• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

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DXF2SCA - AutoCAD converter


Staff member
FSDevConf team
Resource contributor
Hi all,

I am currently coding an updated version of my DXF2SCA tool. This tools allows you to convert AutoCAD generated DXF files into scenery for Flight Simulator. For the Schiphol project I am working on, we use this to generate the markings of the airport.

I the past I have posted this question as well, but are there other designers also using AutoCAD for their scenery design? And would there be interest in a public version of this tool?

At the moment the Dutch RD coordinate system is assumed, but I can build in other systems as well of course. Depending on the system used in your AutoCAD drawing. Any suggestions or feedback on this is welcome.

I cannot say that I have used it much, not owning AutoCAD, but through a friend of mine I have used AutoDesk Maps to convert SHP-data to DXF, and then imported this data into Gmax. The format of the data is the same as AutoCad, hence the capability to import.
I would be most interested in such a tool. I will have to look into the possibilities available in Autodesk Maps for placing images and such, but in short, yes, please! :)


EDIT: regarding coordinates - ADMaps allows for such a translation to take place and the Dutch version would probably not be a problem.
Hi Hans,

There has not been a lot of progress on the tool since then (so it is still only using the Dutch RD coordinates, to place polygons and lines at Schiphol airport). But at work I have learned a lot more about coordinate systems and translations, so maybe in the future I can add that feature.

At the moment I am mainly busy with other tools, so the development of this tool mainly focus on internal NL2000 use for now.
the wonder CAD files

Hi guys

First, thanks to all for your amazing work and hints,... specialy to Arno.
I am one of few guys that uses Autocad to do my airports coz is the most powerful tool to do that but..(that are allways a but...) to go to the finaly file that Fs uses, i must do a long walk....
The great hit of Autocad, is that you can "see" the real scale and real units of an aiport. Using ortophotos in background, i can zoom the picture to mach the correct measures. More... i can create all meshs in 3D (buildings, bridges, oilrigs, etc, etc...) in the correct places on the orthopic and export that 3d meshs, directly to 3D MAx or Gmax, to put the maps in the right places... I can also use Autocad to maping all my solids like the 3D Max or Gmax do!!... and, i can do too, correct renders of my solids using lights and raytraced shadows, but autocad only have export files like dwg, dxf and 3ds format!! ok.. i can convert the files with DeepExploration converter...
The second pass, i use the SceneGenX to use the same background pic to create the mok up of my afcad. Next step, i jump to Afcad 2.21 ( Lee Swordy deserve an Oscar..!!! :D ) to clean up the final airport afcad ( Gates, VOR's, DME's, etc,etc...). All the rest of 3d objects come from 3D Max ( exported in .x file format ( http://www.andytather.co.uk/Panda/directxmax.aspx ) and Gmax ( and with all the Arnos wonder tools..)
So... i think that if you intend to create converters like DXF2SCA or DXF2XML... or 3Ds2SCA....3Ds2XML....or something usefull file...
man... if you do that converter... i will call you "MIGHTY GOD Erno" :D and another Oscar goes to you!!
I will try to send you some of pics of my work.. so you can see the potencial of Autocad in airports projects.


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Hi again
The ligth poles are made in Autocad (the solids meshs), render in 3D Max (to get the maps) and put inside FS by Gmax.
I know that poles are highpolys but this are only experimental works to testing all the limits of FS. im my tests, i use about 15 poles whithout lose frame rate ;) ... but a little more poles.... are a nigthmare... :yikes:
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Hi Arno,
I'd be interested with that tool as well.
Not for me, but a guy I'm collaborating with feels rather uncomfortable with Gmax/3DSMax, and he loves working with AutoCAD (he owns that).

As a wrote above the tool at the moment still "assumes" your data is in the Dutch RD coordinate system. So it is of little use for people outside The Netherlands.

And it is absolutely no alternative for GMax. All I do with it is create the ground layout of my airport (so markings, taxisigns, etc). It does not allow you to create 3D objects, like you do with GMax. We actually use GMax for that.
I have AutoCAD and just drew up my airport base in it (runways and taxiways, etc) so I can get them into GMAX for textures. I'd like to use ground polylines for texture (using FS2002 gamespack) but I am running into trouble with importing the DXF into GMAX, and the proper formats.

Is there any "tutorial" about doing this? I posted a message on another thread and am waiting for some responses...

If there is something that shows the steps from drawing it in Autocad to applying the textures to the ground features, etc. , I'd be interested but haven't seen it yet.

Any help is always appreciated!

I wrote my tool to do this kind of things, because I found that easier than using GMax. Also it gives me a lot more control over the actual scenery code written in the end (thus better performance).

But as you might have read above the tool only works with data that uses a Dutch coordinate system at the moment, so that will not help you much :).

For the tricks on how to do it in GMax, I see you have a thread in the GMax forum already. Let's continue that discussion there.