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MCX Control surfaces loose animation and other parts jump all over,

Not sure what is happening. Certain models (Created in FSDS, Above V3) seem to have the control surface animations go away. Model looks good in MCX with everything in it's place but the the surfaces are in place but do not animate. It's not consistent across models. The worst seems to be my old FS2004 Gippisland Airvan. In that model, the surfaces don't work (except the flaps) and other things like the wheels (tagged L or R_Gear Don't stay in place.

This is in P3D V3 Academic using the V3 SDK.

First pic is how it looks in MCX with the animation slider all the way right...


This is in P3D...
When you export the mdl file are all the animations listed correctly in the log?

You might want to check if some animations are unknown (shown in red in the animation editor). Those would be skipped on export.
This won't do anything for the animations that don't appear in MCX, but if things are moving after Exporting try loading the P3D model back into MCX and Exporting again. This sometimes fixes the collapsing animated parts issue. This problem has been present since day one of MCX, and we don't know the reason. Probably has to do with FS2004 to later sim conversion. But sometimes P3D to P3D (etc.) conversion fixes it.
The only warning I get is on the external model (internal doesn't have this part) is:

11:00 AM XtoMDL Warning warning : Part information for rudder_key indicates that it is deprecated!
And so you see information messages for the animation types of the parts that don't move?
Best I can figure out. MCX either suddenly doesn't play well with FSDS created models or perhaps something is corrupted in my modeldef.xml file?

G max models convert fine. Just FSDS ones get all weird. I even tried going back to a two year old version of MCX that I had on my drive and no go...