Hi Morten:
Thanks for this updated package;
"AFCAD.rb" does now run in Sketchup 8 with no start up errors.
FYI: Because I also develop for FS2Kx, I attempted import of a
FS9-format AFCAD2 (aka "AF2") format BGL; I got this message:
Bytes left: 1496. ID: 3"
Direct conversion (with no edits) of that BGL to a
FSX format "Airport" BGL via ADE
imported instantaneously with no message.
Sketchup Menu > Window > Model Info > Geo-location
...showed ARP Geographic coordinates as a truncated 6-decimal place version of original 9 decimal places seen in ADE (FSX Mode):
ADEX Menu > File > Airport Properties > [Airport Tab] > Location
In that same
Sketchup Menu > Window > Model Info > Geo-location dialog, the "location" still shows
Boulder (CO), rather than the actual State and City names.
BTW: State and City names are stored as text within the airport "AFD" BGL format of all MSFS versions (seen as ASCII text near the end of the file ...when displayed in certain Hexadecimal mode file viewers).
* Is it possible to import, retain, and display the full original 9 decimal places for an airport BGL ?
FYI: I use minimum 13 decimal places, Google Earth and SBuilderX tile server data captures use 14 decimal places, and some MSFS saved *.FLT files actually use up to 16 decimal places ...to maintain needed precision.
* Is it possible to import, retain, and display the original "
State / Province" and "
City" name for an airport BGL ?
* Is it possible to import, retain, and display Airport Facility Data (aka "AFD") from a FS9-format AFCAD2 (aka "AF2") format BGL ?
Many thanks for your efforts with this interesting development tool; I look forward to your reply, and further posts on this.