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simObject controlled with a Scenarii xml not snapping to ground reliably

Good morning folks hopefully someone will be able to point out my error causing this issue.

I have an animated horse with two animations in it. One an idle animation and the second one is the horse walking/trotting away.

The Scenarii script contains a proximity trigger so that the simObject horse walks away if a plane gets too close.

The script works really really well BUT when I load into the sim sometimes the horse position is correct and she is snapped to the ground. On other occasions, with no changes to the scenery, I load into the sim and the horse is several hundred metres up in the air.

Is there anyone who has worked with scripts who has the experience to fix this inconsistent behaviour?

I can supply the xml files for testing.



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when I load into the sim sometimes the horse position is correct and she is snapped to the ground. On other occasions, with no changes to the scenery, I load into the sim and the horse is several hundred metres up in the air.
Can you be more specific? When you load into the sim, are you using DevMode, or do you repeatedly visit this scene in the simulation? Because this kind of behavior is pretty common for me, say with animated SimObjects placed as scenery objects, but it always resolves after some time, maybe as much as 10 minutes and never occurs in actual sim testing.
Same here

With the project loaded in the scenery editor, the scripted Simboject stays on the ground

When loading in with the packages in community, the SimObject float over the ground by hundred meters or so
If you supply the XML, maybe we can experiment with it.
I was having this same issue with mine not applying the scaling from the scenery editor and occasionally floating etc. It will sometimes fix itself, sometimes not. I haven't had it happen with a fully exported package in the regular community folder though. Is this something asobo are aware of?
Can you be more specific? When you load into the sim, are you using DevMode, or do you repeatedly visit this scene in the simulation? Because this kind of behavior is pretty common for me, say with animated SimObjects placed as scenery objects, but it always resolves after some time, maybe as much as 10 minutes and never occurs in actual sim testing.
In Dev mode in the scenery editor the horse is 'grounded' when I restart the sim, after compiling the project, for a normal flight the horse can be grounded but sometimes it's several hundred metres off the ground.
I might have solved the problem. I added a terraforming polygon under the horse. It is large enough to flatten the whole animation path. Seems to work.

If you want the horse to follow the terrain, then you'd need to have it follow waypoints in the worldscript instead of an animation 'path' in the glTF.
I might have solved the problem. I added a terraforming polygon under the horse. It is large enough to flatten the whole animation path. Seems to work.
View attachment 87297

If you want the horse to follow the terrain, then you'd need to have it follow waypoints in the worldscript instead of an animation 'path' in the glTF.
Thank you for looking at it, I did have a poly under the origin but not the full length of the path, I'll try that. When there is a decent waypoint tutorial I'll probably go down that route. Project is basically on-hold because of the mess SU12 has made to polygon/rectangle falloff interaction and the water polygons not working correctly either.

So much for improved terraforming, improved how exactly?? (sorry that's a rhetorical question)

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I might have solved the problem. I added a terraforming polygon under the horse. It is large enough to flatten the whole animation path. Seems to work.
View attachment 87297

If you want the horse to follow the terrain, then you'd need to have it follow waypoints in the worldscript instead of an animation 'path' in the glTF.
Tested with an extended terraforming poly and the horse sticks to the ground maybe 8 times out of 10. A significant improvement so thank you for the advice.
