I'm trying desperately to get rid of autogen buildings showing up in my airports. I read different thread's about the subject here and I tried all possible solutions with the different terrain polygon's (ExcludeAutogen, Flatten exclude autogen, Flatten Mask class Map ExcludeAutogen, ...) non of which works :-(
I'm using tileproxy for my photoreal scenery and after consulting different forum's the Autogen SDK annotator or any other tool seems not to work with the tileproxy produced tiles/bgl/FLAt or whatever.
The .agn files are located in the corresponding texture folder of the area I fly.
Also, when I make a terrain polygon, compile, I get the xxxCVX.bgl file which I place in the scenery folder together with the airport .bgl.
The buildings still show up. Strangely enough, when I reopen/load the airport .bgl just compiled, and go to Lists, no Terrain polygons are listed (none found)
I certainly hope one you experts could lend me hand with this so after month's and month's roaming different forums I finally can find the solution.
I'm using tileproxy for my photoreal scenery and after consulting different forum's the Autogen SDK annotator or any other tool seems not to work with the tileproxy produced tiles/bgl/FLAt or whatever.
The .agn files are located in the corresponding texture folder of the area I fly.
Also, when I make a terrain polygon, compile, I get the xxxCVX.bgl file which I place in the scenery folder together with the airport .bgl.
The buildings still show up. Strangely enough, when I reopen/load the airport .bgl just compiled, and go to Lists, no Terrain polygons are listed (none found)
I certainly hope one you experts could lend me hand with this so after month's and month's roaming different forums I finally can find the solution.