Thanks! The cockpit is fully modeled, however none of the gauges are animated and the configuration does not match standard K-Max panels. Before release I'd like to add the three gauges to the pylon outside and below the left window, some owners even cut the bottom off that side blister to improve visibility of the gauges.
Ideally, I'd like to parent the controls to the pilots ambient motions for external view and while in cockpit view have the pilot invisible with the controls parented to the control inputs. That seems ambitious but no doubt doable.
Definitely not making any promises, there is so much yet to do! I can tell you what it is with these things however, is that they are neither airplane, or helicopter. The one beauty is that there is not a lot to animate up there, the servo tabs do all the work, they're connected through regular helicopter controls and they don't move at all when the blades aren't turning, you can't even cycle the controls to test them. Then the hub just has some rubber bushings and torque absorbers, the blades are wood, spruce I believe and they barely even have any droop to them. So not a lot to animate up there once you get your animation states down and I think we're good there. Not great, but better than payware helos I've seen.
That said, the sim isn't really set up to support a synchropter and the project hasn't even started down that flight model rabbit hole yet. To be done right, pitch, yaw and roll would have to be controlled by the blades. So that's probably why we don't see any of these making it into the community. I think that sometimes when I am stuck at one of those "give up" points, about how much almost awesome stuff must be out there, if only. It's like running for office, everyone wants 2020 and I am thinking, "hmmm, maybe even better in 2024?" We'll see.
Anyway, thanks for the encouragement, I'll keep posting updates, next step after finalizing these exterior animations is the cockpit, pretty excited about that. Then the Bambi bucket, I have some ideas for that as well.