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Using default landclass for autogen types... bad idea?

I was wondering if it would be possible -- or advisable -- to tell ScenProc to load P3D's landclass BGL and assign the varying types of autogen depending on the region you fly through. I have used the same blend of trees throughout my California sceneries and it just doesn't look convincing. However the default scenery (in v5 at least) looks pretty decent, scrubby vegetation in the desert and lush forests on the opposite side of the mountain. Perhaps there is a way to accomplish this without going overboard on creating classes from scratch. But maybe there isn't a file listing what GUIDs the sim uses for each landclass.

Any thoughts?
Hi Chris,

If you want to have different types of vegetation in different areas you would have to assign a different GUID there.

Does the vector data you use differentiate between scrubs and forest or does it just have one attribute for vegetation? In the first case you would be able to assign the GUID based on that. In the second case you would need to use your other data to classify the vegetation type further. Using the landclass data for the sim could be a good idea there, but scenProc can not read landclass BGL files at the moment. If you are able to save them as raster image you could load them into scenProc though.
Hello Arno,

I was pretty sure that if ScenProc couldn't interpret the source data it could read some format of the default landclass data. What I was less sure about was whether I could find and use the vegetation "set" of GUIDs that Lockheed Martin used for their stock autogen vegetation.

Currently I just use USGS woodland shapefiles to build my veg rectangles, which are filled by the same set of GUIDs I've always used. I'd like a little variation based on region and landclass without having to create them all myself. If that's even possible.

Best regards,

I don't think the mapping of GUIDs to specific landclass is documented somewhere, so you would have to make your own mapping anyway. Just define which of the default autogen vegetation classes you want to use in which area.

And then you need some data that defines the different areas. It could be as simple as you draw some polygons yourself and then test if the vegetation is within that area to set a certain GUID.