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MSFS20 ADE 2020 Alpha 21 HF5

I got the given lengths from maps from Jeppsen/Navigraph. The satellite image is inserted with the exact coordinates as background.

The XML Schema shows that DeleteNavigation is a top level child

View attachment 84762

Thus it appears at the top level in the XML source

View attachment 84763

I think that element is a waste of time and its not clear why it exists. So ADE honors it but by default sets all values to false.

Are you saying that this element should be inside the airport element tag?
What should I do to solve the problem and make sure that the simulator can read ils and fix points I entered? Where do I find this .xml file? Can you give me all the routes?
These two MODs have GPS procedures, Fix Point, etc... Unfortunately, the simulator does not read the Fixes and does not read the procedures; You need to upload the .xml file. on Dave-Open Project to be able to see and select fix points and procedures GPS, ILS, etc. How do I fix this? Can you give me all the information and what should I do to be able to select fixes and procedures (without having to use the .xml file)?


  • Comina+ParcoLivenza.zip
    985.6 KB · Views: 153
There are 4 microsoft heliport modelLibs that cause havoc in ADE:

<MSFS Base>\microsoft-airport-kjrb-ny-downtown-manhattan-heliport\scenery\Microsoft\ManhattanHeliport\modellib.BGL
<MSFS Base>\microsoft-airport-lfpi-issy-les-moulineaux-heliport\scenery\Microsoft\IssylesMoulineauxHeliport\modellib.BGL
<MSFS Base>\microsoft-airport-rjti-tokyo-heliport\scenery\Microsoft\TokioHeliport\modellib.BGL
<MSFS Base>\microsoft-airport-smdh-heliponto-mirante-dona-marta\scenery\Microsoft\HelipontoMiranteDonaMarta\modellib.BGL

Adding these to the LOM results in a corruption of the adeObjectList.dat and crashes ADE.

Don't try to add them.
Hello, I'm having problem with this, it worked at first, then stopped completely, it can not read the stock airports anymore.

In this release, the "Add Folder" button in the Object Library Manager is not enabled.
I could read that this button was disabled since the HF3.
How to add directories that are in \Official\Onestore\...

Hello everyone,

Does anyone know how to extract the list of object library names from ADE?
I would like to compare it with the directories in Official\Onestore\ so that I can add them manually and have all the basic objects. So no need to go through the DEV of MSFS which is still complicated despite the last update.

Thank you for your help.
ADE 2020 stores a list of all the objects that are in the library object manager. Its a text file

In ADE 2020 main folder open folder F20 and look for adeObjectList.dat

The entries are separated by '|' It's quite easy to see the path and object name


but you would need to process it via a spreadsheet or self made processor
Thank you so much.

It looks fine to me.
Indeed it takes a little treatment with Excel and I will only have to compare so that I can manually add the missing libraries.
Trying to understand why a particular airport doesn't work with GSX, I wanted to check it out with ADE, but selecting "Create project from MSFS .BGL" it crashes after the "Check completed" message. The "Send" report doesn't work as well, since it gives an error of not being able to find part of a path, which seems to be caused by the project folder not having been created yet.

The airport can be downloaded here:

This is the crash log:

System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Indice oltre i limiti della matrice.
   in System.String.get_Chars(Int32 index)
   in ScruffyDuck.AirportDesignEditor.XmlClasses.LoadXmlSource.AssignIls2Runway(String ilsName)
   in ScruffyDuck.AirportDesignEditor.XmlClasses.LoadXmlSource.ProcessAirportRecordIls(SceneryBase parent, ctAirport xmlAirport)
   in ScruffyDuck.AirportDesignEditor.XmlClasses.LoadXmlSource.ProcessAirports(SceneryBase parent)
   in ScruffyDuck.AirportDesignEditor.XmlClasses.LoadXmlSource.LoadXml2SceneryFile(SceneryBase parent)
   in ScruffyDuck.AirportDesignEditor.MainForm.OpenAirportXmlFileByName(String path, String ident)
   in ScruffyDuck.AirportDesignEditor.MainForm.NewProjectFromMSFSBglMenuItem_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   in System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.RaiseEvent(Object key, EventArgs e)
   in System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   in System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleClick(EventArgs e)
   in System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
   in System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
   in System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
   in System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   in System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   in System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.WndProc(Message& m)
   in System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.WndProc(Message& m)
   in System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

A thing of note, the airport doesn't exists in the default database in MSFS, it has been added only by this add-on.
Hi Umberto. I am a bit concerned about reproducing 3rd party Airports with ADE. If this is for personal use, there is not a problem. ADE hasn't been updated in a while, so some newer attributes could cause a crash. I note that the website you link has many airports. Perhaps you could tell us which airport ICAO you are having trouble with? Contacting the author of the addon might give you better insight as to why GSX fails.
Hi, the term "System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Indice oltre i limiti della matrice." suggests that the name of something, a directory, or a directory address is too long.

Jean-Pierre is a member and regular visitor here, he is currently more or less, participating in this topic.

If you are trying to make your addon more compatible with his popular airports, or tell him how to do so, the links you shared connects to a list of downloads, several of which are fictitious.

Hi Umberto. I am a bit concerned about reproducing 3rd party Airports with ADE. If this is for personal use, there is not a problem.

I have no intention of reproducing anything, I just wanted to understand why this airport was different ( BTW, I forgot to say which one, it's CYVP ), which makes GSX not accepting it, so I wanted to check it in ADE to see if I could spot anything unusual, visually.

But as I've said, ADE crashed. The current BGLView opens it just fine, no unknown records and I can't seem to find anything wrong but, it would have been easier to spot something if I could see it in graphic form.
You can use Patrick Germain's Airport2BGL to decompile the BGL and create a project: https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/t...here-is-a-small-app-to-help-you-draft.450344/

It appears ADE doesn't like something with the ILS code. Maybe that's the problem with GSX compatibility. I don't think ADE handles Waypoints, and that might be a problem. Perhaps GSX doesn't like the Waypoint code?
Also, I think the parking spots might not have a valid connection to the main graph (runway-taxiway-parking).

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I am building a small airport (LFHJ) with a grass runway.
I put several parking (small GA ramp) and 2 fuel parking.
I have a tank truck and I have a bus. But in this airport, I don't want this type of vehicle. How to delete them?

Also, I think the parking spots might not have a valid connection to the main graph (runway-taxiway-parking).

That seemed to be the problem, at least according to an user of our forum, which said the problem went away when the scenery got updated to fix this. Still, it would be nice if ADE didn't crashed, and pointed out the problem instead.
Hi its been a while since I used ade am I on the latest version


Thanks Ian
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Hi Jon. The Update Stock Indexes doen't work anymore, and in fact deletes the contents of the DAT file storing the airport list. I know you aren't actively updating the ADE anymore, but this is something of a killer for the program. I suspect that Asobo changing the file location of the stock airports is the cause.
Hi Jon. The Update Stock Indexes doen't work anymore, and in fact deletes the contents of the DAT file storing the airport list. I know you aren't actively updating the ADE anymore, but this is something of a killer for the program. I suspect that Asobo changing the file location of the stock airports is the cause.

Thanks Dick I will try and take a look