• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

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    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
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MSFS20 LLER - Ilan and Asaf Ramon International Airport

So it's been almost two years since this airport been released to P3D/FSX and now it's taking shape in MSFS
In the P3D version I created a complex 3d mesh model to cover the airport topography and this was part of the problem when I thought about how to make the same thing in MSFS
finally I decided to convert the ground model stright to MSFS, It's took some time but I think it's look pretty good when you compare it to the SDK terraforming, the downside is that I had to flatten the airport

so hope you like it and I will post more updates soon
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all the drain tranches has been modeled, I didn't like the result of the terraforming
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back then I created a newer model of the terminal with updated roof hatches, but never updated it on the P3D version, I converted the old model from P3D to MSFS so hopefuly this model soon will be replaced by the new one
also you van see the 7m wall between the apron and the parking
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this model will be replaced but I have to try the reflections :)
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the next step will be adding of the taxi and runway lights
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so, first thing, thank you all :)
It's been 3 weeks since I posted this post and now I have some updates

So I've been working on the projected mesh maps, It's been a little tricky to convert the normal and bump maps from P3D into MSFS, after lots of trying and experiencing I mange to create native MSFS metallic map (mainly the roughness map on the green channel that took me one day to adjust, not sure' I think I will try to improve it littel bit more)
also if you noticed I created a custom models for all the lights objects (with belnder lights and animation for the RGL)

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you can see the light in action in this photo (and if you ask' no there is no green lights on the center line)
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also here you can see the metallic map work on the apron during the night
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In the P3D version I place the firetrucks outside the fire station, now I had time to give them more respect and remodel the fire station with an open doors
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also the buses get there place in the scenery, notice the bus number :)
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another object that I modeled for the MSFS version (was not included in the P3D), the GS antenna
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some toys for the firefighters :)
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more details
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also the utility buildings and the ILS localizer
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this was the progress for now' I think I missed some things but there is more work to be done
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So here is the current progress that I made in the past two weeks since the last update

* Photoreal
A photoreal that cover the airport area and marge it with the surround area
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*The terminal
I sparated the model into 3 models (interior, exterior and glass so it be easier to work on)
I start with the exterior ,the roof of the terminal been updated with smoke hatches openings
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The interior got a massive update with many details that I added and texture replacement
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And also the glass been updated
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The sparaition of the model into ext and int models make it easy to add emmersive texture during the night to the intirior of the terminal
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* The Tower
got the same treatment as the terminal
I separated the model also into 3 part' but this time I only updated the interior and the glass
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* Rest of the airport
I kept working on more objects and building like the fuel station outside the airport'
the VOR LOC outside the airport and other fixes and adjustments to the project
I wish I could post all the photos but got only 10 photos for a post :)
Whaaawww !!!! Way better then in P3D (never had P3D, just saw on screenshots, I wished to have it and fly some EL AL)

May I ask, is it going to be a Freeware like for P3D? or do you plan making it payware (which I understand seeing the amount of work and details!)

Can't wait to see more pics! you are extremely talented, I wish I could have the same skills ;)
Whaaawww !!!! Way better then in P3D (never had P3D, just saw on screenshots, I wished to have it and fly some EL AL)

May I ask, is it going to be a Freeware like for P3D? or do you plan making it payware (which I understand seeing the amount of work and details!)

Can't wait to see more pics! you are extremely talented, I wish I could have the same skills ;)

thank you, and I also think so, never had the strength to finish the P3D version, and that can be the answer to your next question, the plan is to go payware, this is the only thing that motivate me to work on the scenery, it's sad to said this but after so many years I can't work on freeware any more.
And thank you for your worm words, hope to see you fly there
After a long time, crashed PC machine, I installed LLER for P3Dv5.4 and resulted with bad elevations around. It worked fine with FSX, P3Dv4.5 and P3Dv5.3
But with P3Dv5.4 needs a new AFCAD I guess to fix it?
After a long time, crashed PC machine, I installed LLER for P3Dv5.4 and resulted with bad elevations around. It worked fine with FSX, P3Dv4.5 and P3Dv5.3
But with P3Dv5.4 needs a new AFCAD I guess to fix it?
Strange, I made some flight in P3DV5.4 with no problem with a AFCAD
I will update the fix on my site
Strange, I made some flight in P3DV5.4 with no problem with a AFCAD
I will update the fix on my site
Hello Felix, I will keep an eye out for that fix. Please, let me know when ready.
I did some changes for the FSX conversion and now looking better.

EDIT: I changed the LLER airport scenery to lower priority than D:\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5\Scenery\0702 from P3Dv5.4 Library, Resolved the elevations!
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Best wishes with the ongoing difficulties in-country. While real-life comes first, we hope to see updates in the coming months as you have time and ability.
Best wishes with the ongoing difficulties in-country. While real-life comes first, we hope to see updates in the coming months as you have time and ability.
Thank you. I put the project on hold for now (for the past two weeks), there is more important things now as you side but hopefully will get back working on it.
the project is almost complete so hopefully will post an update about the project soon.
Checking on this one while being mindful of current events. Can I presume it's still on hold? In any case, have you considered releasing an as-is version perhaps with funds that go towards a charitable cause, with commitment to continue development once things have settled down (though that could be many, many months).
Checking on this one while being mindful of current events. Can I presume it's still on hold? In any case, have you considered releasing an as-is version perhaps with funds that go towards a charitable cause, with commitment to continue development once things have settled down (though that could be many, many months).
Thank you, and your thought went though my head, but after some time I got back in business.the first week was hard but after some time I got back into routine and the scenery is done, now I'm going to the release phase, there is some other problems like the person how helped me with the trailer didn't got back to his routine. also I want to rebuild my site and open a store, hopefully soon it will be out

And now for the development update:
so the back area of the scenery, the ground car parking island has been model with custom texturing. after I finished the model I didn't like the texture behavior to the light, I found out that It been influenced by the metallic texture so I separated the ground from the pavement and now you can see the behavior of the ground parking materials during different hour of the day
sunrise, the pavement is dark
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daytime with some clouds, the pavement getting brighter
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and during the night, the soil and the pavement looks the same
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the next step was adding some life to the scenery by placing static objects, first I tried the default cars of the SDK but they look awful
So I invest buying some custom 3D static models and this is the result.
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after replacing the default models with the custom models I found out that there been preference drop, So I had to optimize some of the models and reduce the number of the objects

The rest of the things that been adjusting in the scenery
improving the apron texture so they look better at night
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added more spherical light to create the effect of environmental light from the apron
here you can see the lights reflected on the tower
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also Alex.K how helped me with the P3D version made a GSX profile with walk in gates and walking people in the terminal with GSX
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hopefully the next update will be when the scenery will be out
DAMN WHOWWW, I hope we can achieve this quality on my projects, You are Soo inspiring!!!! I hope to see more from yoes after LLER ;) I wish you Success, you Deserve it!
That looks absolutely wonderful. Please let us know when it's on the market. I would encourage you to at least use Orbx and Contrail as well for much increased visibility, even though I'm sure they take a portion of proceeds. (Balance between your own webstore and all proceeds but lower visibility, or less than 100% proceeds on each sale but MUCH higher visibility).