• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Search results

  1. T

    MSFS20 WASM - Setting Simvars

    No. You forgot to add break; command here: case MYEVENT_TEST: printf("Test event called\n"); --> break; case MYEVENT_DOOR: Tom
  2. T

    MSFS20 WASM - Setting Simvars

    My advise: if you are experienced in C++, stay there for everything except (perhaps) gauge display, in where you could take benefit of html/js current base files. C++ is best suitable for building complex aircraft systems, in where lots of lookup tables might be needed. Also you can easily set...
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    MSFS20 Autopilot settings

    No flawed at all. Though not exact, it is pretty much similar to the vision in a real aircraft. When the centerline of a runway (or taxiway) is aligned with either pilot's viewpoint, the nose gear is as well. I only see one problem, the FD bars not properly guiding the approach. The other...
  4. T

    MSFS20 Autopilot settings

    Ed, When the aircraft is properly aligned with the center of the ruwnay, the centerline coincides with the pilot AND copilot's viewpoints. The nose gear will be also aligned with the centerline. Take a look at this picture, pilot view/copilot view and external view. Tom
  5. T

    XML Invisible HELP

    Hi, IIRC, the only way to make an XML gauge visible over a .gau/dll gauge is to add a void <CustomDraw> element; something like: ....first element <Element Name="void"> <Visible>1</Visible> <Position X="NN" Y="NN" /> <CustomDraw></CustomDraw>...
  6. T

    MSFS20 WASM - Setting Simvars

    Hi, Settable Simvars in 2020 are managed the same as in P3D/FSX, with Simconnect. The good thing is that previous Simconnect functions used for that are compatible with 2020 wasm, so porting the code is almost straight on. Tom
  7. T

    P3D v4 XML Keys: Detect axis mapping and trap

    Exactly. That is done with XMLKeys class in XMLTools. The other way (which I use the most) is, in the Event Handler callback, to replace the Avar value that is returned by the axis event with your custom value using SIMVARS class. Results are pretty much the same. Tom
  8. T

    P3D v4 XML Keys: Detect axis mapping and trap

    Yes. XMLKeys uses Simconnect to trap hardware events. SIMVARS also uses Simconnect, but to overwrite AVar values (those which accept that). Tom
  9. T

    P3D v4 XML Keys: Detect axis mapping and trap

    Yes, it is possible to do with XML, using XMLTool's SIMVARS class instead onf XMLKeys. XMLKeys is the best option but requires the #unit id as a parameter. So a sort of config tool would be necessary for users to provide their hardware info. If a total transparent way is required, the other...
  10. T

    MSFS20 Changing the AP ALT hold altitudes in 20ft steps (instead of 100 or 1000)

    Real KAP 140 units that don't include the optional Altitude Preselect rely on this ALT UP/DN to adjust the captured altitude so to remain on the level desired. For example, if wanted to level at 3000 ft, once reaching and ALT pressed, the aircraft won't level off at that exact altitude; then...
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    I'm sorry I can't tell more, as the KAP 140 I designed is included in some commercial projects. Yes, it is kinda offset correction. Bear in mind the altitude preselect is an optional feature, but ALT up/down adjustment is available for all KAP configurations. Yes, but actually those 500 ft...
  12. T


    Hi Geoff, First let me say that UP & DN buttons, when operated in ALT mode, do not change the preselected altitude displayed. A single press will trigger a 20 ft up/down altitude change; a long press will trigger a 500 ft/min vs up/down and the altitude will remain the adquired at the moment...
  13. T

    MSFS20 Sending custom events from behaviours xml

    Unfortunately it won't work in FSX/P3D, so I guess neither in MSFS. Tom
  14. T

    MSFS20 C++ gauges nightmare

    Oops, yes, thanks Ed. I forgot to change the var. I agree with this. Tom
  15. T

    MSFS20 C++ gauges nightmare

    Hi, You should try: case PANEL_SERVICE_CONNECT_TO_WINDOW: { ID check_id = register_named_variable(custom_event_id_name); custom_event_id.id = id; } return true; With that snippet you are registering an LVAR only once. No need...
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    P3D v5 Descent profile via airfile

    Hi, A vertical descent profile is essentially a trigonometric formula, in where you have CRZ ALT (Cruise Altitude), TA (Target Altitude), a standard/published VPA (Vertical Path Angle) and a given GS (Ground Speed). You need to first calculate the TOD (Top Of Descent) position and afterwards...
  17. T

    MSFS20 MSFS 2020 SDK for Gauge Developers

    Hi, Unfortunately not -so far. There's no export of PANELS structure; in fact PANELS is not supported in MSFS gauges.h. However, CCallback classes are still available hence modules like XMLTools can be installed as panel members, but only to interface with C++ gauges, not XML (through...
  18. T

    Double Expressions of Variables and Other Items --- WHY???

    Hi, I suggest you do a search using "SCHEMA" in search field and "taguilo" in member field. Hope this helps. Tom
  19. T

    Need Help to demistify XML needle pointing and nonlinearity table correlations.

    Hi, Here you have a basic description on how PointsTo work: https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/xml-gauge-needle-pointing-wrong-way-solved.438922/#post-760307 Tom
  20. T

    FSXA Question on XMLTools (Tom)

    Hi Rob, You pretty much got it. However, an important observation: when you issue 'FLAPS_DOWN' (>C:XMLEVENTS:EventName,string) '(>K:FLAPS_UP)' (>C:XMLEVENTS:EventString,string) you are actually storing a script to execute every time FLAPS DOWN event is triggered; unless you want to change...