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CompileHelper feedback


Staff member
FSDevConf team
Resource contributor
Use this thread for feedback about CompileHelper.
Did a quick test with bglcomp.exe. It works oke for me. Very handy tool.

doet nix

Ik heb mijn .xml bestand op de compilehelper gedropt en hij vraagt inderdaad om een pad maar dan geeft hij daarna een runtime error 339
en ontbreekt component comdag32.ocx,

geen idee groetjes Jan Karsten
Hallo Jan Karsten,

Just for other users who don't understand Dutch :). The problem is that CompileHelper gives a runtime error after dropping the file to compile on it.

Are you sure that the missing file is comdag32.ocx? I don't even have that file on my own PC :). I could be that you are missing the VB6 runtime files. Which OS are you using?


En voor de zekerheid ook nog maar even in het Nederlands :). Weet je zeker dat het missende bestand comdag32.ocx heet? Dat bestand heb ik namelijk helemaal niet op mijn PC staan. Ik vermoed dat je de standaard VB6 runtime bestanden mist. Welk OS gebruik je precies?
Thanks Arno for this tool. However now it's all about interpreting the error log

I tried to place a few effects with the following xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<FSData version="9.0" xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="bglcomp.xsd">

<SceneryObject lat="N47 39.585" lon="W122 27.98" alt="0" pitch="0" bank="0" heading="341" altitudeIsAgl="TRUE" imageComplexity="DENSE">
<Effect effectName="fx_wake_4_medium_ships.fx" />

I dropped the xml on CompileHelper.exe and got the following error messages:

INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR C1003: Failed to create MSXML object! (0x80040154)

Parsing document: D:\BACKUP\Projects\Work Folder\Seattle_Cargo_Wake_1.xml

ERROR C2470: Unrecoverable error parsing XML!
ERROR C2006: Parse failed (0x80004005)
ERROR C2003: Failed to process file: D:\BACKUP\Projects\Work Folder\Seattle_Cargo_Wake_1.xml

What on earth went wrong here? Thanks in advance for any help.

BTW Wormerveer? I live in Monnickendam, not far away is it ;)

Met vriendelijke groet,

Rob de Vries
Hi Rob,

That means you don't have MSXML installed. It is the MS XML parser used by BGLComp. You can download it from MS.
Are there any operating system limitations with this program? I am using Win 7 64 bit.
When I use it I get the configuration dialogue box. I set the path to Bglcomp but that is all that happens. If I close it and drag and drop a file onto it the config page opens again and still shows the path I set. The path is correct.

Are you sure you set the complete path to the executable? The config form will show again if the path is not provided or not valid.