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Draw distance for .bgl

I don't understand much about this part of scenery development yet, so don't judge me...
I've been using SimDirector to place some buildings on my scenery, like autogen. Find it very easy to use.
I guess there's a problem about using this:
2017-9-20_1-19-41-694.jpg 2017-9-20_1-19-50-895.jpg
As you can see, my improvised autogen is loading with a huge distance, and this probably will cost P3D's performance.
The slider in the options is set to minimum autogen draw distance, but I guess what I created is not autogen, but a .bgl file that the system sees like if it was an add-on airport building...

What can I do about this? Suggestions? Should I do it in a different way, or there's a fix to reduce the loading distance.

I'm not very familiar with the SimDirector tool, but it sounds like you made normal BGL scenery indeed, which loads at higher distances. You would have to use the Annotator tool from the SDK to make autogen.
If it works ok as scenery for you, maybe explore Level of Detail and add "some more models" to your model. You can see how the trees at the distances you show could be simple triangles and look just fine - for that distance you could use a 2d outline of your trees on the ground, like a shadow. You can add triangles and a model of a shadow to your model and have them render at different distances; you sometimes notice this when looking at an airplane and it's shape changes slightly as it moves closer.
Ultimately the problem would be that you render too many triangles which slows the sim, this is why it is recommended to go the route Arno suggested. However, if this mostly works for you, it is definitely worth experimenting with and improving upon. You could even try an empty LOD to address the distance issue, but I seem to remember being in the same situation and needing a different solution.
Thank you for the tips. I'll definitely go trough Annotator route.
I'll add custom libraries and place them through it.
Actually having kind of a problem that can't figure out, which is: Annotator autogen is NOT appearing on the sim for some reason. But I'll try to figure that out.