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Minimum area for buildings?

dave hoeffgen

Resource contributor
I noticed that a lot of small buildings aren't created from my OSM data (using scenproc) and trying to draw a very small building in Annotator also jus makes it disappear.
So my question is: Is there a minimum area allowable for autogen buildings? If yes, What is it and can this be worked around somehow?


I don't think there is a minimum. In scenproc I have implemented a 1 meter width check to prevent narrow houses.
A few weeks ago I created autogen for the czech republic, and there were nearly every garage and every shed included in the GIS data, and scenproc created such small buildings as well...
I also found out, that the annotator removes very small buildings, but scenproc placed them anyway...
I think I used 1 meter as threshold, so that will allow garages.
Thanks for the replies and the explanations
I did som more research today and managed to draw some buildings in annotator that are much smaller than the ones I am missing without the footprint disappearing afterwards. Below a certain size it still disappears though.
Is it possible there might be a threshold related to the roof type?

I also just ran my scenproc script again on the most recent scenproc version, sadly with the same buildings missing as before. ( I double checked there is no size filter in the script)
In QGis I took a closer look at the data and found the areas of the missing buildings are mainly around 60m², though some are much larger.

I also found the problem happens to a majority of buildings in suburban areas, while in urban areas most of the buildings are created (also very small ones).
Do you have different heights set for those areas maybe?

And are they only missing in the sim or also in the agn files?
Do you have different heights set for those areas maybe?

And are they only missing in the sim or also in the agn files?

To this point I have one global height setting.
As I can neither see the buildings in the sim (with maxed out building density) nor in Annotator I assume they haven't been created, but as @MatthiasKNU stated, Annotator might remove small buildings?
Could it be something in the data you use? Do you use any filtering in scenproc when creating them?
Could it be something in the data you use? Do you use any filtering in scenproc when creating them?

I add an attribute using the filter "fromfile=buildings.shp" and use this attribute for the building creatiuon later on.
That filter should select all features. So the only thing I can still think of is something weird in the data itself.
I just figured out that my "ReplacePolygonByBuildingRectangles" step must have done something funny as disabling it solves the problem.
Looks like I have to have a closer look at that one's parameters again.

Thanks for the help.
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I don't know how your script is setup, but normally I don't run simple polygons through that step. E.g. not polygons with only 4 vertices. So small things like garages would not go through that step, as it is not needed.