I have totally lost the plot!
I've constructed a hangar with animated doors. Works fine.
(see http://www.longport.com.au/DCAPg1.htm and http://www.longport.com.au/DCA/TIST1.htm )
I can export it from Gmax using the 2002 gamepack......BUT.....
I cannot find/remember the turorial and/or sequence for exporting using the 2004 gamepack!!!
Can some one guide me on this process?
I need to know what has to be done, and the sequence in which it has to be done, from the point where I press the export command in Gmax to the use of CAT for 2004 to the placement check in FS9.
I know its very basic but..... some of us can't get our heads around the simplest things! Humour an old man please?
I've constructed a hangar with animated doors. Works fine.
(see http://www.longport.com.au/DCAPg1.htm and http://www.longport.com.au/DCA/TIST1.htm )
I can export it from Gmax using the 2002 gamepack......BUT.....
I cannot find/remember the turorial and/or sequence for exporting using the 2004 gamepack!!!
Can some one guide me on this process?
I need to know what has to be done, and the sequence in which it has to be done, from the point where I press the export command in Gmax to the use of CAT for 2004 to the placement check in FS9.
I know its very basic but..... some of us can't get our heads around the simplest things! Humour an old man please?