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Vgds .mdl How Do I Convert It?!

OK i downloaded the VGDS tweeker tool.

and it thus creates a >MDL file.
other that useing it for aircraft directly, i have never touched such a file.

WHAT... do i use to convert the >MDL file into .xml file so i can place the location data into the xml file?

sorry for the "noob" question.:confused:

You can use this MDL file like any other that GMax (Fs2004 gamepack) creates for you. Just write the XML code to place it at the location you want and then compile the XML with BGLComp to a BGL file.

Another option would be to use a tool for the placement. You could for example try my ObPlacer XML tool for that. You can load your MDL objects in there.
ok again im terribly sorry im a totally daft on this writing my own xml file.
all i know is editing the lat/lon/alt/heading/scale.
were do i come up with the quirky GUID number for it when it ask for an xml in the first place that is not even made yet?

would you be willing to create a generic xml for me of the VGDS?
then i could alway reuse that and jst edit the location.
OR what does make the xml like gmax from the model file?:confused:


You can use this MDL file like any other that GMax (Fs2004 gamepack) creates for you. Just write the XML code to place it at the location you want and then compile the XML with BGLComp to a BGL file.

Another option would be to use a tool for the placement. You could for example try my ObPlacer XML tool for that. You can load your MDL objects in there.

You can use a template like this:

<FSData version="9.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="bglcomp.xsd">

	<SceneryObject lat="40" lon="-40" alt="0M" pitch="0.0" bank="0.0" heading="0" altitudeIsAgl="TRUE" imageComplexity="NORMAL">
		<LibraryObject name="6C436E5AF63F49C48D46B8C99449B2F7" scale="1.0"/>

<ModelData name="6C436E5AF63F49C48D46B8C99449B2F7" sourceFile="C:\Documents and Settings\arno\Desktop\poplar.mdl"/>

Of course you need to enter your own MDL file. And most important the GUID needs to be unique. You you can best create a new one (GUIDGen is a tool that can be used for this). But you could also use a tool like ObPlacer XML, as it does all that for your automatically.
your object placer program ALSO ASKS for an >> .xml file that is not included.

from all the program i have worked with, they always started with an .xml file.

could you PLEASE just make the standard xml file to be included with your

VGDS tweeker tool.

Edit: after turning my brain inside out and into a few knots on how to process an XML out of thinair i managed to get one to show up,
based on your requirements to produce one.

but i still strongly believe that the process should be made more simple. trying to use too many tools for just one item can easily discourage the basic scenery artist.
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The ObPlacer XML does not require any XML file to start. If you use the File -> New XML menu option it will create a new XML file for you completely from scratch. There is no need to have one already.