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MSFS20 [GUIDE] Converting Aircraft from FSX to MSFS

did you re export them back into MDL? whats your options export path? I keep getting a failure due to not locating the FSX to MDL

If you make modifications on the MDL witouth exporting it to FSX MDL format, it is useless .
My FSX SDK is always on my hard disk. You can also use P3D v1.x SDK because it is compatible with FSX SDK
If you make modifications on the MDL witouth exporting it to FSX MDL format, it is useless .
My FSX SDK is always on my hard disk. You can also use P3D v1.x SDK because it is compatible with FSX SDK
..darn it. Somehow i have figured, the modelconverterx itself can convert these files,,,i do not have any SDK installed ,save the new one for FS2020....
Was anyone able to assign a working gauge ,either from converted airplanes or from stock one , to a flyable converted plane, with non working gauges ?? I mean just the basic gauges, ASI, VS, Altitude ?
Working on it at this moment. I haven't found the way to render native gauges on MDL texture (Vcockpit01 method), polygons has original texture but nothing renders on top of them. however, livery painting (VPainting01) works fine, so I am trying to convert XML into JS+HTML form. a bit confused how game loading custom instruments so it's another problem.
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So, cockpit gauges conversion definitely possible. A lot of work with connecting FSX variables with modern ones, making animation work properly in any gauge type, fixing rendering issues, but all that will be solved sooner o later.
That will be last Legacy Importer major feature so I will make a topic with full description and code examples once it completed, maybe you will help me to make it better.
Great job on the conversion tool — and if you can pull off the gauge conversion that would be a great step forward, and make A LOT of people very happy!!!
Was anyone able to assign a working gauge ,either from converted airplanes or from stock one , to a flyable converted plane, with non working gauges ?? I mean just the basic gauges, ASI, VS, Altitude ?
It should be possible to isolate individual working gauges from the P51 etc, then merge them into the plane you're working on. All using MCX.
Great tool indeed. Thank you.

Regarding the .air to .cfg conversions, I think I found some wrong entries:

For example, tables 420 and 421 are supposed to be related to Mach, but the variables within the .cfg are related to AoA. I think these tables should be related to tables 517-519 ???

Just some feedback for you.

Trying to help out, pitch moment tables defined just like the lift coefficient ones. The guys at Asobo have used the same nomenclature, so taking out the roots for both you are left with what we need (i.e. _delta_elevator_mach_table, _daoa_mach_table, etc.). Hope it helps.

I am working on a full dictionary, so I will contribute as much as I can.

[410]Delta CL_de due to mach,tbl16flight_modellift_coef_delta_elevator_mach_table
[411]Delta CL_adot due to mach,tbl16flight_modellift_coef_daoa_mach_table
[412]Delta CL_q due to mach,tbl16flight_modellift_coef_pitch_rate_mach_table
[413]Delta CL_ih due to mach,tbl16flight_modellift_coef_horizontal_incidence_mach_table
[420]Delta Cm_de due to mach,tbl16flight_modelpitch_moment_delta_elevator_mach_table
[421]Delta Cm_adot due to mach,tbl16flight_modelpitch_moment_daoa_mach_table
[422]Delta Cm_q due to mach,tbl16flight_modelpitch_moment_pitch_rate_mach_table
[423]Delta Cm_ih due to mach,tbl16flight_modelpitch_moment_horizontal_incidence_mach_table
Trying to help out, pitch moment tables defined just like the lift coefficient ones. The guys at Asobo have used the same nomenclature, so taking out the roots for both you are left with what we need (i.e. _delta_elevator_mach_table, _daoa_mach_table, etc.). Hope it helps.

I am working on a full dictionary, so I will contribute as much as I can.

[410]Delta CL_de due to mach,tbl16flight_modellift_coef_delta_elevator_mach_table
[411]Delta CL_adot due to mach,tbl16flight_modellift_coef_daoa_mach_table
[412]Delta CL_q due to mach,tbl16flight_modellift_coef_pitch_rate_mach_table
[413]Delta CL_ih due to mach,tbl16flight_modellift_coef_horizontal_incidence_mach_table
[420]Delta Cm_de due to mach,tbl16flight_modelpitch_moment_delta_elevator_mach_table
[421]Delta Cm_adot due to mach,tbl16flight_modelpitch_moment_daoa_mach_table
[422]Delta Cm_q due to mach,tbl16flight_modelpitch_moment_pitch_rate_mach_table
[423]Delta Cm_ih due to mach,tbl16flight_modelpitch_moment_horizontal_incidence_mach_table
Please feel free to update this sheet for everyone :)
Will do ... still working on the whole thing!

BTW, is it possible to use MSFS Legacy Importer ONLY to convert .air and .cfg files? (both ways)
Will do ... still working on the whole thing!

BTW, is it possible to use MSFS Legacy Importer ONLY to convert .air and .cfg files? (both ways)
I don't think there is a AIR to TXT commandline tool so you have to use AirDat to export.
BTW, is it possible to use MSFS Legacy Importer ONLY to convert .air and .cfg files? (both ways)
What do you mean by "only"? Import aircraft manually (or with other tool), but use Importer just for AIR injection? In this case you'll need to extract flight_model.cfg and engine.cfg from aircraft.cfg anyway, and then apply AIR data import.
And it's true that you have to convert .air into text mnually, however I recommend AirUpdate as it only one I have found able to dump 100% of data.
Yes, probably I need to explain myself a little bit better.

I am working on JUST flight and engine models for the A320Neo for the FBW community. In order to use tools like AirWrench/ AirWizEd, I have been thinking on the following:

(i) Convert Asobo's A320Neo's .cfg files to "legacy" .air and aircraft.cfg files
(ii) Tweak and play around with the models
(iii) Re-convert to Asobo's .cfg file structure
(iv) Test in MSFS2020

Loop 'n' times.

So my question is if I can use your tool to ONLY convert .air and aircraft.cfg files (and vice-versa), without the rest of the aircraft.

Convert Asobo's A320Neo's .cfg files to "legacy" .air and aircraft.cfg files
nope, that is not possible with Importer, or any other existing tool. I got your idea but maybe it's a good time to learn new SDK which provides better FM tuning instruments.
In the new flight model, Asobo has introduced additional variables, so the recommended manipulation will cause the benefit of these variables to be lost, THEALX's advice should be taken into account.
Yup, I understand that. But as of today, the best tool to work with for flight and engine models is still AirWrench/AirWizEd. Else, we would have to go on a very long 'trial and error' procedure.

I'll try and see how it goes.

Up to now I have always worked like this from FS2004 to Prepar3D by successive tests understanding the theory and the results in the simu, AirEd being used to enter the theoretical values in the air file then the simu confirms or not whether the entered values are understood by the simu. There is no other method.
I learned with JeanPierre Bourgeois (BeeGee) in 2008 who is part of the Restauravia team and who was a pilot and then an instructor pilot. on B-200.
Agreed, for the time being there is no other time efficient way of doing it. There is a post here in FSD regarding how we need an AirWrench for MSFS; but until that time comes, we need to test if we can still use these tools with the new structure.

I’ll keep you posted.
Hey, sorry for the delay coming back. I am working on the Asobo/ Legacy model converter and its taken most of my free time.

Attached please find an Excel file with all the correlations between Asobo's CFG file structure and the Legacy cfg/.air files. Each sheet corresponds to an Asobo .cfg file: in red you'll have variables that correspond to legacy "aircraft.cfg" file and in blue to variables corresponding to ".air" file. The aircraft.cfg variables maintain both Section and Key names (i.e. [AIRPLANE_GEOMETRY] section and "wing_area" key are the same , both in Asobo and Legacy cfg files).

Regarding the .Air file, I have included also an additional (Template AIR) sheet with the correlation between Asobo variables and .air variables.

Hope this helps everyone and, if you find any inconsistencies or mistakes (which I am sure you might), please let us all know.

In the next couple of days I should have the tool ready. It transforms Asobo files to Legacy ones, and viceversa.


