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MSFS20 'RatedRpm' 'MOI'(in MS2020 Helicopter)

Hi Everyone
I am new here, but not to flying.
In MS2020 in the Flight_Model.CFG, [MAINROTOR} section is 'RatedRpm'.
It doesn't seem to do anything. My goal is to adjust the Rotor RPM, to a correct value. So, if this does not do that, is it a calculated value based on Engine parameters or governor settings?
I have searched already and found nothing to explain.

Also is there a rule of thumb for setting a blade MOI? It seems the have a dramatic effect upon handling characteristics, so basing other settings upon a faulty base setting, gets out of hand quick.\

Hi Stu, can you provide a little more background? What rotor RPM, any?
Also is there a rule of thumb for setting a blade MOI?
Actually, no. In fact, there are no rules of thumb for helicopter development beyond "Asobo prefers airplanes." Most developers appear to control their RPM with governor settings, are you developing something?
Hi Rick
Thanks for reponding. Main rotor RPM is what I want to adjust. I am a helicopter pilot, and in a previous life Engineering background. I am working my way through various models and fixing (to my satisfaction) various handling quirks. I have been sharing some of my findings with one developer. I want realism, he is realistic about the clients, and allows some tolerance in that regard. Generally, I can fix a lot of the 'workarounds' that I am seeing. Rotor Rpm has me stumped.
I am basically substituting as many known's into the Flight_Model.cfg and Engines.cfg, and getting it to perform as it should. Having good sucess on most attempts.
I see. I am currently developing a rotorcraft that is further beyond the pale than even a helicopter, with tandem intermeshing rotors.
I have been sharing some of my findings with one developer.
And yet, here we are. Is that where the sharing of your discoveries ends? Because I'm already starting to wonder who the guy is, I have my guesses.

I don't know which one of the laughing emojis conveys, "I get it, all in good fun," so I'll just type it instead.
Rick. I just had a look at your project. Wow. I am super impressed. Hopefully SU15 helps you out, and doesn't undo too much work that you have done.
Haha, thanks so much. I've been given the impression by people who supposedly know the new version will unlock functionality that this and most projects will be easily scalable to. After all, modeling is modeling and everything else is just throwing code at the wall and seeing what sticks, right?
Thanks! I won't know what to do with myself if I ever get it all buttoned up.