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Up at the top, is a question from Walter: The "cut" is NOT to "cut his engine" it is to throttle down and land catching a wire. In the LSO NATOPS manual it means to "retard throttle(s) to idle and land" For barricade recovery, retard throttle(s) to idle and secure engine(s) once safely on deck. So as I understand, for coding purposes it will determine that the aircraft has passed over the stern and is over the the flight deck and low and close enough to the deck in position to land. The command is now transmitted by voice and the green lights of the IFLOLS. Once the aircraft is on deck, he needs to have the power still on so that he can under direction of a flight deck director taxi into the parking location just like the marshaller does at an airport.
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Did everybody give up on this because of the holidays and real life interruptions? I haven't seen anyone posting here for almost 2 weeks now. I hope that ya'all haven't quit on this project just when it was getting together.
The LSO needs some form of input from the FDO gauge to tell him to signal something.

At the moment that impetus to signal is provided by values in the L:VARs -

(L:IsFlashTime, bool)
(L:GS_Deviation, number)
(L:CentreLine_Deviation, number).

The FDO gauge must be amended to use those variables to inform the LSO that he must signal "CUT".

I have no idea how that FDO gauge can be amended for that purpose.

The LSO gauge would also need the arm positions for cut to be developed.

Above I have shown the arm positions that I created for the LSO superimposed on a body. They ARE a separate file as the other arm positions. From this post maybe EduHir can code the FDO.xml for it if he comes back onboard. I hope so. We have gotten so far.
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A potential way of doing it is have a cut variable, e.g. (L:CutSignal, bool).
When that ==1 display the cut image, but also stop all the other images from showing. So the logical check for them to display will include (L:CutSignal, bool) 0 == along with the checks for glideslope deviation etc.
Clear as mud?
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Hi SkippyBing

Any idea how to easily know that the aircraft is in a landable position over the flightdeck, to incorporate that into the FDO gauge?

Past the stern, over the deck and pick a height, let's say 10 feet above the deck?

I think the easiest way would be at or below a given range from the ship as it's already calculating that, which will tell you if it's close enough to the ship, and at a sensible height. From memory you can read the RADALT height which will indicate how high you are above the flight deck which would be more useful than height above sea level.
From the movies the "cut" signal is given when the aircraft is probably 10 feet above the deck just as it is passing over the stern. The pilot then "cuts" the throttle to idle and lets the plane settle on deck to catch a wire.
there is a wariable L:Range,number.
i think this is the distance aircraft
from the touchdown Zone!
so test L:range,feet.
for ex. less then 50 feet and within
the margins then give "cut".
Otherwise give a " wave off".
of course this have to tested and adapted.