• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

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P3D v4 AFLT Locks Up

Got update today. Extracted files. Opened project. Select Add PAPI/VASI. Program locks up. Had same problem with initial download. Does this not work with P3DV4?
flynby, your report is a little vague as to circumstances. Also, I don't understand the reference to P3DV4 since the flightsim version is largely irrelevant except to library creation.

Please send me your Project Folder and the .bgl or .xml file for the airport so that I can test.

I am definitely doing something wrong as usual. Just tried using P3DV3 and got same results.
Appreciate your time and help.


  • VVPC PhuCat.zip
    2.9 KB · Views: 166
I loaded your airport and added a PAPI without difficulty - with P3Dv4 running at VVPC so as to simulate your environment.

I still don't understand why you are referring to a version of FlightSim. As I said before, AFLT has no "interest" in what version of P3D you are using until you attempt to create the object library. Whatever your difficulty, Flightsim seems irrelevant and will likely occur no matter what version of Flightsim you are running.

BTW, when you say "Program locks up", do you mean the system freezes and you can't do anything or is it waiting for input from you.

For reasons I'm not yet sure of, when Win 10 is "instructed" to open a new dialog, sometimes all it does is place an icon in the task bar, partially hidden behind the main AFLT icon. You must click on the icon to open the dialog.

This started happening following a recent update to Win10, so I don't think it has anything to do with AFLT.

On a hunch, I went looking for a cause in Win 10 for some dialog boxes not showing on the screen automatically. Turns out the problem was inside AFLT. I'll make a new release fixing this issue later today.

BTW, when you say "Program locks up", do you mean the system freezes and you can't do anything or is it waiting for input from you.
The program freezes up. I have to go to the Task Manager to close it out.
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I have just posted Release 4.2.12 to http://stuff4fs.com. For several versions now, the "Add/Edit" dialogs opened "minimized", necessitating a click on the Task Bar icon to get them to appear on the screen. Otherwise, the system gave the appearance of being "frozen".

Sorry, I meant to mention this but I kept forgetting. Once I realized it didn't open on the screen I always looked at the task bar after that. I assumed it was my computer system.