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Bumpy feedback


Staff member
FSDevConf team
Resource contributor
Use this thread to report problems, suggestions, etc for Bumpy.
Bumpy configuration

arno said:
Use this thread to report problems, suggestions, etc for Bumpy.

Hi Arno,

Some time ago I put here a question about a solution for bumpy taxiways and aprons. Bumpy SCASM tweaking was the solution: first the general one and then the more detailed tweaking with the bumpy tool.
As I am almost at the end of building my first airport scenery, I like to be sure to use the SCASM or the bumpy tool correctly.

I used AFW 2.6 (for the taxyways), groundMaker and Scenery Creator for minor things... but also GMAX for the aprons.
Where do I start ? Is only general .bgl. enough ? Do I use only AFW and set an Area (or a Flatten ?) and open the SCASM-file and put the tweak in it ?

I remember that I explained to you that making a new xyz this problem was also solved... but I don't remember what it was, hà. That was for a general solution.

But for using the tool... I have textures used by AFW and by GMAX.
So I think that a general (the early solution) is the best or less complicated ?

Greetz. José.

Tried and got a xyz_fst.bgl file. However one texture could not be accepted (the one for an apron). So I tested the result and everything is smooth except the apron. Strange that the error file pointed at a spot that in early stage was textured but is deleted afterwards and replaced by a GMAX made apron. Maybe not everything is deleted ?
Searching further. Maybe is the first solution better: smoothing a whole area ?

Greetz. José.

Greetz. José.

Problem solved. Made only the grass (= texture beneath the apron texture) smooth and by this the apron is now smooth too. :rotfl:

Greetz. José.
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Hi Jose,

Good that you have solved, here are a few general hints (that might help others with the same problem):

Bumpy does not work on GMax code (you can decompile it to SCASM, but Bumpy will not recognise it). So only FSSC, AFW, GroundMaker code works. So if you have made aprons in GMax you will have to find other ways to make them smooth.

If you are making the grass smooth as well, you have basically lost the reason to use Bumpy. In that case it is probably more efficient to just draw a simple SurfaceType rectangle in a tool like AFW, instead of checking for the shapes of each taxiway (as Bumpy does). That only makes sense if you are trying to keep the grass bumpy.