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Compilation error


Resource contributor
I tried to animate a small hangar.

The hangardoor is pushed open in GMax. Then I compiled the asm-file with CAT. But I received an error message:

What did I do wrong?

Starting compilation...

Microsoft (R) Flight Simulator BGL Compiler Version 8.00
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1981-2002. All rights reserved.

Assembling: C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat.azm
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(301) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Hngr_rnd_2_local_varbase_1
LOCAL_BASE_32(4): Macro Called From
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(301): Include File
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(479) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Hngr_rnd_2_local_varbase_1
LOCAL_BASE_32(4): Macro Called From
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(479): Include File
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(503) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Hngr_rnd_2_local_varbase_1
LOCAL_BASE_32(4): Macro Called From
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(503): Include File
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(526) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Hngr_rnd_2_local_varbase_1
LOCAL_BASE_32(4): Macro Called From
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(526): Include File
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1197) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Hngr_rnd_2_local_varbase_1
LOCAL_BASE_32(4): Macro Called From
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1197): Include File
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1198) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Hngr_rnd_2_trans_1_1_a
BGL_ANIMATE_INDIRECT(7): Macro Called From
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1198): Include File
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1204) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Hngr_rnd_2_local_varbase_1
LOCAL_BASE_32(4): Macro Called From
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1204): Include File
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1205) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Hngr_rnd_2_trans_1_1_b
BGL_ANIMATE_INDIRECT(7): Macro Called From
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1205): Include File
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1211) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Hngr_rnd_2_local_varbase_1
LOCAL_BASE_32(4): Macro Called From
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1211): Include File
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1212) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Hngr_rnd_2_trans_1_1_c
BGL_ANIMATE_INDIRECT(7): Macro Called From
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1212): Include File
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1218) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Hngr_rnd_2_local_varbase_1
LOCAL_BASE_32(4): Macro Called From
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1218): Include File
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1219) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Hngr_rnd_2_trans_1_1_d
BGL_ANIMATE_INDIRECT(7): Macro Called From
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1219): Include File
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1225) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Hngr_rnd_2_local_varbase_1
LOCAL_BASE_32(4): Macro Called From
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1225): Include File
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1226) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Hngr_rnd_2_quat_1_1_a
BGL_ANIMATE_INDIRECT(7): Macro Called From
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1226): Include File
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1232) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Hngr_rnd_2_local_varbase_1
LOCAL_BASE_32(4): Macro Called From
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1232): Include File
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1233) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Hngr_rnd_2_quat_1_1_b
BGL_ANIMATE_INDIRECT(7): Macro Called From
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1233): Include File
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1239) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Hngr_rnd_2_local_varbase_1
LOCAL_BASE_32(4): Macro Called From
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1239): Include File
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1240) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Hngr_rnd_2_quat_1_1_c
BGL_ANIMATE_INDIRECT(7): Macro Called From
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1240): Include File
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1246) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Hngr_rnd_2_local_varbase_1
LOCAL_BASE_32(4): Macro Called From
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1246): Include File
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1247) : error A2006: undefined symbol : Hngr_rnd_2_quat_1_1_d
BGL_ANIMATE_INDIRECT(7): Macro Called From
C:\Programme\Flight Simulator 9\GMAX\meshes\Hngr_rnd_2_cat_0.asm(1247): Include File
BGLC: Error!

Compilation ready!
Hi Thorsten,

Some code CAT expected can not be found, this is usually caused by some code in the ASM file made by GMax that CAT does not understand.

I would have to see your ASM code to tell you where it goes wrong. So can you please email that to me or attach it here on the forum?
Hi Arno,

thanx. I uploaded the asm. Hope you find the error. ;)
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Hi Thorsten,

Oops, forgot to say, but I need the _0.asm file.
Oh, no prob.

Here it is. ;)
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Hi Thorsten,

Did you use the prefix tick18_ for your animated parts? It does not look the tick18 variable is used to drive your animation, instead some aircraft user variable is used (which does not work in the scenery).

So I guess, your origional GMax animation is not working correct as well.
Yes, you're right. I forgot to rename it. Actually the animation didn't work when I exported it directly as a mdl.
But I don't know what you mean with an "aircraft user variable". It's just how you name the object you're animating, or am I wrong? :confused:
Hi Thorsten,

It seems that the Fs2004 MakeMDL uses a user variable (number 8 usually) as variable to drive your animation, when you do not tell it to use tick18. This is not valid for the scenery and therefore it does not work. As CAT expects tick18, it can not find some pieces of code, which results in the missing code.
OK, I didn't know where the aircraft-variable should come from. :eek:

The compilation works without problems now, but still the animation doesn't work. :confused:

I exported the hangar direktly and via CAT. Not in the FS only the direct exported hangar does the animation. Maybe it's because I used a wrong variable or trigger.

I assigned NAV1 and the frequency 110.00 for min and max. Does the max have to be bigger than the min or can I do it like that to assure, the animation is only played when NAV1 is 110.00?

Another thing:

How can I prevent the FS from playing the animation all the time. I only want to open the hangar once if I turn to a certain frequency. And then, when I turn to another certain freq it should close again. How can I do this? Do I have to export the hangardoor as an extra animated object. Does the animation in GMax be a ping-pong or not?

by the way: I'll be away from monday to thursday, so no hurry for the answer. ;)
Hi Thorsten,

Horst18519 said:
I assigned NAV1 and the frequency 110.00 for min and max. Does the max have to be bigger than the min or can I do it like that to assure, the animation is only played when NAV1 is 110.00?

Did you enter 110.00 as 1000h? As that is how the value of the frequency is stored in memory. So the first 1 should be removed and a h added at the end.

Horst18519 said:
How can I prevent the FS from playing the animation all the time. I only want to open the hangar once if I turn to a certain frequency. And then, when I turn to another certain freq it should close again. How can I do this?

Once you have exported it from CAT succesfully that should be how the animation is behaving. So nothing special needs to be done in GMax.
Sorry Arno, I should have looked at the tutorials better. :eek:

The thing with the closing door was: In GMax the door opens and at the last frame, the door ist fully open. Then the animation starts from frame 1 with the closed door? cat plays the animation once, then the door is open (and stays like this?). But how does it cloase again?
Hi Thorsten,

CAT indeed plays the aniation once. Once the condition is no longer valid the reverse animation is shown once (so in your case once the frequency is no longer tuned).