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MSFS20 rotating beacon light tower

I added the stock rotating beacon tower but it doesn't light up nor rotate. I have no graphics experience. Can someone tell me how to get it working?
I added the stock rotating beacon tower but it doesn't light up nor rotate. I have no graphics experience. Can someone tell me how to get it working?

You mean the one that can be added with ADE 2020? If so I do not think the sim recognizes them and I need to remove the option to add them. I think you might need a sim object but I am guessing
You mean the one that can be added with ADE 2020? If so I do not think the sim recognizes them and I need to remove the option to add them. I think you might need a sim object but I am guessing
Well I tried what you said and looked in the sim objects and I didn't seem to find anything unless I don't know what I am looking at. I might just have to use the one I have without any lights for now until I can do better.
The ability to add rotating beacon lights as was a feature of ADE for FSX is on my list of desired features for ADE 20.
I’m not in front of MSFS at the moment but the rotating beacon which is a standard FS-Base object lights up at night if you activate the beacon/civilian in the objects’ properties
I can’t remember if it illuminates without-I’ll check it out when I can but I use the tower in a few of my airports because it is reasonably representative of a default tower - so see for yourself
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the rotating beacon which is a standard FS-Base object lights up at night if you activate the beacon/civilian in the objects’ properties
I assume this refers to what can be done in developer mode, not using ADE. My observation of airport rotating beacons in MSFS is that they incorrectly light up all the time rather than just at night or during daytime instrument conditions. Of course runway lights are on during the day also.
If I understand correctly, what You would need to do is you create a blender or 3DS Max object consisting of a spot with it's light directing into a direction and give it a rotation animation of 359° and loop this out of daylight times? That should be possible, yes. Here in fsdeveloper a couple of people found out how to open and close hangars, as well as initiating animations in the dark hours. The only thing that I haven't tried is if it is possible to have just a light beam turning within the animation. But I'll give it a try if you confirm that I understand what you need correctly. Best regards Guido
That would be good but the problem is I am not a graphics guy. unless someone showed me just how to do that I would be totally lost.
I'll give it a try if you confirm that I understand what you need correctly.
Yeah, we are in need of a light object that can be added to beacon towers or on top of control towers. I can make stationary objects, but animation and day/night switches are beyond me in MSFS.
It's a library object.

Ok, if this object works with rotating beacon would solve all problems I assume...so I don't do anything until further notice...Guido
It is just like the other one I used. It does not have a rotating light either. Here is what I ended up doing. I don't like it, but it has a light well it looks like it. I used a 60000 watt rotating light.


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IMHO, we "should" have had a rotating (not 'flashing') civilian airport beacon 3D model available in MSFS-2020 on day one. :banghead:

A review of this topic, including prior beacons FS provided- as well as what may be required to make new MSFS beacons- is here:


Even if I wanted to substitute a 'flashing' beacon, (actually, I don't ;)), in MSFS, I see a White- not Green- light (only Green reflections).

But, I do have a report from (1) MSFS-2020 user so far, that they do see both a White- and Green- light on the above beacon. o_O

UPDATE: On my AMD video card, in MSFS-2020, I must enable "BLOOM" via Options > General > Bloom: ON ...to see a Green colored beacon flash.

However, I also have reports that MSFS-2020 users may show differing airport control tower 3D models at the same airport. :scratchch

I have confirmed this with multiple MSFS-2020 users; it seems unrelated to add-ons, hardware, video driver or OS update version.

Why would MS / Asobo distribute 'different' content to end users, if MSFS-2020 base installs "should" all be identical ? :stirthepo

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@GuidoH I sure hope you can pull this off. I've used the library object referenced above and it is just a model. No lighting.

I've seen beacons at stock airports but as noted by GaryGB they only blink white. Not white/green flashes as IRL. It would be nice to have a military version with the split white beam too.
The default RotatingBeacon Tower needs to have the beacon added to it's attachpoint:

<!--SceneryObject name: RotatingBeacon_Tower-->
<SceneryObject lat="42.63101476500000" lon="-88.60109269900001" alt="0.00000000000000" pitch="0.000000" bank="0.000000" heading="0.000000" imageComplexity="NORMAL" altitudeIsAgl="TRUE" snapToGround="FALSE" snapToNormal="FALSE">
<LibraryObject name="{A04B772A-6BBF-4103-B263-D479BCCE71F5}" scale="1.000000"/>
<AttachedObject attachpointName="attachpt_beacon" instanceId="{5359F5E1-E1F1-46D3-A038-8766D5557134}" pitch="0.000000" bank="0.000000" heading="0.000000">
<Beacon type="MILITARY" baseType="HELIPORT"/>

Easily done in the DevMode... I don't think it can be done in the ADE. And it might not show in the DevMode, but compiled and placed into the Community, it shows. MILITARY HELIPORT in this case.

I was looking at this for a couple of days. For blender, here's what I find. When you create your models, they should have an empty node as the root (naming it Root is OK). then add your mesh, then make it a child of the Root. Then add an empty node for the attachpoint and make that a child of the root. Name it whatever you want, (when using 'has beacon' in DevMode, use this attachpoint name (I used once 'sylvester' and it was fine). There is a special thing about attachpoints. They need to be outside the mesh, or the beacon won't show (0.01 meters out is fine). I tried an invisible material for the mesh, but that doesn't work. It needs to be outside.

I made a model with an invisible material and attachpoint node, children of the root empty node. If you look at the gltf file in a text viewer, you can see the attachpoint is named 'beacon_attachpoint'. You can place it anywhere to show a beacon... but you still need to use 'has beacon' in the devmode... Any placed object can have a default beacon placed adjacent to it using this. This is a standard glTF, not an MSFS glTF, though it could be such.


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Here's an XML that shows how to place the BeaconAttacher if you are comfortable with editing files outside of the DevMode:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<FSData version="9.0">

    <!--SceneryObject name: BeaconAttacher (Beacon)-->
    <SceneryObject lat="42.63082535673015" lon="-88.60048732989772" alt="0.00000000000000" pitch="0.000000" bank="0.000000" heading="0.000000" imageComplexity="VERY_SPARSE" altitudeIsAgl="TRUE" snapToGround="FALSE" snapToNormal="FALSE">
        <LibraryObject name="{FBE271A3-E8B9-40DC-AADF-FCC410DB9C93}" scale="1.000000"/>
        <AttachedObject attachpointName="beacon_attachpoint" instanceId="{85B15155-4A60-4F36-929B-C4D1373D2060}" pitch="0.000000" bank="0.000000" heading="0.000000">
            <Beacon type="CIVILIAN" baseType="AIRPORT"/>

    <Airport state="Wisconsin" city="Delavan" name="Lake Lawn" ident="C59" lat="42.63412501662970" lon="-88.60113054513930" alt="296.56999999999999" magvar="2.000000" airportTestRadius="5000.00000000000000" applyFlatten="FALSE" isOnTIN="FALSE">
        <TaxiName index="0" name=""/>

Here's an XML that shows how to place the BeaconAttacher if you are comfortable with editing files outside of the DevMode:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<FSData version="9.0">

    <!--SceneryObject name: BeaconAttacher (Beacon)-->
    <SceneryObject lat="42.63082535673015" lon="-88.60048732989772" alt="0.00000000000000" pitch="0.000000" bank="0.000000" heading="0.000000" imageComplexity="VERY_SPARSE" altitudeIsAgl="TRUE" snapToGround="FALSE" snapToNormal="FALSE">
        <LibraryObject name="{FBE271A3-E8B9-40DC-AADF-FCC410DB9C93}" scale="1.000000"/>
        <AttachedObject attachpointName="beacon_attachpoint" instanceId="{85B15155-4A60-4F36-929B-C4D1373D2060}" pitch="0.000000" bank="0.000000" heading="0.000000">
            <Beacon type="CIVILIAN" baseType="AIRPORT"/>

    <Airport state="Wisconsin" city="Delavan" name="Lake Lawn" ident="C59" lat="42.63412501662970" lon="-88.60113054513930" alt="296.56999999999999" magvar="2.000000" airportTestRadius="5000.00000000000000" applyFlatten="FALSE" isOnTIN="FALSE">
        <TaxiName index="0" name=""/>


Many thanks, Dick, for this promising "worked example" of a 'legacy' rotating civilian airport beacon placed at C59. :wizard:

I'm going through my XML placement templates from existing FSX projects trying to update understanding of MSFS XML syntax differences.

I have an initial question as I try to better understand how to use this method to place the 'legacy' rotating civilian airport beacon in MSFS.

I see that as an experienced programmer, you personally are comfortable using the "wide" display format for XML code.

As a novice coder, while I attempt to maintain a more readily comprehensible XML Element structure for purposes of learning / retention, if I instead:

1.) Copy and Paste your above "worked example" XML code into NotePad++


2.) In NotePad++:

a.) Activate XML Tools plugin


b.) Apply XML Tools' > Pretty Print - Indent Attributes

c.) Edit XML Element format for cascaded / indented XML sub-Elements to allow easier visualization

...I get this cascaded / indented XML display format of your "worked example" code above:


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<FSData version="9.0">
    <!--SceneryObject name: BeaconAttacher (Beacon)-->
        <LibraryObject name="{FBE271A3-E8B9-40DC-AADF-FCC410DB9C93}"
            <Beacon type="CIVILIAN"
    <Airport state="Wisconsin"
             name="Lake Lawn"
        <TaxiName index="0"

If this code structure is compatible with MSFS' SDK equivalent of FSX BGLComp.XSD that specifies XML code syntax, what compiler do we use ?

IIUC, FSX / P3D BGLComp no longer works for placement of scenery objects in MSFS, so IIUC, we must use the MSFS SDK compiler ? :oops:

If I edit only the location in a copy of your example code above, what batch file- and/or PowerShell- code would compile it for MSFS ? :scratchch


What I am also getting at here is, do we not have the option to make a placement BGL without having all other source code for a project site ?

Is it possible to make a placement BGL for FS' legacy rotating civilian airport beacon at ex: C59 by compiling (only) the above XML code ?

Do we always have to compile source code for a simple object placement BGL within the context of an entire scenery project folder structure ?

Can we no longer just compile an addon placement BGL for a civilian airport beacon consisting of (only) default MSFS objects at ex: C59 ...that works without compiling an entire project ?

I really hope the 'pervasive menace' of AXOS (Addon XML On Steroids that L-M started) can be tamed by MS / Asobo ...eventually. :banghead:


Thanks in advance for your extra help with what we may do, in lieu of- / until- ADE implementation of placement for legacy (rotating) airport beacons. :teacher:

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Here's an XML that shows how to place the BeaconAttacher if you are comfortable with editing files outside of the DevMode:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<FSData version="9.0">

    <!--SceneryObject name: BeaconAttacher (Beacon)-->
    <SceneryObject lat="42.63082535673015" lon="-88.60048732989772" alt="0.00000000000000" pitch="0.000000" bank="0.000000" heading="0.000000" imageComplexity="VERY_SPARSE" altitudeIsAgl="TRUE" snapToGround="FALSE" snapToNormal="FALSE">
        <LibraryObject name="{FBE271A3-E8B9-40DC-AADF-FCC410DB9C93}" scale="1.000000"/>
        <AttachedObject attachpointName="beacon_attachpoint" instanceId="{85B15155-4A60-4F36-929B-C4D1373D2060}" pitch="0.000000" bank="0.000000" heading="0.000000">
            <Beacon type="CIVILIAN" baseType="AIRPORT"/>

    <Airport state="Wisconsin" city="Delavan" name="Lake Lawn" ident="C59" lat="42.63412501662970" lon="-88.60113054513930" alt="296.56999999999999" magvar="2.000000" airportTestRadius="5000.00000000000000" applyFlatten="FALSE" isOnTIN="FALSE">
        <TaxiName index="0" name=""/>

I made a xml file and copied your code into it. I don't know how to use it, name it and where to put it. Can you help with that?