• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

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P3D v4 PCL options

Sorry for the flurry of Questions, just wondering if it is possible to have two PCL options at the same airport? The reason is I'd like to have the activation of the standard runway lights configuration on a comm channel and the Field Carrier activated by tuning the TACAN/VOR.

Sorry, only one trigger at the moment. Are two triggers common in real life?

Hi Don

In real life they would activate the Field Carrier lights manually before starting a practice session. In this case the airfield Runway lights could be either switched manually or by PCL, I'm trying to get my head around how I can have a user activate the field carrier lights on one end of the runway separately to the other, yet leave the main airfield lights off. IRL they try to make the airfield a dark as possible bar the FC lights.

At the moment I have Runway 30 FC lights on the same set of lights as the airfield lights and Runway 12 as a separate set of effects timed to activate at night. So I can achieve my aim, however only for runway 12. Also in real life they don't leave the FC lights on for normal runway operations at night.

As a side note I have encountered numerous error messages with the latest update, they have no actual effect. would you like me to email details of start a separate thread?

As a side note I have encountered numerous error messages with the latest update, they have no actual effect. would you like me to email details of start a separate thread?
E-mail please.

Hi Don

For info and to keep a record if someone searches for this topic, I have had success getting it to work on multiple PCL triggers after our email exchange. As suggested creating 3 sets of lights for the airfield on different PCL triggers has done the trick. I had to use 3 different ICAO designations KNEN, KNE@ and KNE# obviously the last two are to prevent confusion with actual designations. I now have Runway lights on one frequency and each Field Carrier on a separate frequency. Perfect! exactly what I wanted to achieve.




Thanks for the tool, awesome addition to the airfield, much appreciated
No Don, still no joy with the comm clicks. Tune the comm and lights come on. I'm just excited to get the configuration working :)
I realized after I posted the message that I hadn't yet released the fix. You just sounded so happy ...
