• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.


  1. L

    P3D v4 APU_STARTER has no effect

    Hi there, Long time lurker, first time poster. I've got a bit of experience in FS/P3D dev, but this one has left me stumped, so I thought here was a good place to ask :) I've got an addon aircraft (Dino/IFE's Typhoon) in P3D v4 where an APU switch calls K:APU_STARTER behind the scenes, but the...
  2. sabahassani

    Open Source custom ground poly textures

    Hello all Is there any texture pack free of use(or procured with development use rights with one one-time purchase) that can be used in ADE for ground poly that works just like the default texture included with ADE, specifically the part that we can choose the type of line for example and ADE...
  3. F

    AIFP3 not detecting p3d

    Hello, I am trying to install AI Flight Planner to use with P3d v4 but get the error message "No version of Flight Sim found in System Registry. AIFP cannot continue and will now shut down" I have tried numerous fixes such as a one that says changing an aifp.ini file but i couldn't get myself...
  4. ACScenery

    SplitGrid Error

    I am trying to create autogen via scenProc. I used to simple configuration codes from manual but I am getting this error.
  5. Jackaroo05

    MSFS20 P3D v4/v5 Gauge to MSFS?

    Is there any way to port a P3D v4/v5 gauge to MSFS? I'm trying to convert analog gauges. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
  6. haykal17

    P3D v5 CYZF Yellowknife (P3Dv4 v5 MSFS & XP11)

    We at project max is currently developing Yellowknife (CYZF) for P3Dv4, v5, MSFS 2020 and Xplane 11, currently finishing the terminal and some hangar modelling, with full pbr ground poly almost completed there still a lot of things to do.... including the thicc thicc snow and many more 😆
  7. Mosesjunior

    Skinned mesh material

    Hello anyone? I just tested an export of my A320NEO model from 3DS MAX 2014 with the P3Dv4 SDK. I was testing skinned mesh animations on one wing to see if it works but no good results. I applied a normal material, applied diffuse texture, allow bloom select by default, i checked the skinned...
  8. Matteo07

    Invalid file X

    Hi everyone, I tryed to convert a file .mdl and ModelConverterX v1.4 reported this error: I saw that MCX doesn't create the file .X How can I fix it? Thank you, Matteo
  9. Pro FS

    Missing ground textures

    Hello! I need a bit of help... Basically, I've been converting some of my scenery. I'm currently converting it to P3DV4 and all has gone well so far. All the buildings have shown up and they look fine but I have encountered an issue. The ground textures (asphalt, concrete, those sort) are not...
  10. Walter Almaraz

    Armor Paint Preset for Prepar3D PBR 0.2

    A simple preset to use with Armor Paint for export PBR textures to be used with P3Dv4 and P3Dv5, remember to read the readme file for installation instructions. Don't hesitate to contacte me if you have any questions or comments, just send me a PM.
  11. Mosesjunior

    3DS Max 3DS Max P3Dv4 SDK Installation/setup

    I have been facing some issues with 3DS Max with installation of the P3Dv4 SDK. I did follow all instructions on the SDK site on P3D website but still having issues. I have P3D, the SDK: C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4 SDK and 3DS Max 2018-64 bit. In 3DS i added the...
  12. Mosesjunior

    3DS Max 3DS Max how to install and run P3Dv4 SDK <HELP>

    Hello folks, i was trying to figure out how i can get models from 3ds to P3D but the SDK i have troubles with. 3DS MAX 2018 with P3Dv4 SDK and i would like if someone could guide and show me how to install the SDK correctly in max and how i can get to using the tools. How to tag parts, place...
  13. Felix Tchvertkin

    P3D v4 LLER - Ramon international Airport - Israel

    Hi every one, I did some small projects before and maybe I posted some of them here, but this is my first big project and I've been working on it for the past two years the Projects is LLER - Ramon int. airport that replaced the old airport of the city of Eilat, named after the first Israeli...
  14. Christian Bahr

    P3D v4 Starter for Engine - Start Button "SOLVED"

    Hi! For the start of the engine a button was animated and tagged with the animation tag "switch_starter". The clickspot was also tagged with "switch_starter": The startup works. if I press the button, then the engine starts. But stopping the engine does not work! The goal is to be solved...
  15. Christian Bahr

    P3D v4 Self-defined code for doors, bonnet and tailgate

    Hello! This is my first "serious" :p attempt to build a car: Chevrolet Suburban 2015er Everything works so far good. The doors can be opened via clickspots (mouse rectangle), the lights can be operated using the standard keyboard layout and the car is now stable. Before that, he tipped...
  16. IronSim

    MSFS20 LGKP - Karpathos Island airport

    I have started work on Karpathos airport in Greece, Gpoly is custom (PBR Materials + PBR Rain). Will included Terminal building and buildings nearby + ATC Buildings Lightpoles with dynamic lights SODE Windsock Custom Photoreal (+ modified mesh ) Autogen (Dry grass , bushes) etc.
  17. I

    P3D v4 [ Solved ] Ground poly from 3ds Max use Ground poly Wizard Disappear at edge of sceen

    Here is my little project of VTCL Lampang airport Thailand. Now I working on ground poly, I model it from 3ds Max and export it as .X and then use MCX ground polygon wizard covert it to .BGL Here is my video any ideas? Thank!!
  18. kevinmdavis2010

    P3D v4 PMDG 737 Repaint

    Hi all, I'm trying to make a livery for the PMDG 737 from scratch. However, I've looked at several YouTube videos, and all of them "assume" that the user has designed a livery already. I haven't done this, as I want to make a fictional livery. Is there any type of manual for how to do this...

    Need .x file exported from 3DS Max using latest P3D v4.5.12.30293 SDK

    Hi, Recently, I have requested Arno to have a look into the latest SDK. He said it seems there are new features might got added especially on PBR materials part. Since we both don’t have 3DS Max software we couldn’t produce the .x file. I hope someone who has it could help produce the .x file...
  20. P

    Compiling doesn't save my changes

    Hi! Im very new to ADE and scenery in general. I have found my local airport for fsx but I want to use it in P3D v4.4. I have used it in earlier versions of P3D v4, but now it doesnt seem to work anymore. I think I am doing something wrong with the BGL file and ADE. The thing is there is a bit...