• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

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P3D v4 FCLP Scenario

I downloaded the fclp_pack_v2 from AVSIM because I want to do Field Carrier Landing Practice like actual SNA's do before going "out to the boat". It is an FSX Mission but I have been able to modify the first two FCLP's (MY OWN USE) to use the Ant's T-28C Trojan and also modify with Notepad++ the OVERVIEW; CHARTS AND DETAILS TABS. I created images of the Trojan instead of the Sludge Hornet in the original Mission. Totally successful with this and it functions just like it should in Prepar3D V4.5. THEN, I want to create the same scenario for NOLF Choctaw the outlying field of NAS Pensacola and I was able to do that as well but my problem is even though I again with the aid of Notepad++ modified the above. It functions perfectly as far as placing the aircraft on runway 18 at NOLF Choctaw but no briefing window it just goes right to the aircraft on the field. I discovered in the Mission SDK that if there is no .spb that it might not work properly so I opened it up in the Sim Director and saved it and got an spb file but it still has no briefing. I am attaching the FCLP file with everthing I did for you to look at and see if you can figure out what I don't have or did wrong. I am totally a noobie at this. Frustrating part is the other two work just fine. FSD wont let me attach the file says it's too large so here is a mediafire link to download it.

FCLP Chocktaw
Joe, didn't get to look at this, but what I do is just use the overview files in the Tampa Tour example, and modify those files.
You should have all this stuff somewhere in your XML file.

<SimMissionUI.ScenarioMetadata InstanceId="{C95EAB58-9E4A-4E2A-A34C-D8D9D948F071}">
<LocationDescr>Okinawa Japan</LocationDescr>
<EstimatedTime>20 minutes</EstimatedTime>
<AbbreviatedMissionBrief>Deep Water Search.htm</AbbreviatedMissionBrief>

And this should be at the end of your FXML file somewhere.

<Section Name="ObjectFile">
<Property Name="File" Value="CH-53E on USS America LHA6 off Okinawa" />
OK so I downloaded it and saved it. Converted .spb file back to XML and it is empty.

If you like I will take a look at the XML file. Honestly, until proven otherwise, I don't really believe you need the spb file.

I am sure your issue is just some kind of syntax is off or something easily corrected.