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FSX No Reason At All IMO

Here is another quick test of your Trim Indicator, tgibson has just posted one above so maybe you have his implemented already, I had not seen it when I posted this originally.

Mousewheel and left/right mouse click on the gauge will move the trim (but very slowly, the trim control on my controller makes it move much quicker, you probably have one yourself)

You may have to play with the ELEVATOR TRIM PCT used and/or the delay.

You might also want to improve the bmps, just keep the sizes the same.

Just put WB_Trim into the gauges directory.

I used a popup to test it in P3DV5


gauge01=WB_Trim!Trim,                        0,0,179,322


  • WB_Trim.zip
    108.8 KB · Views: 88
That is a trim gauge. Just use the code from any trim gauge and change it as needed. You will need to modify to fit your bitmaps.

Here is the code from the FS2004 Beech Baron, it includes a wheel element and a slider element. You need only the slider so I have deleted the wheel. It is Pitch Trim.xml in Beech_Baron.cab. It has no background bitmap; it uses the main panel bitmap. You can add that if you wish.

<Gauge Name="Pitch Trim" Version="1.0">
      <Image Name="PitchTrim_Pointer.bmp" ImageSizes="2,4,3,5">
         <Axis X="2" Y="2"/>
         <Value Minimum="-15" Maximum="15">(A:Elevator Trim Position,degrees)</Value>
            <Item Value="-15" X="15" Y="3"/>
            <Item Value="0" X="15" Y="30"/>
            <Item Value="+15" X="15" Y="57"/>
      <Area Bottom="30">
         <Click Event="ELEV_TRIM_DN" Repeat="Yes" MouseWheelFlip="Yes"/>
         <Cursor Type="DownArrow" Repeat="Yes"/>
      <Area Top="30">
         <Click Event="ELEV_TRIM_UP" Repeat="Yes" MouseWheelFlip="Yes"/>
         <Cursor Type="UpArrow"/>

Hope this helps,
This is great! Thank you Tom. I will try it out in a little bit.
Here is another quick test of your Trim Indicator, tgibson has just posted one above so maybe you have his implemented already, I had not seen it when I posted this originally.

Mousewheel and left/right mouse click on the gauge will move the trim (but very slowly, the trim control on my controller makes it move much quicker, you probably have one yourself)

You may have to play with the ELEVATOR TRIM PCT used and/or the delay.

You might also want to improve the bmps, just keep the sizes the same.

Just put WB_Trim into the gauges directory.

I used a popup to test it in P3DV5


gauge01=WB_Trim!Trim,                        0,0,179,322
I just opened up your gauge which is ready to go with the exception that you have 20 degree but the actual gauge is 5 degree - 10 degree up and 5 degree - 10 degree down . Since you went to all this trouble can you modify it for those values please with the x y locations. I was trying to do that on Tom's gauge. I came up with the following values in Paint Shop Pro x y with the 1 pixel paintbrush technique:
10 up is X70 Y50
5 up is X70 Y 88
0 is X70 Y129
5 down is X70 - Y 175
10down is X70 Y208

Axis is X120 Y 140
BMP size is 172, 313

Your values and my values are totally different except for the size of the background bitmap. I read these right off the values in the bottom of PSP. So I STILL don't understand how to do this. Also this is activated by the nose up nose down wheel that is at the bottom of the quadrant not a mouse click on the trim indication gauge. Another fly in the ointment. I don't think that I have found an easy gauge on this entire panel since every one with the exception of the steam gauges has to be custom coded. Thank you both for helping with this, the last one to make for this panel.


  • trim knob.zip
    740 bytes · Views: 91
Last edited:
I don't think I can achieve what you ask.

I have no idea at all what the TrimKnob XML gauge is doing.

It all seems rather confused and complicated to me, nearly a foreign language.

I cannot understand how the Trim Indicator would work using this code.

I did however alter the gauge I supplied to use (A:Elevator Trim Position,degrees) instead of (A:ELEVATOR TRIM PCT, percent), and to work between +_10 degrees.

I have also removed the mouse actions.

Here is the amended code if you wish to try it anyway...

<Gauge Name="Trim" Version="1.0">
   <Image Name="TrimBG.bmp"/>

           <Position X="37" Y="23"/>
        <Image Name="TrimIndic.bmp">
            <Axis X="60" Y="50"/>
         <Value Minimum="-10" Maximum="+10"> (A:Elevator Trim Position,degrees) </Value>
            <Item Value="-10" X="135" Y="238"/>
            <Item Value="0" X="135" Y="150"/>
            <Item Value="+10" X="135" Y="64"/>
            <Delay PixelsPerSecond="30"/>


I don't think I can achieve what you ask.

I have no idea at all what the TrimKnob XML gauge is doing.

It all seems rather confused and complicated to me, nearly a foreign language.

I cannot understand how the Trim Indicator would work using this code.

I did however alter the gauge I supplied to use (A:Elevator Trim Position,degrees) instead of (A:ELEVATOR TRIM PCT, percent), and to work between +_10 degrees.

I have also removed the mouse actions.

Here is the amended code if you wish to try it anyway...

<Gauge Name="Trim" Version="1.0">
   <Image Name="TrimBG.bmp"/>

           <Position X="37" Y="23"/>
        <Image Name="TrimIndic.bmp">
            <Axis X="60" Y="50"/>
         <Value Minimum="-10" Maximum="+10"> (A:Elevator Trim Position,degrees) </Value>
            <Item Value="-10" X="135" Y="238"/>
            <Item Value="0" X="135" Y="150"/>
            <Item Value="+10" X="135" Y="64"/>
            <Delay PixelsPerSecond="30"/>


thank you, I don't know either. I am going to see if just installing this will be activated by the trim knob code. Also one last request, can you please put in the 5 degree values locations up and down and resend?
The code looks like it flip flops bitmaps to make it look like a rotating knob???

It also uses a gvar that I don’t think can be used to control the trim pointer movement . Gvars can’t be crossed over to other gauges.
The code looks like it flip flops bitmaps to make it look like a rotating knob???

It also uses a gvar that I don’t think can be used to control the trim pointer movement . Gvars can’t be crossed over to other gauges.
The code looks like it flip flops bitmaps to make it look like a rotating knob???

It also uses a gvar that I don’t think can be used to control the trim pointer movement . Gvars can’t be crossed over to other gauges.
Yes, I believe that flip flop bmps is how it looks like its rotating. Is there a different variable that could be substituted and accomplish the same thing that could be crossed over to the trim indicator gauge? It would be great if possible.
The gauge doesn't need all of the values set into the Nonlinearity table. It will work once the divisions are evenly spaced.

I notice now that these are not quite evenly spaced.

I put -5 and =5 in and tightened up the other ones.

Here is the altered gauge...

<Gauge Name="Trim" Version="1.0">
   <Image Name="TrimBG.bmp"/>

           <Position X="37" Y="23"/>
        <Image Name="TrimIndic.bmp">
            <Axis X="60" Y="50"/>
         <Value Minimum="-10" Maximum="+10"> (A:Elevator Trim Position,degrees) </Value>
            <Item Value="-10" X="135" Y="234"/>
            <Item Value="-5" X="135" Y="191"/>
            <Item Value="0" X="135" Y="149"/>
            <Item Value="+5" X="135" Y="103"/>
            <Item Value="+10" X="135" Y="62"/>
            <Delay PixelsPerSecond="30"/>


By the way Walter, I figured out how you got the xy coordinates from the right side of the slot. I went to the top of the numbers.
Maybe if you add the code from the click section that was making the needle move from the gauge itself that you had, it may make the trim needle move when you move the knob on the console .
Add the code (look at bottom)

<Cursor Type="DownArrow"/>
<Click Repeat="Yes" MouseWheelFlip="Yes">
0 (&gt;K:ELEV_TRIM_DN)
5 -
0 &lt; if{ 340 } els{ l0 }
(&gt;G:Var1) 1 (&gt;L:Elev1,bool) ! 1 (&gt;L:Elev0,bool) 1[1space] [HERE]
If you would show a pic of the trim wheel or even the TrimKnob1/2/3 bmps, then maybe it would be more obvious what was meant to happen in that Trim Knob gauge. It should move the trim anyway,
On second thought I don’t think that will work as zero is being put into the trim when the knob is rotated.
I’m not 100% though.
I’m not at my pc right now so have no recourse to hand.
Wooooooo Hoooooooo I added the click code of WB Trim back into the gauge with the 5 10 code and when the nose wheel is turned it turns like about 1/2 degree at a time but when it gets to 5 degrees up it indicated 5 degrees up on the trim gauge.
Everything is working perfectly just as I wanted thank you all for the help with this. I am going to darken the background to match the panel a little better with Hue/Saturation Adjustment layer in Photoshop and its good to go.
Wooooooo Hoooooooo I added the click code of WB Trim back into the gauge with the 5 10 code and when the nose wheel is turned it turns like about 1/2 degree at a time but when it gets to 5 degrees up it indicated 5 degrees up on the trim gauge.
Nose wheel?