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FS2004 Extended Compile (AFCAD) does no longer work

I habe a problem with "Footprints" in FS9):

normal compile works fine
Not sure where this is connected to footprints. plus I can't see the actual error - sorry my German is lousy
Can you please send me the project file or attach it here?
OK - I cannot replicate this other than by creating a separate xml file using Tools > Export for X. Even then I cannot replicate what you have. So I am at a loss as to what to suggest. Other than deleting any xml files generated for this and trying to compile again
Thanks Jon, I will try it.
In the meantime I could compile the 2 manual splitted parts of the "normal" XML.
The Extended Compile code is very old and I will check it in case there is something conflicting in it
Thanks Jon, I am sure there is something wrong with the generated XML, because the fs9 BGLcomp cannot handle these "Footprints"
No Footprint code is for a very special purpose and won't compile. I think I found the bug. The code was written before the existence of footprints and I don't think it turns them off properly in Extended Compile. I am checking the code.


Yes - there was a bug that failed to recognize that footprint code could not be compiled. The reason I could not replicate it is that I don't have the objects for this airport so no footprint existed and the code moved on. When I tested with a stock airport I replicated the error. I have fixed the code and it will be in the next update. Thanks for reporting it.
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Merry Chrismas and a Happy New Year!
Jon, it's me again.
I installed 1.78, and "Extended Compile" (Afcad Split) works fine now, but does no longer create a "xxxx.TER" bgl. Full compile is okay, so it is no problem:
1. Full compile and
2. Extended Compile :)