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Problems with water mask

Hello guys,

I am working on my first project at the moment.
However, I am experiencing problems with my water mask.
For some reason, the entire photoscenery is shown as water.

I am trying to use the watermask etc. by the following way;
1st image is for the scenery
2nd image is for the blendmask
3th image is for the watermask

My INF-file:

Type = MultiSource
NumberOfSources = 3

Type = BMP
Layer = Imagery
SourceDir = "."
SourceFile = "EGLC_ps_x15.BMP"
Variation = All
Channel_BlendMask = 2.0
Channel_LandWaterMask = 3.0
ulyMap = 51.5100245354004
ulxMap = .0329589843749971
xDim = 2.68220901489353E-06
yDim = 1.66951933283896E-06

Type = BMP
Layer = None
SourceDir = "."
SourceFile = "EGLC_ps_x15_blend.BMP"
SamplingMethod = Gaussian
ulyMap = 51.5100245354004
ulxMap = .0329589843749971
xDim = 2.68220901489353E-06
yDim = 1.66951933283896E-06

Type = BMP
Layer = None
SourceDir = "."
SourceFile = "EGLC_ps_x15_water.BMP"
SamplingMethod = Gaussian
ulyMap = 51.5100245354004
ulxMap = .0329589843749971
xDim = 2.68220901489353E-06
yDim = 1.66951933283896E-06

DestDir = "."
DestBaseFileName = "EGLC_ps_x15"
DestFileType = BGL
LOD = Auto
UseSourceDimensions = 1
CompressionQuality = 85

I think the problem is within the information of source 3. I think something should be added to let resample.exe know that source 3 is the watermask, but I really don't know what, except for the "Channel_LandWaterMask = 3.0" that I've added to source 1.

Is there anyone who can tell me how to fix it?



Xtreme Dev.
Hi Dave,

See the attachments for a picture from the flight sim.


  • problem.png
    517.8 KB · Views: 398
Oh yeah ofcourse, see the attachment.

The watermask is placed at the Alfa 1 channel of the default Background (Adobe Photoshop)


  • watermask.png
    32.9 KB · Views: 391
The black part looks kind of facility shaped to me.
So the black part is meant to be the water?
and yousaid it is the alpha channel of the photoreal image or is it a seperate one?
Btw resample would get the image's alpha channel as the water mask if you don't state anything else.
I have changed it back to the alpha of the photoreal one and I've also changed this in the INF file, but still with no result

New INF:

Type = MultiSource
NumberOfSources = 2

Type = BMP
Layer = Imagery
SourceDir = "."
SourceFile = "EGLC_ps_x15.BMP"
Variation = All
Channel_BlendMask = 2.0
ulyMap = 51.5100245354004
ulxMap = .0329589843749971
xDim = 2.68220901489353E-06
yDim = 1.66951933283896E-06

Type = BMP
Layer = None
SourceDir = "."
SourceFile = "EGLC_ps_x15_blend.BMP"
SamplingMethod = Gaussian
ulyMap = 51.5100245354004
ulxMap = .0329589843749971
xDim = 2.68220901489353E-06
yDim = 1.66951933283896E-06

DestDir = "."
DestBaseFileName = "EGLC_ps_x15"
DestFileType = BGL
LOD = Auto
UseSourceDimensions = 1
CompressionQuality = 85
The LandWaterMask simply applies water characteristics to the photoreal... meaning bobbing, watery-acting aircraft, waves. If you are replacing the photoreal water with FSX default water, that is done by the blendmask, allowing underlying FSX water to be revealed. Your first INF looked right. Giving a full example with sources and INF attached to a post in a zip file will lead to the problem's solution.