• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

MSFS20 Global AI Ship Traffic FSX, P3D and MSFS2020

Three years after the start of this project the complete package is now available on www.avsim.com, www.flightsim.com, www.flightsimnorway.com, and www.simviation.com

The new package "Global AI Ship Traffic V1" includes all files and corrections published in the project previous to April 2016. In total more than 600 ships and AI routes covering almost all coastal areas of the globe.


Screenshot from Rio de Janeiro with Global AI Ship Traffic and Paulo Ricardo's Rio de Janeiro scenery

The new package is compatible with FSX and P3D at least until P3Dv3.2. Some files will display better in one than the other sim, but all files can be used in both.

You can find the download here: http://library.avsim...php?DLID=194715


Americas Cup boat near Flytampa Dubai

If you have the ships installed already, but you are unsure if you have all corrections etc, you can easily update using this new package. Only small thing - please remove the folder "AI_Hyundai_Container" from your old installation before pasting the new files. The rest of the files can just be over written.

The package contains models, textures, and effects by Henrik Nielsen, Jean-Pierre Fillion, Erwin Welker, Knud Kristoffersen, Milton Shupe, Manfred Siedler, Bernardo Barroso, Paul Donnelly, Finn Kristoffer, Didier Puentes, Andrew Thomsen, Antonio Diaz, Sebastien Viale, Alberto Garcia, and Robystar.

I would like to thank all for their contributions - and Arno for his useful Tools :)


Emma Maersk with Flytampa Kai Tak and Dragoneye Hong Kong installed


Oriana in Aerosoft Venice
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Thank you, Henrik! You have really brought a new aspect to the flight simulator with the work you have done over the last years.
DeLuxe addon, besides a great developer you are a good guy giving us some aknowledge by the poor contribution:D, though we are the first admirer of your work that is true. I hope your projects don't stop here.
Ehorabuena y saludos. ya te digo que siempre me gusto la idea de implementar los traficos sobre todo regionales para los escenarios.
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Buenos dias
Todos las contribuciones son importantes; sin el ayuda, apoyo y contribuciones grandes como pequeños de tanta gente seguramente habia dejado el proyecto hace mucho :)

And for those not speaking Spanish...
All contributions to this project are important; without the help, support, and contributions - large as small - from so many people I would probably have stopped the project long ago.

Part of what makes it fun to develop is exactly the interaction with so many creative people from around the world.
Very well done Henrik, Lovely work! I'm definitely gonna love this when flying over the ports of Rotterdam and Hamburg! Downloading it as soon as I get the chance.
Very well done Henrik, Lovely work! I'm definitely gonna love this when flying over the ports of Rotterdam and Hamburg! Downloading it as soon as I get the chance.
I hope it will be in the A350 :)
Hi, I don't see you ships :/ can you help?
my Boat traffic is 50% :/

First you can reduce to 5 %... Else you will also get all the ugly default ships once it works... Next, you need to make sure eventual FS9 traffic bgl files like WOAI or MAIW are converted to FSX format. Do it with AIFP - it is just a few clicks to do it with all files. To check it works go to Rio de Janeiro; you will always have ships moving in out of the Guanabara Bay in Rio.
I hope it will be in the A350 :)

Some A350s are supposed to be build at the Airbus Finkenwerder factory in Hamburg, which lays right next to the river leading to Hamburg's main harbor. I guess you could see some nice ships on a delivery flight ;)
Some A350s are supposed to be build at the Airbus Finkenwerder factory in Hamburg, which lays right next to the river leading to Hamburg's main harbor. I guess you could see some nice ships on a delivery flight ;)

I have to admit that actually the traffic doesn't go all the way into Hamburg...:oops: ... Living just a few hundred kilometers from Hamburg and Hamburg being a major harbour, I guess I have to feel a bit guilty... Anyway, Manfred Siedler has published routes for Hamburg using my ships and he has added some additional local and very nice models for Hamburg - and not least he has taken the time to test so the ships actually docks decently in the harbour. You can find his routes and ships here: www.simdocks.de
I guess I have to feel a bit guilty...

Mah you shouldn't, you did an amazing job making this package! Hamburg is just one small part I can do without ;) There are tons of other instances in which you can definitely see the traffic, approach to Boston for instance or to Hong Kong.
Tested it and it's awsome! I check out Rio (screenshot like you requested I guess or atleast my interprestqation of it) and the dutch harbour area "Maasvlakte 2" also known as "nieuwe Maasvlakte". Microsoft really turned their back on that area (ground looks arwfull) but the ships are great!
Would it be possible to get specific ships dock at specific possitions in the harbour? (I think I remember the layout)

-wrong screenshot, will remake it tomorrow-
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a very nice addon, makes it whole lot more fun flying in and out of major port cities.

as promissed:


Thank you (and those who contributed) for all your hard work and perseverance in assembling this excellent FS addon. Spending most of my flying time in naval aircraft, bringing the blue expanse to life greatly enhances the enjoyability.