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Wich is the Compilation order for CAT ?


Pls can someone help me out on this one?

I have tried to compile my hangar with the cat tool, but hats happens is that i see nothing in FS.

I have mad ethis steps, ca i get at verification that is the correct order pls.
1. Exporting the model from GMax as a scenery MDL (Filename Gliderhangar.mdl).
2. Editing the Glliderhangar.XLM to the correct lon/lat values for the hangar to shaow on the correct place.
3. Using CAT to make a "TimeOfDay" animation and when asked i select the "Gliderhangar.asm" file -> compilation ends without error.
4. Compiling the "Gliderhangar_cat.asm" file with BGLC_9.exe by draging the "Gliderhangar_cat.asm" file to it.
5. Copy and paste the "Gliderhangar_cat.bgl" file to my "..\addon scenery\ESGE_Viared\scenery" folder
6. Starts FS and looks at my local airfield and where the hangar shall stand is nothing :eek:

Have I missed something ??
I have also read a thread at this forum regardsing a decimal comma/point problem. I have tried to change this in mu "International setting" but the result is the same.

Pls help


Hi Gerth,

It goes wrong in step 4. When you compile the new source files created by CAT they are a new MDL file. So if you drop the files on BGLC_9 manual, you need to rename the BGL to MDL. Or you could use the compile option from the CAT screen of course.

This MDL then needs to be placed in the scenery by compiling the XML file (where you need to enter the new MDL name).
Thanks for the really quick reply Arno, do you live in the forum ? ;)

If I understand you coorectly so after step 4 shall I do this.
* Edit my "Gliderhangar.xml" to point for "Gliderhangar_cat.mdl"
* Compile the "Gliderhangar.xml" with BglComp supplied by MS
* Copy this file to my FS Scenery folder and test.

Have to test it and see if it works.

Thanks again !!

Yes, that is how it works :)

Voyager30 said:
Thanks for the really quick reply Arno, do you live in the forum ? ;)

That's the advantage of email notifications, makes me visit the forum more often. But it keeps me from my coding of new tools as well of course :D.
Thanks for your help Arno, really appreziated that you take your time help us newbeez.

I have with your help got my compilation to get working. Just for the test did set upp the parameters as the tutorial in the manual, and :eek: it worked - what a please to see my own hangar working.

But.. It always one or?
When I try to set the animation trigger that i really want, doors open during a couple of hours each day during summertime nothing happends.
What I have done is to set an animation trigger (page 3 in CAT) and using the "Time of day trigger" (028Ch) and put the times 0900 (min) and 0902 (max) just to see if its working.
I imagine that the problem is that i have stated the timevalues wrong, shall the be in hex, hhmm or hh:mm format ?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards
