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MSFS20 Wwise - Using RTPC instead of Blend Containers for engine sounds

This might be such an obscure question that it won't get answered.

But is there any reason I shouldn't be using RTPC to crossfade between engine combustion sounds?

I know the usual method is to use a Blend Track to crossfade between the various engine RPM sounds based on the Engine RPM parameter but the problem with a Blend Track is that you can only crossfade between two sounds at a time.

I would like to have two different sounds at higher RPM and crossfade those based on manifold pressure rather than engine RPM (so there will be one sound for low MP but high RPM and another sound for high MP and high RPM. Think of it as a two dimensional crossfade rather than the usual one dimensional crossfade). It seems to me that this is impossible to do with Blend Tracks as I'd need to have 3 sounds layered over each other and this doesn't seem to be supported by Blend Tracks.

So my idea is to use RTPC for each individual engine sound. I could then set the volume based on engine RPM and also control the volume with the manifold pressure.

Attached is a screenshot which might help to visualise the issue. The Blend Track has 5 sounds and 4 crossfades. The RTPC above is from a different sound set and shows what I intend to do, controlling the Voice Volume using manifold pressure and engine RPM for each sound individually and I wouldn't use the Blend Track at all.

Anyone know any reason I shouldn't do this?

Answering my own question.

I've used RTPC on individual samples to modulate the low-pass filter. Using the SIMVAR_ENG_MANIFOLD_PRESSURE parameter (you need to edit the range on this too, by default it's something like 0 to 10000. I edited it down to 0 to 80) and mapping it to the low pass filter so when the MP is below 20 or so the LPF increases.

I've also used an additional blend container so that when the aircraft doors are open I can blend in some exterior engine noise. To do this I:

1. Created a custom Game Sync in simvar/engine/custom

2. Added an additional blend container to engine/combustion

3. Used RTPC on the new blend container and mapped custom Game Sync to the Voice Volume

4. Finally in sound.cfg I control the custom Game Sync with this code added to the WwiseEvent="Combustion":

        <WwiseRTPC LocalVar="soundlevel" RTPCReleaseType="Linear" RTPCReleaseTime="0.5" RTPCName="ANTSAIRPLANES_SIMVAR_ENG_OUTSIDE_VOLUME" />

Now the L:soundlevel variable can control the volume of the new blend container.

In summary, you can add additional blend containers to the combustion sound event and you can control their level using RTPC either using existing simvars or by adding your own custom Game Syncs and you can control their level either by container or by each sample.

The attached picture shows the additional blend container (combustion_outside_mix) plus a custom suffix event (combustion_outside_front) which adds a different engine sound when the exterior viewpoint is towards the front of the aircraft.

FInal update. I wasn't liking the way the sounds mixed so I changed things again. The problem was because the aircraft has a variable pitch propeller you could get a situation where there was 30MP and 1400RPM and it didn't really sound right.

So I split off the two sounds for the highest RPM and but them into another blend container (combustion_inside_highMP). I had to extend the range of the 3rd highest sound in the original combustion_inside and I used RTPC to reduce the volume when the manifold pressure was above 30 (max MP is 36 in this aircraft).

In the new blend container I extended the ranges of the two high RPM sounds downwards to cover 1400RPM and again used RTPC to adjust the volume. This time reducing the volume if the MP was below 25.

Now, if I have a high MP and low RPM situation the combustion_inside_highMP sounds will be audible (they also trigger normally in high MP and high RPM).
