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AI Traffic collides with My User Aircraft during taxi After Landing in FS9

Hi all,
I'm sure some has probably covered this before, but my search attempts failed to find any relevant answers.

My question is: How do I prevent AI aircraft from continuing to taxi and ultimately crashing into my aircraft? (This seems to only happen at some addon airports, like the ones from Overland (their Japan Airports) and the Flightsoft's WSSS airports.) Is there a way to prevent this without removing the reality that aircraft collisions can occur?

Thanks in advance for everyone's help.
Where do they crash into you? If on a runway, perhaps Overland (etc.) set up "bypass" taxiways that avoid the runway and thus will cross it whether you are there or not. This and other similar bypass schemes are there to avoid AI aircraft backing up into long lines.
Hi Tom,
They actually crash into my plane after exiting the runway and on the way to the gate or parking after arrival. I get the ATC ground clearance to taxi via ... and then as I am taxing, a plane on another taxiway will just keep taxiing right into my aircraft. On the departure taxi, this never happens.
Just wondering if there is any way to fix this?
Thanks for all your help,
Hi Tom,
Here is a detailed scenario of how this happens:
  1. I load up an IFR flight
  2. I then load Active Sky Evolution for the weather
  3. I then load FS Passenger
  4. The initial ATC commands happen as expected with a Clearance to the destination airport and Taxi Command with a specific route from the gate to the runway.
  5. During this taxi phase, if there are other AI Aircraft, then ATC either stops my aircraft or the AI aircraft if there is a taxi conflict.
  6. Once I place the Takeoff request, this also works as expected in that if there is either aircraft on approach or the runway, ATC issues the "Hold Short" instruction until the conflicts are clear.
  7. During the enroute phase of the flight this also works as expected with ATC issuing traffic alerts for the AI aircraft.
  8. During the decent phase, this also works as expected and ATC will issue a Landing Clearance or a "Go-around" if there is and conflicts.
  9. Once landing has occurred, ATC then ask you to "Turn next Taxiway," and once I do, I get the "Contact Ground on ***" for instruction.
This is where sometimes things go haywire.
  1. I stop and receive the taxi instructions with a specific route from this point to either the gate or parking.
  2. I begin to proceed on the instructed route and in most places, there is no area to turn off if an AI aircraft begins or turn onto the Taxiway I am already on.
  3. If I see the aircraft, I stop but not because ATC instructed me to do so like in number 5 above but to attempt to avoid the impending collision.
  4. However, the AI Aircraft does not stop, nor does ATC issue any Stopping instructions to either the AI aircraft or my plane.
It is as though ATC no longer see my aircraft, and that the AI aircraft also no longer recognize there is another aircraft present. Once this happens, there is no chance to salvage the situation and I must either abort the flight since a crash in FS Passenger results in the death of the active pilot and loss of all the ranks achieved, or if FS Passenger is not active, FS9 says a "Crash Occurred" and your flight will be reset. Obviously, this results in a colossal waste of time if the flight is of any normal length. (I do not use time acceleration - and you are penalized for using it in FS Passenger.

What I have found is that while this can happen at almost any addon airport, it seems to happen more frequently at ones with lots of traffic and flights longer than 1 hour. I use Ultimate Traffic for my traffic engine along with having the traffic settings in FS9 at maximum. Also, it makes no difference what type of plane I am flying.

What I am wondering, is there a way to adjust internally the way ATC controls ground traffic at airports. By internally I mean in the programing data of FS9, not the typical End-User limited control features.

Thanks again for all your help,

No, AFAIK there is nothing you can do about this. As you say, this usually only happens at complex airports with a lot of traffic. Once your plane and an AI are on a collision course FS ATC gives up and you must avoid the crash yourself. I normally taxi onto the grass to avoid the collision.
Thanks Tom,
I figured as much after lots of searching, but figured I ask the experts here.

Use AITraffic toolbox module (FS9 Traffic SDK) to delete the conflicting AI before "it hits", therefore you comply with FSPassenger requiring you to remain on taxiway and doesn't kill your entire AI eye candy. Yeah, that adds workload, but, as an AI addict, I would gladly choose this hack.
Hi Karl,
Thanks for the reply. I have that SDK installed, but are you saying there is a delete cheat (some key combination) that removes the offending aircraft temporarily from being there? I do not see where this is possible without having the SDK program open while flying. Please let me know what I am missing.
Thanks for your support,
AFAIK you need to open the Explorer program, click on the offending AI aircraft in the list, and press the Delete key (as I remember).
Yes, that's the Traffic Explorer window. You also open the Traffic Map window (it's easier if you have another monitor), to get the RegNum of the offending AI(s), then in the explorer, you find the RegNum through the listed rows, then right click on the aircraft, then "Delete" on the popup menu.
If you are going to use the map, why not use it for everything?

1. Open the map, it will center on your aircraft.
2. Use the numpad + and - to zoom in/out.
3. Once you find the aircraft you want deleted, click the little triangle - it should become brighter and highlighted in the list below.
4. Press the Delete key. It will be deleted.
And in the Traffic Explorer listing you can click a heading to sort by that value - makes finding things much faster.