• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

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World movement


Resource contributor
Well, since I now know that members of the FS team do read occasionally from the discussion here at Scenerydesign, I would like to make another wish... I bought the new racing-sim GT Legends, which features 2 things that might not be new, but they are pretty d-ng nice. Well, it´s basically what RealAirSimulations implemented in the Spit - head movement based on g-forces. In GT Legends this is taken one step forward, your vision is in no-way still when driving in high speed down a bumpy track. I want the same when taxiing down a grass runway, when landing and so on. Also "look into apex" (which can be set in percent) is quite nice, although I´m aware that you often look left when you turn right.

Try the demo if you´re interested - www.gt-legends.com

Yes, nice idea... If you want that right now... go get activecamera :)
Wow. Well that was a feature that I didn´t know that AC had - gonna try the demo over Seattle to find out. Anyway, still a wish on my behalf! :)
I´ll try to record a small movie to show what I mean. And Nick, thanks for the blog-links, definitely the most interesting reads on the web right now!

Hi again!

I´ve recorded 2 "small" movies that might display what I mean with world movement. Note that the choppy FPS is due to Fraps recording - it is smooth in FS but uses a lot of frames in f. ex. GT Legends and GPL.

The first one is recorded using "normal" settings for world movement (55%) and look into apex (15%);
Film no. 1 7.8 MB 30 sec.

The second one has the above settings exaggregated. You would probably not drive with these settings...
Film no. 2 6.7 MB 30 sec.
