I am making a village and have several objects in it. How can I export them as a group to MSFS or can only do so one by one???
  17. solid

    Rolling Cumulus software---Expeditions

    Back in FS9 I started what I call " RCS Expeditions" or Read and Fly Adventures . ---- These are quite different than MSFS Trips where you just jump from one airfield to another. You Must Read the Story to find out where to go and once there look for information on where to go next, they can get...
  18. solid

    MSFS20 Crazy as hell

    I use blende 2.83 for several months to install my objects and have had absolutly no problems/ Today all hell went loose and even if it exports the model It comes out in a "pnk color with squares". look: What went wrong? cuold it be the latest MSFS update of Yesterday?
  19. solid

    Time to Retire

    My Dear Friend........Good for You!!!! I retired about 6 years ago I think, (time gets destroyed in this stage!). If it was not for your ADE I think I would still be traying to make an an airfield in FSX! you sure brought me a lot of happiness and I will always be greatfull to you for it. Take...