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Actions are a declarative way to cause something to happen in the world. Examples of actions are playing a sound file, completing an objective, showing text in the adventure window, failing an engine, completing a goal, etc.

Actions will only get used when called from a Trigger.

In multiplayer mode, actions with the TargetPlayer property will affect the players specified by the property. If an action does not contain this property the action will affect only the local player, with the exception of Race Course Start Action and Race Course Activate Action which affect all players.

This is an overview page. For expanded detail click the topic links below.

Generic Action Properties

Generic Action Properties are integral, and applicable, to all action types, (except where noted).

Activate Waypoints Action

Activate Waypoints Action provides one or more AI object with a new list of waypoints. Waypoints are essential for the movement of certain AI objects.

Adjust Payload Action

Adjust Payload Action is used to set, or add to, the weight on a payload station.

Attach Droppable Payload Action

Attach Droppable Payload Action is used to change the payload that gets dropped when the user presses a key configured to drop the payload.

Attach Effect Action

Attach Effect Action attaches a single special effect (such as smoke, fire, contrail etc.) to one or more objects.

Change Object Type Action

Change Object Type Action changes the object the user is in. For example, it can be used to change from one type of aircraft to another.

Count Action

Count Action will add the value of the Count property to the Counter value in the given list of triggers (which should all be Counter triggers). Counter triggers will fire when a certain specified count is reached.

Custom Action

Custom Action is used to enable communications between a mission and a SimConnect client application.

Dialog Action

Dialog Action is used to add speech to be rendered over the audio system, and/or text to be displayed on the screen.

Disqualify Player Action

Disqualify Player Action is used to disqualify and remove usually one player from a race.

Failure Action

Failure Action is used to change the behavior of one of the aircraft's systems.

Goal Resolution Action

Goal Resolution Action is used to set whether goals have been completed or not.

Grant Reward Action

Grant Reward Action rewards the user with a single reward, to be placed in their Pilot Records.

Object Activation Action

Object Activation Actions will change the state of most different types of object, Triggers, AI Objects, Scenery Objects and some Mission Objects. Do not use it for a Point Of Interest.

One Shot Sound Action

One Shot Sound Action renders a single wave file. Use this for sound effects rather than dialog (use the Dialog Action for speech audio).

Play Animation Action

Play Animation Action will initiate an animation sequence on one or more objects.

Play Flight Recording Action

Transclusion-Missions-Oneline-Play Flight Recording Action

Play List Action

Play List Action will play the specified music items on the adventure music track. Individual play list items can be set to a random position within the play list.

Point Of Interest Activation Action

Point Of Interest Activation Action will change the state of one or more Point Of Interest objects.

Random Action

Random Action is used to initiate one randomly selected action from a list of possible actions.

Race Course Start Action

Transclusion-Missions-Oneline-Race Course Start Action

Race Course Activate Action

Transclusion-Missions-Oneline-Race Course Activate Action

Refill Action

Transclusion-Missions-Oneline-Refill Action

ResetTimer Action

ResetTimer Action is used to set the current time of one or more timers back to their start times.

Rumble Action

Rumble Action is used to initiate rumble in the Universal Controller (typically an XBox controller).

Spawn Action

Spawn Action will create all the new objects (including AI aircraft, scenery, actions and triggers) specified in a Spawn List object.

Time Penalty Action

Transclusion-Missions-Oneline-Time Penalty Action

Timer Adjust Action

Timer Adjust Action adds the DeltaTime property value to the timer trigger's internal clock.



Mission Objects

Actions are a declarative way to cause something to happen in the world. Examples of actions are playing a sound file, completing an objective, showing text in the adventure window, failing an engine, completing a goal, etc.

AI Objects are computer controlled vehicles, i.e. Aircraft, Boats, Ground Vehicles, or Other.

Area Definition Object only supports one type, RectangleArea, which defines a 3D box. The edges of the box will not appear when the mission is being played.

Group Object defines a single reference to one or more objects. This is helpful if a selection of objects are used a number of times. Group objects cannot refer to other group objects.

Mission Object There are several types of Mission Object. They have the same generic properties as Actions.

Scenery Objects can be added to the world, to appear only when the mission is being undertaken.

Mobile Scenery Objects can be added to the world, to appear only when the mission is being undertaken.

Spawn List - A list of objects (AI aircraft, scenery objects, triggers, and actions) that should only appear in the mission when a certain stage in the mission has been reached.

Triggers initiate Actions. There are eleven different types of triggers, (3 only work in FSXA).

Goal Object - There is only one type of goal, and a mission can include one or more goals.

Reward Object one-liner about Reward Object.

Disabled Traffic Airport Object - A disabled airport will not be involved in any AI traffic, either as a starting point or a destination.

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