I apologise. I appear to have misled you.So the NodesToHide action doesn't work, that's for sure.
Makes sense because the camera.cfg would probably look into the behaviour files to gather the node. so...
NodesToHide, despite the name, doesn't work with nodes. It is actually L:variables that are in the list. When the camera is used those L:vars will be set to true otherwise they are set to false. You will need to have a visibility condition in the model behaviour file to read the status of the L:var and then hide the part.
It has been a while since I worked on NodesToHide and I had forgotten exactly how they work (I have a terrible memory so I usually forget about half of what I learn which is why I make posts on FSDeveloper, so I can refer to them later). Here is a post I made at the time:
MSFS20 - Using Camera State and NodesToHide to hide pilots and passengers
I am a lazy bugger so the thought of creating and maintaining separate interior and exterior aircraft models does not appeal to me. I like to create a single model and use the view to make things visible or not. In FSX and P3D the only way to do this is using simconnect to capture the camera...
Here is my complicated code for pilot visibility. Note how I am checking if it is a user aircraft, camera state, payload station weight, the XMLVAR from the NodesToHide in cameras.cfg and my own L: var on whether or not the pilot is visible:
<UseTemplate Name="ASOBO_GT_Visibility">
(A:IS USER SIM,bool)
(A:CAMERA STATE,number) 2 !=
(A:PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:1, pounds) 0 <= if{ 0 } els{ (L:Drifter_Prefs_Pilot,bool) ! }
(L:XMLVAR_PilotHidden) (A:PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:1, pounds) 0 <= || if{ 0 } els{ (L:Drifter_Prefs_Pilot,bool) ! }