• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

P3D v4 3D Lights (Download)

Christian Bahr

Resource contributor
Hello developer!

Here are 3-D lights for Prepar3D v4: This link has been removed because it is outdated.
There is a newer version of the P3Dv4 3-D lights, located here in the "Rescource" section: 3-D Lights - For Prepar3Dv4

This 3-D lights library includes various 3-D lights. There are lights that are visible only from one side, while other lights are visible from both sides as well as from above. And there are lights that indicate on the one side a different color than on the opposite side.

These lights are MDL files that can be attached to your 3-D model. (Taxilight model, Centerlight model, etc.) The ModelconverterX from Arno Gerretsen is a good tool for this.

Variation of lights
beacon light / for rotation beacon lights
blue light / for Taxi lights
centerlight / for Centerline lights
green light / for runway end lights
red light / for Obstacle lights
red/green light / for replaced threshold lights
white light / for runway edge lights
white/red / for replaced treshold lights

In the zip-archive, all source files are included as max files. Example light files are also included, they are placed on the runway in KHAF Half Moon Bay.
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Hi Christian:

Many thanks for freely sharing your comprehensive package of 'worked examples' with the FS development community. :D

I believe that the files you included above, may prove very helpful to the learning process for development of these types of scenery objects for use in FSX, as well as more specifically illustrating the process used to achieve compatibility for proper display in P3Dv4.

I also believable that you set a good example by including the important caveat to change the GUIDs before using them. ;)

IMHO, while there are additional reasons why FS developers should NOT 'package' or 'embed' MDLs in more than (1) scenery object library BGL using a duplicate GUID, your cautionary statement provides a helpful example for the reason why one should also refrain from 'placing' any object from a scenery library which has a GUID that is a duplicate of the GUID used for another scenery object within a 'scenery library' BGL located in sub-folder chain mapped to a 'Area' layer that is set "active" ...anywhere in the MSFS / P3D Scenery Library GUI stack of layers. :pushpin:

Thanks for that extra contribution to the learning process for those who, rather than keeping things "simple", are willing to do what is, IMHO, "required by responsible FS development practices" ...in order to avoid bringing chaos into the FS world for other FS developers and end users. :)

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Thank you very much for your kind words.

I liked doing that. I've got myself a lot of help here from the forum. It was time to give something back :)
Thanks for that extra contribution to the learning process for those who, rather than keeping things "simple", are willing to what is, IMHO, "required by responsible FS development practices" ...in order to avoid bringing chaos into the FS world for other FS developers and end users. :)
Gary, be as complex as you possibly can be to your hearts content. Please consider my suggestion to refrain from attempting to personalize your posts by directing them at comments made by other posters. To do so is off topic, does not serve to educate the community and looks pretty darn petty, to say the least. Demonstrate the type of responsible development very generously offered by Christian - that you very much, Christian - and we'll love you too. Understand that when you use the opportunity of his post to make a personally directed statement, you actions are scrutinized. So far I think it is funny and preposterous, so no offense taken, but you might want to seem less preposterous, lest you become marginalized to all but the most superficial of conversations, in a similar way to what has already happened in the ADE threads.
Don't want to keep it simple? That's cool, try to keep it civil, however.
Hello developer!

Here are 3-D lights for Prepar3D v4: This link has been removed because it is outdated.
There is a newer version of the P3Dv4 3-D lights, located here in the "Rescource" section: 3-D Lights - For Prepar3Dv4

This 3-D lights library includes various 3-D lights. There are lights that are visible only from one side, while other lights are visible from both sides as well as from above. And there are lights that indicate on the one side a different color than on the opposite side.

These lights are MDL files that can be attached to your 3-D model. (Taxilight model, Centerlight model, etc.) The ModelconverterX from Arno Gerretsen is a good tool for this.

Variation of lights
beacon light / for rotation beacon lights
blue light / for Taxi lights
centerlight / for Centerline lights
green light / for runway end lights
red light / for Obstacle lights
red/green light / for replaced threshold lights
white light / for runway edge lights
white/red / for replaced treshold lights

In the zip-archive, all source files are included as max files. Example light files are also included, they are placed on the runway in KHAF Half Moon Bay.

Hello Crhistian!! thanks a lot for everything you share! i am trying to do a section in my GSX Level 2 forum page, that has tons of followers, and wanted to start a section of dynamic lights configurations. For this the only thing i need is a decent library of light poles (mdls) to use with Model Converter, adding effects and so forth.. i had one and lost a very important chunk of files that by terrible mistake were not in the cloud. Now is impossible to find the links where i once found them. Can you help me with this?
thanks a lot!
Cartayna files.
Hello Javier .

I am happy to make a few of my developments available to the other developers here in the forum and hope that new developments spring from them. Unfortunately, I can not do much more right now. Do you have a link to your "GSX Level "forum page" that I can take a picture of, please?
So I can not offer a link, unfortunately, do not know what light poles it is. But if the requirements for the light poles are not very high and the effort to create such light poles is reasonable, then I can try to create some light poles. Should not be so difficult. Do you have some pictures showing the light poles, how they should look like and how many light poles are needed? The answer from you gladly by PM.
you are awesome Christian! will do, and send you ASAP the pics as so you can asses the posibility!
all the best and really thanks again!
