• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

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Very basic questions

Although not entirely new to ADE, I am stuck with a puzzling issue. The answer is probably obvious...
I am trying to update a freeware scenery (ESSA V2 by Swedflight) with uptodate taxi designators. I have loaded in ADE the a/p from bgl , imported all the bgls present in the scenery folder, fixed a number of designators, compiled and replaced the AF2.bgl with the new ADE9 bgl. Now the questions:
1. Looking at the map in FSCommander (which takes the data from FS) the OLD designators are displayed. Why? It does pick up all the updated gates, though.
2. In the sim, I see the taxisigns as updated from default by Swedflight but no taxisigns at all are listed in ADE. Where do they come from?
3. Ditto for buildings: the non-default bldgs, gateways, etc. show up in the sim but not in ADE. Where do they come from?
To be sure, I have deactivated the scenery to get back to default and the default taxisigns and bldgs are there, intact.

What am I misunderstanding?

FS9, ADE 1.78
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1. Don't have FSCommander, so not sure. Perhaps a bug in that program?
2. Since you didn't use Import Stock Data to import the default taxi signs (and thus you have no taxi signs displayed on the ADE airport screen), that means that the ESAA V2 scenery has another BGL file that is loading taxi signs. Why are they not displayed by ADE when you imported all the BGL files? Because that does not add any taxi signs to ADE.
3. The same as #2 - even though you imported all BGL files, this does not add any non-stock buildings to your ADE file display. The buildings are still loaded from those BGL files into FS, though.
Hi Tom,
Thanks for your explanations.
1. Solved. This was a case of duplicate scenery.
2. Understood. So the only way to modify add-on taxisigns is to go back to stock data and update them again (or create my own). Correct? There must be a very good reason for this limitation? ADE is so powerful in all respects!
The explanation would need to come from Jon; I assume it would be WAY too difficult to work with multiple source files at one time - sounds like a nightmare. If they are part of the ADE/AFCAD/AFD/Airport BGL file ADE can handle that - in a separate file, not so much. That kind of situation is VERY rare, and probably not worth Jon's time.
I am not sure what would need doing but it certainly is not simple as Tom kindly says. We try hard with ADE to make it as user friendly as possible of course :)