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AttachPointName Property??

I'm trying to create a runway lighting effect trigger using Object Placement Tool (OPT) and a .fx file. I thought I had it all figured when I come across the AttachPointName property.

I read up on this a little, but still coming up short.

Can anyone explain how I assign this property to my effect file? Must I use GMAX (which I never seem to have any luck with)

What exactly does this property point to?


Can you explain a bit more what you are trying to do? You say trigger, does that mean you are working on a mission where this effect should be triggered? Or are you trying to place them as "static" scenery elements?

I'm working on a mission in which I fire a trigger based on the users altitude. I'm using the AttachEffect action but having trouble figuring out this AttachPointName property.

I think you only need that to attach it to an scenery object. But I will move this thread to the Mission forum, as I think you will get more response there.

The AttachPoint property specifies which AttachPoint of a model you want your effect to be attached to. The idea is that a single model can have lots of different points, for example at the wheels (for mud), the engines (for fire), the cockpit window (for screenwash).

However, there's a problem. All of the models, with few exceptions, that area supplied with FSX have a specific effect tied to each of their attachpoints. This means that you can't use any other effect with them.

There's a useful scenery object, GEN_SceneryEffect, which you can attach any effect to. It's AttachPoint name is "attachpt_GenericEffect".

This GEN_SceneryEffect sounds like exactly what I need. I didn't see a copy of this in my FSX install (using sp1).

Also, can you touch on how this is implemented if posible? How do I specify where I want to place the object and how to attach my effect file? Do I use 3Ds Max?

Sorry still new, just when I figured out SimConnect I get tossed into Effects and Missions.


You don't have to use GMax, the model should already be present. You just specify the appropriate values for the AttachEffectAction. Placing the object is done the same way as any other in the OPT.



  • Effect.png
    11.8 KB · Views: 486
Mission Complete

Finally revisited this issue. My custom missions work like a charm including the custom lighting!

Thanks jimkeir and Arno
Jim -

Thanks for that brief tutorial on how to deal with effects for the first time. I have only been working OPT and FSXME for about a week, so this clears up a lot when it comes to effects. I was racking my mind trying to find an Attach Point Name, and it turns out that hardly anything has attach points anyway. Good to know, 'cause I would still be looking for one.

That's too bad that they didn't allow for hardly anything to have attachment points. I guess everyone will just have to rely on what they make using gmax.

I put in the Generic Scenery and gave it all the properties like you said, and I have a huge forest fire now - good thing too because that is what my whole mission is based on!
