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France VFR and ORBX merging

Hello. Is it possible to merge France Vfr and Orbx autogen with ACM? I have two different autogen descriptions: one coming with France VFR/autogen global X installation (unified autogen descriptions merging autogen of different developers except ORBX) and the other one containing ORBX autogen description. If i run FTX central, ORBX entries replace autogen definitions and I lose France VFR custom autogen. Instead if I copy the content of FranceVFR/autogen global X autogen description in main Autogen directory of P3d4, France VFR autogen works well, but the ORBX one disappears in many places. I have installed ACM (it appears in add-on list) but it seems not working. Any suggestion? Thank you
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I get mixed reports from users about this, for some it seems to work, for others it does not.

Let me start by saying that ACM is not designed to merge two complete set of definitions. That is almost impossible to do. It is designed to merge the custom definitions of a specific scenery into the global definitions. So for that the developer of the scenery needs to provide only the new custom definitions with his scenery and leave out the default definitions or those of other developers. Neither ORBX not FranceVFR do that in the sets they provide.
As far as I know, merging the 2 sets outside of FSX using ACM to build a new consolidated one works well. But it does not work on the fly.
With the V4.4 capability of merging several descriptionS, I guess next revision of AGX will provide a set with only custom descriptions.
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Thank you for your answers. France VFR support answered me: "you can merge it with arno tool from fsdeveloper, or you can just activate or deactivate orbx global standard configuration while installing france vfr products... then switch between modes ! it is easy because orbx does not have sceneries over France".
What does it mean?
However I do not receive any notification message from ACM when I run P3d. I attach here the 3 most significant parts of ACM.log (scanning of autogen root directory and France VFR directories). At the end there is a Stopping error. access to AutogenDescriptions.spb denied. Is it normal?

21:17:26 | AutogenConfigurationMerger version 1.2.6949.36366 rev 209dd536 date 10/01/2019 20:10:11
21:17:26 | No FS version specified, using current directory as FS path: C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4
21:17:26 | Prepar3D v4 found as version
21:17:26 | FSPath: C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4
21:17:26 | >> Found config: C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Autogen\Materials.spb
21:17:26 | >> Found config: C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Autogen\RoofDescriptions.spb
21:17:26 | >> Found config: C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Autogen\Extrusions.spb
21:17:26 | >> Found config: C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Autogen\AutogenDescriptions.spb
21:17:27 | >> Found config: C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Autogen\AutogenDescriptions_Legacy.spb
21:17:27 | >> Found config: C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Autogen\TerrainAutogenClassDescriptions.spb
21:17:27 | >> Found config: C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\autogen\default.xml
21:17:27 | FSVersion: Prepar3D v4
21:17:27 | Scenery.cfg: C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\scenery.cfg

21:17:27 | Processing scenery area: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - ground layer
21:17:27 | >> Found config: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - ground layer\autogen\Materials.spb
21:17:27 | >> Found config: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - ground layer\autogen\RoofDescriptions.spb
21:17:27 | >> Found config: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - ground layer\autogen\Extrusions.spb
21:17:27 | >> Found config: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - ground layer\autogen\AutogenDescriptions.spb
21:17:27 | >> Found config: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - ground layer\autogen\AutogenDescriptions_Legacy.spb
21:17:28 | >> Found config: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - ground layer\autogen\TerrainAutogenClassDescriptions.spb
21:17:28 | >> Found config: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - ground layer\autogen\default.xml
21:17:28 | Processing scenery area: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - ground layer 64bits
21:17:28 | >> Found config: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - ground layer 64bits\autogen\Materials.spb
21:17:28 | >> Found config: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - ground layer 64bits\autogen\RoofDescriptions.spb
21:17:28 | >> Found config: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - ground layer 64bits\autogen\Extrusions.spb
21:17:28 | >> Found config: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - ground layer 64bits\autogen\AutogenDescriptions.spb
21:17:28 | >> Found config: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - ground layer 64bits\autogen\AutogenDescriptions_Legacy.spb
21:17:28 | >> Found config: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - ground layer 64bits\autogen\TerrainAutogenClassDescriptions.spb
21:17:28 | >> Found config: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - ground layer 64bits\autogen\default.xml
21:17:28 | Processing scenery area: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - objects layer
21:17:28 | >> Found config: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - objects layer\autogen\Materials.spb
21:17:28 | >> Found config: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - objects layer\autogen\RoofDescriptions.spb
21:17:28 | >> Found config: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - objects layer\autogen\Extrusions.spb
21:17:28 | >> Found config: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - objects layer\autogen\AutogenDescriptions.spb
21:17:29 | >> Found config: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - objects layer\autogen\AutogenDescriptions_Legacy.spb
21:17:29 | >> Found config: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - objects layer\autogen\TerrainAutogenClassDescriptions.spb
21:17:29 | >> Found config: c:\program files\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\addon scenery\paca vfr vol1 - objects layer\autogen\default.xml

21:17:29 | Trying to scan add-on.xml files from C:\Users\anton\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons
21:17:29 | Processing from add-on.xml: C:\Users\anton\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FsDreamTeam Exclude\add-on.xml
21:17:29 | Processing scenery area: c:\program files (x86)\addon manager\fsdreamteam\exclude
21:17:29 | Error! Stopping...
21:17:29 | Accesso al percorso 'AutogenDescriptions.spb' negato.
21:17:29 | in System.IO.Directory.DeleteHelper(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean throwOnTopLevelDirectoryNotFound, WIN32_FIND_DATA& data)
in System.IO.Directory.Delete(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean checkHost)
in ASToFra.AutogenConfigurationMerger.AutogenConfigurationMerger.CreateBackup()
in ASToFra.AutogenConfigurationMerger.AutogenConfigurationMerger..ctor(String[] args)

No that is not normal. It seems that making the backup of the autogen configuration files goes wrong. Need to check the source code to see why that could go wrong.
You can't, I need to check it.
You can't, I need to check it.

Hi Arno,
I reset my pc and now in the last lines of log is written:

21:16:31 | Trying to scan add-on.xml files from C:\Users\anton\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons
21:16:31 | Done!

Is this correct?

There are no add-ons yet.
I have Fly Tampa Vienna and Naples by Aerosoft. Are these sceneries useful to test the correct functioning of ACM?

It sounds like it finished correctly.

Developers need to prepare their addons to work with ACM, so if you don't have any addons installed that support it, nothing will happen.
It works now. Probably other Add-ons were in conflict. Obviously merging ORBX and France VFR means to accept a compromise. However I could copy all backuped content of the Autogen directory to roll back: is this enough to restore original situation? Thanks

It sounds like it finished correctly.

Developers need to prepare their addons to work with ACM, so if you don't have any addons installed that support it, nothing will happen.

Hi Arno,
I found a solution you can suggest to other people if you think it is a good method :

1) i made a backup of ORBX original autogen definitions
2) I installed VFR scenery and replace all Autogen content with France VFR definitions.
3) I copied backuped ORBX Autogen definitions in one of ORBX directory (f.i. FTX_GLOBAL/FTX_FTXG_AIRPORTS)
4) Then i started P3d4

In this way ORBX definitions are merged to FranceVFR autogen and the first ones prevail to the second ones. It seems no ORBX autogen is lost.
Is it enought? Or do you think I have to copy Autogen directory in every ORBX entry directory, before merging?

Thank you