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Using PCL with Array

I use an Array to define a Carrier Deck Light area in FSX, which works perfectly! Great tool!!
Now I would like to allow the user to active these lights by tuning the right Nav frequency.
I understood that PCL can be used with Array but I didn't find how to combine Array and Pilot Control parameters...
How can I do that?

Thanks in advance,
Sylvain, the good news is there is no specific connection. If the light type as defined in the Types.txt file has PCL = True, then all you have to do is define the PCL trigger on AFLT's front panel.

Hi Don,
Thank you for your quick answer!
My Array uses "Approach" lights with no model with (it set "Approach_LO" in my .Def file), so this light is defined as PCL = True.

But how do I define the trigger for this specific "Approach" light?
The front panel allows me to crate/define a new stand alone light with PCL properties, but I can't use it in my array definition...
I don't understand how I can interact with the light I call in my Array using the front panel?
I'm sorry but there's something that I don't catch...

At the bottom of AFLT's Main Panel is a section entitled Pilot Control. In it you select the radio/nav device and the frequency/code you want to use for pilot control.

Because you (apparently) want to run with the lights off normally, you must uncheck Airport Operates 24 hrs. and specify a short period during the daytime as operating hours, say 12:00 - 13:00. (Otherwise, the lights will be on from dawn to dusk.)

After that, just run Make Library.

I Don,
Many thanks, it works great !!
I didn't realize that lights would switch on during day time too, but I guess I can't combine both criteria (daytime ad frequency)...
