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Hi All, I have prepared a little sample that changes the Active Runways (TakeOff, Approach and Landing) and some other features.

You just need to download the zip file and copy the folder to your P3D Documents\addons folders.


The XML lets you configure ICAO and the indexes you want to assign for Departure and Landing. You will need to know the Airport Indexes you are setting.

There are other parameters you can configure

Let me know how goes. Appreciate testing it in v4 (but should work in v5 as well)


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>

Brief: EnableFastTakeOff == 1, will line up and then take off. Faster than the default hold

AllowTakeOffDistance, will allow AI to take off if the AI landing is > AllowTakeOffDistance

TaxiSpeedLimiter, is the limit to the 20 knots

enableRollthenTakeOff.== 1, will let the AI lineup while the AI which lands and vacates the runway

nonBlockingUserAircraft==1, the user aircraft won't block the other AIs

minCrossingRny. experimental. lets AI cross runways if AI landing is > than minCrossingRny
Hi Federico - this looks interesting. Is it P3D only ? Could it work in FSX also ?
The XML lets you configure ICAO and the indexes you want to assign for Departure and Landing. You will need to know the Airport Indexes you are setting.

I dont really know what any of that means appart from "ICAO". Could you possibly provide a better explanation? Thanks.
Hi am updating the documentation and will upload it, which will be clearer
Could You please provide information about what is Landing index, takeoff index and approach indeks and how it should be setting - if i understand correctly for every single airports that i want use?
For example if i want to set for EPWA airports it has two runway 11/29 and 15/33.
15 and 29 (but not for hevy) is primary use for dep and 11 and 33 for landing.
How i shuld set atc app to simulate above.

Best regards and sorry for my english.
Sir, please give some information about setting for this application.
It's somthing that i'm looking from a long time, and i really want to test it:oops:
If <LandingIndex>0 is runway designed for landing, as in my above for EPWA: <LandingIndex>33 for landing, and <TakeOffIndex>29 for take off?
<ApproachIndex>0 (?)
I am posting an update until the end of the week. With new binaries and info updated

this is for P3D at the moment
Thanks for your interest in this addon. New version of the DLL.

You just need to download the zip file and copy the folder to your P3D Documents\addons folders.

The config.xml XMLfile lets you configure ICAO and the active runway Departure and Landing names and approaches.

There are other parameters you can configure (see below). In the case you want to just test theses non blocking features, you can just leave the ICAO and Runway names, it won't affect the behaviour.

Let me know how it goes. It was tested in v4 and also v5



<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>

Brief of each:

ICAO: ICAO name if you are going to set Active Runways and Approaches is needed. Only one ICAO is allowed at the moment.

ActiveTakeOffRunway: Name of the active runway for Takeoffs for the ICAO entered above. If more than one entry is present, the sim will assign to each a probability based on the number of entries (2 => 50%, 3 => 33%, and so on)

ActiveLandingRunway: Name of the active runway for Landings for the ICAO entered above. If more than one entry is present, the sim will assign to each a probability based on the number of entries (2 => 50%, 3 => 33%, and so on)

ApproachName and ApproachType: Optional ActiveLandingRunway is present. Name of the and Type of the approach to fly. ApproachType needs to be present if ApproachName is entered. See example XML above.

EnableFastTakeOff == 1, will line up and then take off. Faster than the default hold

AllowTakeOffDistance, will allow AI to take off if the AI landing is > AllowTakeOffDistance

TaxiSpeedLimiter, is the limit to the 20 knots default speed. you can increase it (taxi speed on runways is capped at 35 knots by default AI behaviour)

enableRollthenTakeOff.== 1, will let the AI lineup while the AI which lands and vacates the runway

minCrossingRny. Lets AI cross runways if AI landing is > than minCrossingRny. There are also ground algorithms that prevent non blocking situations.

isGUIVisible turns on or off the GUI. Just leave it in 1 = On for the moment.
Thank You Sir!
I will test it.
1. But please give me some clarification. If i want asign two runway for Depp, i need put this two on the same line eg. for EPWA airports:<Runway>R29,R33</Runway>
or it should be put on next line and looks like this:
2. Second question is about priority of using Depp runway. As in EPWA airports eg RWY 29 is primary for depp, and 33 for landing. But R29 is usualy to short for havy and they use 33 for depp. As I understand if i asign two rwy for dep probabiliti for use R 29 or 33 will be 50/50?
And the same for app rwy
3. App name, is this final app fix for specific runway or STAR name? As in EPWA eg there is few STAR for ILS RWY33 but they all end on FAF nemes ERLEG. If this setting will be ok?

As You wrote, only one icao is aviable at this moment, if i want asign app, dep etc for my destination, could it be done during flight using and put change for destination airports and reload XML in app. option without need reload P3d?

Sorry for this trivial question but i'm realy not expert in XML principle and setting

Thank You
Thanks for testing.

1. This is the right way:


2. Correct, 50%/50%

3. The approach name is needed not the fix name. The approach name as you could see it at ADE. If no approach name is provided, the default is ILS is used and if no ILS available the VRF approach is used.

Let me know how it goes.

Thank You very much.
Before first flight everything seams fine. But I don't know if runway assigment works correct. My setting are as above (for EPWA) but ATC give clarence only for RWY33 and not for 29.
May be it becouse i use PF3 as my ATC program.
I will test in other flight

Thank You for Your work
Thank You very much.
Before first flight everything seams fine. But I don't know if runway assigment works correct. My setting are as above (for EPWA) but ATC give clarence only for RWY33 and not for 29.
May be it becouse i use PF3 as my ATC program.
I will test in other flight

Thank You for Your work
The ATC for user Aircraft still gives you the default (hardcoded) runway. I will need to add this.
For AIs all clearance is in the runways you provide.
Thanks for clarification!
Is the runway order assigment is important, i mean if i put rwy 29 on top active runway, atc will give clarence for 29 at first?
A second question. If i want use Your app. for destination airport without reload P3d, can I edit and put info into config. XML a then press reload button in GUI?
I will let You know about next test
Thanks for clarification!
Is the runway order assigment is important, i mean if i put rwy 29 on top active runway, atc will give clarence for 29 at first?
A second question. If i want use Your app. for destination airport without reload P3d, can I edit and put info into config. XML a then press reload button in GUI?
I will let You know about next test
No, there is no priorities if you put them first.

The reload button used to work, I will check it.
I have made few test and unfortunetly every time when i use app with airports setting (dep, app etc) i have had ctd with kernelbase. dll error. Strange thing is that flight from first dep and setting Your app for them, to destination is ok, but when i made return flight i always have ctd with kernelbase.