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MSFS20 Projected mesh unwanted rotation/scale


I'm trying to add custom ground polys to my scene via projected mesh but it seems not to keep its own scale and "heading" when it's projected.
Each marking have their own poly and are link in blender + the origin is at 0;0;0 (as mentionned in another thread).
See the pic:

Microsoft Flight Simulator - 23_10_2020 22_48_19.png

Green: Non projected mesh with actual scale and heading (moved on Z axis for the pic)
Red: Projected mesh, way too small and heading unknown direction

Tried with several custom polys/objects and it does pretty much the same, but the SDK object, for any reason, don't behave like that.

Any thoughts?

I do have the same issue. Regarding the align problem: Interestingly the pivot points (position and rotation) of the individual objects (in the 3ds max project) must match because the 0,0,0 centerpoint of the project is ignored. Very fustrating. I was working from an old file originally created for FSX and all the layers were in all direction. At some object it did not solve the issue, I had to reset the transform and scale too, convert it to mesh and convert back to poly than suddenly it was okay.

The scaling issue. This is still unsolved for me. It seems that projected mesh has a huge scaling issue. For example in a middle size airport with two runway having the center on the one of the edge of the runway, the second runway will be disaligned by 30 meters. Any thought here?

I finally figured it out. You're right, it's a scale related issue.
My way to solve it on blender was CTRL+A => scale & rotation

That way youre global object scale will be reset to 1:1:1. No more scaling issue after this tweak !

Hope it will help.